First part


  • Create a doubly linked list containing a dummy node
  • Modify the implementation of a linked list to add methods
  • Resolve problems that require knowledge of interfaces
  • Understand the principle of iterators.


Iterators are a data structure that allows us to traverse a collection of elements in order to interact with those elements. An iterator allows us to access an element of a collection, and then access the next element until the collection is empty.

In Java, the interface Iterator has the methods: hasNext(), next() and remove().

    hasNext() : Returns true if the iterator has a next element next() : Returns the next element or throws NoSuchElementException if no next element exists remove() : Removes the element from the collection; has to be called after a the methodnext().

To illustrate the use of an iterator, we will use the class java.util.LinkedList. LinkedList is a linked list that implements the interface iterable, which specifies the method iterator(). The method iterator() returns an object implementing the interface Iterator.

Once we have that iterator, we can go through all the elements in the list al. To do so, we use a while loop with the condition that hasNext() returns true. We can then print every elements of the list.

import java.util.*;

public class IteratorDemo{
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		// Create an array list
		LinkedList<String> al = new LinkedList<String>();

		// add elements to the array list

		// Use iterator to display contents of al
		System.out.print("Contents of al: ");
		Iterator<String> itr = al.iterator();

		while(itr.hasNext()) {
		   String element =;
		   System.out.print(element + " ");

Note that with a basic operator, we cannot modify the elements of the list. However, many implementations of the interface Iterator have additional methods that allow us to modify the elements, and much more. For example, the class ListIterator that implements Iterator has additional methods such as add, hasPrevious, previous, set and many others.

Exercice (not to hand in)

Modify the code above to print only the elements of the list al that precedes the String “cat” in the list (print all elements until you encounter “cat”).

Hint: modify the condition of the while loop.

For each loop

The for each loops act as an iterator, and it allows us to directly act on the elements of the collection (we do not have to use methods such as set())

The syntax for the for each loop is as follows:

for(type elem:collection){
	//more code

Where :

  • type : The type of the elements of the collection
  • elem : The name of the variable representing each element in the loop
  • collection : The name of the variable of the collection that we what to iterate through.

By default this loop will go through every elements of the collection. However if we want to stop the loop after a certain condition we can use the command break that will immediately exit the loop.

Here is a solution of the exercise 1 above using the for each loop.

import java.util.*;

public class IteratorDemo{
	public static void main(String args[]) {
		// Create an array list
		LinkedList<String> al = new LinkedList<String>();

		// add elements to the array list

		System.out.println("\nSolving using augmented for loop: ");

		for(String element:al){
			System.out.print(element + " ");

Circular queue

Circular queues are a type of queues that implements the principle of First In First Out (FIFO). In these queues, the last element is linked back to the first in order to create a loop. These queues use one instance variable for the head of the queue and one for the tail of the queue.

When we add an element using enqueue(), we add the element at the position of the tail and increment the pointer tail. When we remove an element using dequeue(), we remove and return the element at the position of the head pointer and increase that pointer.

Here is a visual representation of a circular queue and its use. We can represent it via an array where the last element links to the first, or like a circular array.

Visual representation of a circular queue

Figure 1 : Visual representation of a circular queue.

Singly and doubly linked list

Reminder: we have seen in class that there are several implementations for a list using linked elements. We have discussed singly- and doubly-linked list. These implementations, however similar they might be, have some important differences.

Singly-linked lists link each elements to the next one in the list, up to the last element, whose next is null.

Doubly-linked lists allow faster implementation of some methods thanks to the link between each element and the previous one. The next of the last element will be null just like the prev of the first element will be null.

It is also possible to implement a (doubly- or singly-)linked list using a dummy node. A dummy node has a null value and is placed at the beginning of the list. This allows for a simpler implementation of the methods by reducing the number of special cases and allows the list to be circular since the first element is linked to the last one via the dummy node.

Test your knowledge of the different implementations.

Question 1.0 :

Describe the following image. Particularly, is this a singly or doubly linked list? What is this technique called ( a … node)?

See image

Question 1.1 :

True or false? It is possible go through a singly linked list in both directions efficiently.

Question 1.2 :

What can we do to make it easier to add an element at the end of a list?

Question 1.3 :

True or false? A circular list using a dummy node will have many special cases.

Question 1.4 :

In what cases is the use of a list implemented using an array more efficient than with a list using singly-linked elements? (name 2 methods).

Question 1.5 :

Do we need to have a pointer tail in a circular doubly-linked list?

Question 1.6 :

True or false? To implement a linked list, we can simply use a dynamic array

Question 1.7 :

Here is the constructor of the nested class node for a list. Is the list singly or doubly linked?

	private Node(T value, Node next) {
		this.value = value; = next;
Question 1.8 :

True or false? The use of a list with linked elements has an advantage compared to an array because there is no maximum number of elements in the list.

Question 1.9 :

What does the following code do in a circular doubly-linked list? Consider that the variable current was previously declared.

current = head.prev;
while (current != head) {
current = current.prev;

Second part


You are now ready to apply your knowledge. Consult the slides on Brightspace concerning the implementation of a doubly linked list if necessary. Refer to the images in appendix to help you visualize your list. Do not hesitate to draw the list when you are writing your implementation!

For this laboratory, you will create a (doubly) linked with a dummy node list implementation of the interface OrderedStructure, which declares the following methods:

public interface OrderedStructure {
	int size() ;
	boolean add(Comparable element) throws IllegalArgumentException;
	Object get(int pos) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
	void remove(int pos) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
	void merge( OrderedList other );

Implementations of this interface should be such that the elements are kept in increasing order. The order of the elements is defined by the implementation of the method compareTo( Object obj ) declared by the interface Comparable. The classes Integer and String both implement the interface Comparable, you can use these for the tests. Objects of any other classes that implement the interface Comparable can be stored in an OrderedList.

IMPORTANT : Since the main objective of the laboratory is to study doubly linked lists, generics will not be used. Since generics are not used,

  1. some warnings will be issued when compiling the source code. But also,
  2. the type of the return value of the method get( int pos ) will be Object. Hence, the users of the class will be forced to use a type cast when accessing the content of an OrderedList.


  1. Create an implementation for the interface OrderedStructure. This implementation, called OrderedList, will use doubly-linked (with a dummy node) nodes and should have a head pointer. Furthermore, the implementation should throw exceptions when necessary. Here are the files that you will need:

    Here is a step-by-step approach for implementing the class OrderedList. This will be a top-down approach, focusing on the general organization of the class first (adding the variables, the nested class, as well as empty methods). Once, the overall implementation is complete, we will implement the methods one by one.

    1. First, let’s create a template for the class. At this point, we are ignoring details such as the implementation of the body of the methods, and instead we are focusing on the necessary variables and the need for a static class called Node. This template needs to contain a static nested class called Node, the necessary instance variables, and empty definitions for all the methods of the interface OrderedStructure. You should not use a variable int size in this implementation. Also, the class Node should save a value of type Comparable

      The compiler will not allow us to have empty declarations for the methods that return a result. To circumvent this problem, we could add a “dummy” return statement, such as returning the value -99 for the method size.

      However, we may later forget to change the implementation, and this will cause all sorts of problems. Because of this, it is better to create an initial method that consists a throw statement.

      int size(){
      	throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented yet!");

      Do the same for every method.

      You can now compile the class and start working on the implementation of the methods one by one. Any attempt at using a method that has not been implemented yet will be signaled with the proper exception to remind us that we still have to implement that method. You can ask your TA for further information if needed.

      You can now compile the class and start working on the implementation of the methods one by one. Any attempt at using a method that has not been implemented yet will be signaled with the proper exception to remind us that we still have to implement that method. You can ask your TA for further information if needed.

      Create a test class called OrderedListTest; at this point it will contain only a main method that declares an OrderedList and creates an OrderedList object.

      Make sure that your implementation is correct, i.e. has all the elements presented above and compiles. When you are done compiling all the files, proceed with the next step, implementing the method size().

    2. Implement the method size(), i.e. replace the throw statement by an iterative implementation that traverses the list and counts the number of elements. Add a test to the test class, simply to check that the method size works for empty lists. We will check the other cases when the method add has been completed.
    3. Implement the method boolean add( Comparable obj ); adds an element in increasing order according to the class’ natural comparison method (i.e. uses the method compareTo ). Returns true if the element can be successfully added to this OrderedList, and false otherwise.
    4. Add test cases for the method add. It will be difficult to thoroughly test the implementation, but at least the size of the list should change as new elements are added.
    5. Implement Object get( int pos ). It returns the element at the specified position in this OrderedList; the first element has the index 0. This operation must not change the state of the OrderedList.
    6. Add test to validate the methods get and add. We are now in a better position to evaluate the method add, get and size. In particular we can add elements, and use a loop to access all the elements one after the other using get. Make sure that all the methods work properly before proceeding. Do not forget that get returns an element of type Object, you will therefore need to use a type cast.
    7. Implement void remove( int pos ); Removes the element at the specified position in this OrderedList; the first element has the index 0.
    8. Add test cases for the method remove to the test class. Make sure that the method remove (as well as all the other methods) is fully debugged before continuing.

    We now have a complete implementation of the interface OrderedStructure.

  2. Write an instance method, void merge( OrderedList other ), that adds all the elements of the other list to this list, such that this list preserves its property of being an ordered list. For example, let a and b be two OrderedLists, such that a contains “D”, “E” and “G”, and b contains “A”, “C”, “D” and “F”. The call a.merge( b ) transforms a such that it now contains the following elements: “A”, “C”, “D”, “D”, “E”, “F” and “G”; b should not be modified by the method call. The class String implements the interface Comparable and could be used for testing.

    The objectives are to learn how to traverse and transform a doubly linked list. Therefore, you are not allowed to use any auxiliary or existing methods, in particular add, for your implementation!

    Your implementation should traverse both lists and insert the elements (values) of the other list, in order, into this list. Remember that it is better to practice now than at the final examination!

  3. Advanced and optional topic) :
    1. Use your implementation of the class OrderedList as a starting point for creating a parametrized implementation of the following interface:
      public interface OrderedStructure <T extends Comparable<T>> {
          int size();
          boolean add(T elem) throws IllegalArgumentException;
          T get(int pos) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
          void remove(int pos) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;

      The added benefit of using generics will be that all the elements of a list will be of the same type. Therefore, the method compareTo( other ) will always be passed an object of the same type as the instance.

    2. Now implement the class OrderedList without using a dummy node. You should see that while it is longer, this implementation will teach you the importance of handling every special case in every method.


An empty list.

Figure 1 : An empty list.
A list with one element.

Figure 2 : A list with one element.
A list with two elements

Figure 3 : A list with two elements.
A list with three elements.

Figure 4 : A list with three elements.


Advanced section: This concept will be useful for the rest of your studies and possibly at work. We recommend to keep these notes handy in the future.

Third part

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about version control and why it is important.
  • Learn the basics of the Git version control system together with the GitHub hosting service.
  • Learn the basic Git commands, such as git init, git add, git commit, git push, git pull.
  • Intended as an introduction for students who haven't used Git before.

Why Learn Git?

A common problem when dealing with information stored on a computer is handling changes. For example, after adding, modifying or deleting text you may want to undo that action (and perhaps redo it later). At the simplest level this might be done by clicking undo in a text editor (which reverts a previous action).

A naïve method for handling multiple file versions is simply creating duplicate files with differing filenames and contents (Important Document V4 FINAL FINAL.doc may sound sadly familiar). At a more advanced level, you may be sharing a document with other people and, rather than just undoing and redoing changes, wish to know who made a change, why they made it, when they made it, what the change was and perhaps even store multiple versions of the document in parallel. A version control system (such as Git) allows all these operations and more.

Version control systems can therefore solve the problem of reviewing and retrieving previous changes, allow single files to be used rather than duplicated, and allows for collabortation with several people. For these reasons, many organizations and companies use a version control system designed to track changes in the source code and other text files during the development of a software. Version control systems have functionalities such as storing, updating, and recording any changes made.

There are two main models (or types) of version control software: the Client-Server model and the Distributed model.

  • Client-Server model: Developers use a shared single repository. Some examples include:
    • Open source: CVS, Subversion, Vesta, etc.
    • Proprietary: Microsoft Team Founday, Helix, etc.
  • Distributed mode: Each developer works directly with his or her own local repository, and changes are shared between repositories as a separate step. Some examples include:
    • Open source: Git, SVK, Fossil, etc.
    • Proprietary: Visual Studio Team Services, Plastic SCM, etc.

You may have heard of or used some of these version control systems, but in these set of notes we'll be focusing on the Git version control system.

Git is a particularly popular version control system to use and learn because it is open source, is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses many other tools with features like cheap local branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple workflows.

Using a version control system such as Git is also worthwhile when working on a group project, where you have the option to show case your projects publicly, such as providing a link to your LinkedIn profile. This makes it very easy and practical for organizations and companies that are looking to hire to get to know how you approach problems and how you code, based off your coding history. In adition, knowledge of how to use a version control system is one of the top things organizations and companies look for when hiring.

Introduction to Git

Git is a version control system so that you can record all your changes to your code and collaborate with others. A Git Repository is basically a folder that is managed by Git, where all changes to its contents can be recorded. After installing Git, you can turn any folder on your computer into a Git Repository by typing the following command:

git init

The best way to think of Git is that you record snapshots of your code.

  1. You make change to your files.
  2. You mark the files that you want to be part of the next snapshot.
  3. You create the snapshot with a message. We call these snapshots “commits”.

Git Local

Let’s say we have a folder of files on our local computer in "my_folder".

  • index.html
  • about.html
  • home.html
  • contact.html
  • style.css
  • main.js
  • README.txt

And let’s say we make some changes to files in "my_folder"...

  • index.html
  • about.html
  • home.html
  • contact.html
  • style.css
  • main.js
  • README.txt

Then the typical workflow for commiting these changes as shown in Figure 1 would be:

  1. Make changes
  2. git status
  3. git add <files>
  4. git commit -m “Message”

Note: "git status" command displays the state of the working directory and the staging area. Before adding and then commiting changes, it's a good idea to first check which changes have been staged, and which haven't.

Hint: "git add ." is a very common way to just add all modified files to the staging area.

Typical Workflow.

Figure 1 : Typical Workflow.

Git Remote

After a while, you’ll end up with a bunch of snapshots or commits on your Local Git Repository. How do you share this with your teammates? With Git Remote, you agree upon a central place to synchronize your repository with. Then your teammates can synchronize their repositories with that central place. This central place is called a “Git Remote Repository”.

Remote Repositories are just Git Repositories that you synchronize with. After you synchronize, your local repository and the remote repository will contain the exact same information (all the snapshots, commits, etc.). You can set up your Git Remote repository anywhere, but we’re going to use a service called GitHub to host our git remote repository, as shown in Figure 2.

GitHub Remote Repository.

Figure 2 : GitHub Remote Repository.

To start synchronizing with a Remote repository, you

  1. Create a Remote Repository on Github.
  2. Add its address to your computer (local).
git add remote <name> <git address>

For example:

git add remote origin

git push

How do you synchronize your local repository with the remote one? First you can push up your changes to the remote respository.

push <name of remote> <name of branch>
For example:
git push origin master

git pull

You can grab the latest changes from your remote repository using

git pull

Your teammates can also get the latest snapshots using the command. It is recommended to git pull first to obtain the latest snapshot, before using git push.

Recommended way to proceed for personal practice

  1. Install Git (
  2. Try out Git locally on your computer.
  3. Sign up for GitHub Account ( (Use your student email address to get the advanced version for free!). WARNING: GitHub uses private and public repositories. If you use GitHub when working on a class assignment, make sure that the repository is PRIVATE to avoid nasty surprises!
  4. Setup a personal remote repository on GitHub.
  5. Practice pushing from your local repository (on your computer) to the remote repository (on GitHub).


Introduction to Git was taken from Casey Li's slides. For more information on GIT we highly recommend the following videos "Gitting to Know You".

Part Four

Create and submit a zip folder (1 point)


  • Create a directory lab10_123456, where 123456 is replaced by your student number.
  • Inside this directory, place the .java files for this lab. Include only your source code. Do not include any class files or any other files; only Java files.
  • In this directory, also create a file README.txt which is a text file containing your name, student number and a brief description of the content of the directory:
    Student name: Jane Doe
    Student number: 123456
    Course code: ITI1121
    Lab section: B-2
    This archive contains the 3 files of lab 10, that is, this file (README.txt),
  • Create a zip file containing the directory lab10_123456 and all of the java files.
  • Verify that your archive is correct by uncompressing it somewhere and making sure that all the files and the directory structure are there.
  • Submit the archive using

Important remarks!

We are using automated scripts to test and grade your lab submission. Therefore, you must follow these instructions exactly. In particular:

  • Your naming of all the files and methods must be exact. Use the starter code provided during the lab to avoid problems.
  • You MUST submit a .zip; not individual files; not a .rar, not a .7z, or anything else.
  • There are two rounds of grading. The first round is optional. If you submit something by 11:30PM on the Saturday of the week of the lab, the scripts will be run on Sunday and you will get a feedback file so you can improve your work. Note you will not actually get an official grade on Brightspace at this time.
  • The final submission deadline is 11:30PM on Wednesday the week after the lab. You can submit as many times as you like, but at this time, the grading script will be run a second time on your latest submission only, and you will get an official grade.


Table of Contents