| Di Ciccio, C., Fdhila, W., Agostini, S., Amyot, D. et al. (Eds) BPM 2024 Blockchain, RPA, CEE, Educators and Industry Forum proceedings, LNBIP 527, September 1-6, Krakow, Poland, 2024 |
 | Liu, L., Yu, E., Levy, M., Amyot, D. (Eds) 2023 IEEE Fourth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging, and Health (REWBAH), Hannover, Germany. IEEE CS, September 5, 2023. [Web site] |
 | Liu, L., Levy, M., Yu, E., Amyot, D. (Eds) 2022 IEEE Third International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging, and Health (REWBAH), Virtual, Australia. IEEE CS, August 16, 2022. [Web site] |
 | Yu, E., Liu, L., Levy, M., Amyot, D. (Eds) 2021 IEEE Second International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging, and Health (REWBAH), Virtual, USA. IEEE CS, September 20, 2021. [Web site] |
 | Amyot, D., Levy, M., Liu, L., and Yu, E. (Eds) 2020 IEEE First International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging, and Health (REWBAH), Zurich, Switzerland. IEEE CS, August 31, 2020. [Web site] |
Maalej, W., Amyot, D., Ruhe, G. (Eds) 2018 IEEE 26th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), Banff, Canada, August 20-24, 2018. IEEE CS, 2018. [Web site] |
Zowghi, D., Gervasi, V., Amyot, D. (Eds) 2015 IEEE 23rd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), Ottawa, Canada, August 24-28, 2015. IEEE CS, 2015. [Web site] |
Amyot, D., Ghanavati, S., Massey, A., and Tsai, W.-T. (Eds) 2016 IEEE 9th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW), Bejing, China. IEEE CS, September 13, 2016. [Web site] |
Amyot, D., Fonseca i Casas, P., Mussbacher, G. (Eds) System Analysis and Modeling: Models and Reusability. 8th International Conference, SAM 2014, Valencia, Spain, September 29-30, 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8769, Springer, 2014. [Web site] |
Perini, A., Amyot, D., Antón, A., Breaux, T.D., Massey, A., and Siena, A. (Eds) 2014 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW), Karlskrona, Sweden. IEEE CS, August 26, 2014. [Web site] |
Amyot, D., Antón, A., Breaux, T., Massey, A., and Swire, P. (Eds) 2013 Sixth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. IEEE CS, July 16, 2013. [Web site] |
Amyot, D., Antón, A., Breaux, T., and Chumney, W. (Eds) 2012 Fifth IEEE International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW), Chicago, Illinois, USA. IEEE CS, September 25, 2012. [Web site] |
Amyot, D., Antón, A., Breaux, T., and Karagiannis, D. (Eds) 2009 Second International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Law (RELAW), Atlanta, Georgia, USA. IEEE CS, September 1, 2009. [Web site] |
K. Adi, D. Amyot et L. Logrippo (éditeurs) Actes du 5ième colloque sur les Nouvelles Technologies de la Répartition (NOTERE 2005), Gatineau, Canada, août 2005. ISBN 2-9809043-0-9. [Site Web] |
Amyot, D. and Williams, A.W. (Eds) System Analysis and Modeling - Fourth International SDL and MSC Workshop, SAM 2004, Ottawa, Canada, June 2-4, 2004, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3319, Springer, 2005. [Presentations] |
Amyot, D. and Logrippo, L. (Eds) Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems VII, IOS Press, The Netherlands, May 2003. [Abstracts and Presentations] |