ACM Q2SWinet 2005
1st ACM International Workshop on QoS and Security for Wireless and
Mobile Networks
October 13th, 2005
Montreal, Canada
October 10-13, 2005
To be held in conjunction
with The 8th Annual ACM Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) October 10-13, 2005.
The First ACM International Workshop on QoS and Security of
Wireless and Mobile Networks,
will be a one-day workshop, held in conjunction with
8th Annual ACM Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM)
The workshop will
bring together networking researchers, engineers, and practitioners
with participants from industry, academia, and government.
The workshop will be a full-day event on October 13th, 2005.
Topics of
In Recent years, wireless and mobile communication systems have become
increasingly popular as an inexpensive and promising means for ubiquitous
communications. However, without creating a new set of issues and trade-offs.
QoS and Security management of wireless and mobile communication
systems are becoming a very crutial phase for future generation of
wireless and mobile networks.
This workshop focus
upon the study of all aspects of QoS and Security,
for wireless and mobile
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Wireless and mobile network security
(WLAN, PCS, Ad hoc and Sensor Networks,
Wireless Mesh, etc. )
QoS for wireless networks,
Intrusion detection in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
Privacy and authentication
QoS for wireless multimedia systems, VoIP QoS
Quality of control of wireless networks
Power and energy management
Wireless video surveillance networks
QoS in the Wireless Internet
QoS and Routing
QoS Metrics
QoS of Wireless Network Services
Wireless Network Survivability
QoS and Reliability
Image Quality in Wireless Video-Surveillance Networks
QoS provisioning in wireless multmedia systems.
Wireless and mobile systems and applications
Performance Modeling and Simulation Techniques
High-quality original papers are solicited. Papers must be
unpublished and must not be submitted for publication
Only Postscript and PDF formats are accepted.
Accepted papers will appear in the ACM Q2SWinet conference proceedings.
Program Co-Chairs :
K. El-Khatib, (National Research Council of Canada)
E. Elmallah (University of Alberta, Canada)
H. Hassanein (Queens University, Canada)
Y. Hu (Anhui University, P. R.. China)
Antonio Loureiro, (UFMG, Brasil)
A. Mellouk (University of Paris XII, France)
G. Min (Univ. of Bradford, UK)
M. Notare (Barddal Univ., Brasil)
Tingxue Huang, (University of Ottawa, Canada)
A. Zomaya (Univ. of Sydney, Australia)