First IEEE International Workshop on
Performance and Management of
Wireless and Mobile Networks
Tuesday, November 15th, 2005
Sydney, Australia
To be held in conjunction
with The 30th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
(LCN 2005) November 15-17, 2005.
The First International Workshop on Performance
and Management of Wireless and Mobile Networks,
will be a one-day workshop, held in conjunction with
the IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). The workshop will
bring together networking researchers, engineers, and practitioners
with participants from industry, academia, and government.
The workshop will be a full-day event on Tuesday November 15th.
(Please also visit http://www.ieeelcn.org)
Topics of
In Recent years, wireless and mobile communication systems have become
increasingly popular as an inexpensive and promising means for ubiquitous
communications. However, without creating a new set of issues and trade-offs.
The performance and ressource management of wireless and mobile communication
systems are becoming a very crutial phase for future generation of
wireless and mobile networks.
This workshop focus
upon the design, performance and ressource management of wireless and mobile
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Performance and management of mesh and bluetooth networks
Performance and
resource management of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
Performance and management of wireles multimedia systems
Ressource allocation
Power and energy management
Wireless network design and management
Measurement, analysis, modeling, and generation.
Traffic measurement (wireless TCP, etc..).
Billing and wireless web services
(3G/4G wireless billing systems, GPRS billing, etc..)
Web-Based wireless managment
Wireless security management
Wireless Network planning
Wireless Intelligent Networks
Performance and Management of Broadband Wireless Management
management and monitoring of wireless and mobile systems
High-quality original papers are solicited. Papers must be
unpublished and must not be submitted for publication
elsewhere. All papers will be reviewed by Technical Program
Committee members and other experts active in the field to
ensure high quality and relevance to the conference. Paper
length should not exceed 20 pages. Only Postscript and PDF
formats are accepted.
E-Submission: All papers must be submitted electronically via
EDAS system.
Accepted papers will appear in the IEEE LCN conference proceedings.
Important dates
Submission Deadline: |
July 10th, 2005
Notification of Acceptance: |
August 15th, 2005
Camera Ready version due: |
August 25th, 2005
Speaker Author Registration deadline: |
August 19th, 2005
Workshop presentation
in Sydney
November 15, 2005
General Chair:
Prof. Albert Zomaya
CISCO Systems Chair Professor of Internetworking
School of Information Technologies
Madsen Building, G06
The University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW 2006
Program Co-Chairs :
Regina Aurajo, Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil
Michel Barbeau, Carleton University, Canada
Mahbub Hassan, University of New South Wales, Australia
Tingxue Huang, University of Ottawa, Canada
Antonio Loureiro, UFMG, Brazil
Bjorn Landfeldt, Sydney University, Australia
M. Ould-Khaoua, University of Glasgow, UK
V. Lakshmi Narasimhan, University of Newcastle, Australia
Asis Nasipuri, University fo North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Sotiris Nikoletseas, University of Patras and CTI, Greece
Selvakennedy Selvadurai, Sydney University, Australia
Mineo Takai, University of California at Los Angeles, USA,
Jelena Misic, University of Manitoba, Canada,
Mirela Sechi Moretti Annoni Notare, Barddal
University, Brazil
Vikram Srinivasan, University of Singapore
Franco Zambonelli,Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy