- Project Review presentation: "A Cohesive Chain of Pragmatic Formal Software Methods" given with Y. Chen, W. Xu, and V. Sawma at CITO Software Technology Research Review, Carleton University, January 29, 2002.
- Tutorial entitled “Testing of communication protocols and software” given with K. El-Faqi and A. Williams at ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA) June 27, 2001, Lebanon.
- Tutorial entitled " " given with N. Mansurov and I. Sales at 10th SDL Forum, June 2001, Copenhagen.
- Invited public lecture "On the soul of a computer scientist", American University of Sharja, February 19, 2001.
- Invited seminar "Research in Software Engineering Formal Methods", American University of Sharja, February 24, 2001.
- Invited seminar at Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland, "Risk-Directed Testing of E-Commerce Systems", November 27, 2000.
- Invited seminar at Fondazione Ugo Bordoni University, Rome, Italy, "E-Commerce Testing", November 20, 2000.
- Invited seminar at Universita Degli Studi Di Roma TorVergata,Rome, Italy, "E-commerce Quality Engineering and Software Testing", November 17, 2000.
- Tutorial entitled "Electronic Commerce Testing" given with R. Dssouli, K. Saleh, F. Khendek at TestCom 2000, August 29-September 2, 2000, Ottawa.
- Conference Co-chair, Program Co-chair, TestCom 2000 (13th Annual IFIP Conference on Testing Communicating Systems), August 29-Sept. 2, 2000, Ottawa.
- Invited to give a one day Industrial Technology Workshop, “New IT Methods and Tools”, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, England, August, 1999.
- Tutorial Chair at CASCON'99 "E-Quality: Pragmatic Software Quality Engineering for E-Commerce Applications", IBM, Toronto, November 1999.
- Tutorial entitled "Improving TIME TO MARKET using SDL tools and techniques" 9th SDL Forum, Montreal, June 1999, R.L. Probert and N. Mansurov.
- Tutorial entitled "Testing e-commerce: the challenge for 2000", Tutorial chair and co-presenter with Dr. K. Saleh, and A. Abi-Aad, 2nd International Symposium on E-Commerce, Beijing, China, May, 1999.
- Tutorial Chair at CASCON'98 "High-Yield, Iterative, Use-Case Based SQE", IBM, Toronto November, 1998.
- Invited presentation "Industrial-Strength Applications of Industrial-Strength Software Engineering Tools" at Testing Workshop hosted by Université de Montréal, October 1998.
- Invited presentation "High-Yield Software Quality Engineering" Workshop for IBM employees at IBM Toronto Lab, March 1998.
- Invited presentation "A SQE Framework Based on TTCN/MSC Notations", ObjecTime Workshop on Research in Real-Time Object-Oriented Modeling, January 13-14, 1998, Kanata
- Invited keynote presentation "High-Yield Testing: A New Attitude" at XI Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, Brazil, October 1997.