Photograph of Timothy C. Lethbridge; click to access his web site. Photograph of Robert Laganière; click to 
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Cover of the book Object Oriented Software Engineering: Practical 
Software Development Using UML and Java by Lethbridge and Laganiére. 
Click for a larger version. Object-Oriented Software Engineering:
Practical Software Development using UML and Java
Second Edition
Timothy C. Lethbridge and Robert Laganière
McGraw Hill, 2001
ISBN 0-07-710908-2 (in the UK, Canada and most of the world)
ISBN 0-07-709761-0 (first edition - now superceded)
ISBN 0-07-283495-1 (first edition in the USA)

A textbook for people who know the basics of object-oriented programming and want to learn the basic principles of software engineering, including how to develop large systems using UML. Covers requirements, modelling, patterns, design, architecture, testing and basic project management. Focuses on concepts such as reuse, quality, iterative development, and risk management. Includes many exercises, including projects based on a client-server framework. Presents UML class diagrams and state diagrams in depth. Implemented examples are in Java.

In the US, the book is primarily available as an E-Book. Instructors can go to McGraw Hill's Create Online site to order books for your students. Simply search for Lethbridge and Laganiere, then select all chapters, and you will be able to custom-print the book.

If you would like further information email us.

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