call for papers From: melis+@CS.CMU.EDU (Erica Melis) Subject: CFP: 18th German Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence Date: Tue, 11 Jan 1994 22:36:05 GMT ===================== ==== ==== ==== KI-94 ==== ==== ==== ===================== 18th German Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence Saarbr"ucken, September, 18-23, 1994 General Chairs: J"org Siekmann, DFKI, Univ. Saarbr"ucken Hans-J"urgen B"urckert, DFKI Saarbr"ucken The scientific, as well as the economic importance of Artificial Intelligence research has steadily grown, even though in some degree, partly slower than had been hoped for. AI research in Germany had a belated start, but steadily improved in recent years. Today the field is well established and some areas even play an outstanding role internationally. This positive development is accounted for in the forthcoming German Conference on AI, which is especially broadly based, aiming at researchers, university students, users and practitioners in industry alike. The German Conference on Artificial Intelligence is traditionally organised once a year by the AI-section of the German Society for Computer Science (GI). This is one of the four subdivisions of the GI and today the AI section has more than four thousand members. In 1994, the conference will be carried out at the University of Saarland in Saarbr"ucken by the German Research Center of AI (DFKI), the Computer Science Department (FBI), the Institute of Computer Linguistics (CoLi) and the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science (MPI). It comprises a Scientific Conference, from the 18th to 22nd of September 1994, and an Industrial Congress on the 22nd and 23rd of September 1994. Tutorials will be offered on Sunday the 18th, scientific talks form Tuesday to Thursday in the morning and workshops in the afternoon. On Monday a symposium will be held, covering a selected topic, the "International Symposium on Logics in Artificial Intelligence", chaired by Dov Gabbay (Imperial College London) and J"org Siekmann (DFKI, University of Saarland). Invited speakers will give lectures on current issues pertaining to this context. This is prompted by the publication of the multivolume "Handbook of Logics in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming". The Industrial Congress offers a multifaceted programme which demonstrates how AI is put into industrial practice: talks on areas of applications of AI, consulting service offers from the German AI-Institutes' association (AKI) and an AI Exhibition. Contributions to the Scientific Conference and the Industrial Congress will be published in a set of Springer- Verlag conference publications. KI-94 will be supported by an advisory board consisting of the previous and future chair persons, as well as representatives from Industry and University. Local Arrangement Committee =========================== Susanne Biundo, DFKI (chair) Michael Kohlhase, FBI Brigitte Krenn, CoLi Christoph Weidenbach, MPI Conference Office ================= Coordinator: Reinhard Karger DFKI Saarbr"ucken Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 D-66123 Saarbr"ucken Phone +49 681 302-4444, Fax +49 681 302-5341 e-mail: Further information about the KI-94 can be obtained from the conference office. *** ===================================== === KI-94 Scientific Conference === ===================================== Chairs: Leonie Dreschler-Fischer, Universit"at Hamburg Bernhard Nebel, Universit"at Ulm The scientific programme consists of invited talks, reviewed paper presentations, tutorials, workshops, poster sessions and system demonstrations. Conference languages are German and English, (simultaneous translation is not available.) Submissions =========== Contributions from all aspects of AI are welcome, especially those (but not exclusively) which address the subjects: - knowledge representation - knowledge acquisition - deduction, inference systems, logic programming - machine learning - cognition - architectures, methods, tools - natural language processing - robotics - image processing and image understanding - intelligent interfaces - diagnosis - planning - configuration - qualitative reasoning - neural networks and connectionism - social impacts Papers are also welcome, which investigate the principles and problems involved when AI is put into practice. Contributions though, which describe commercial AI applications should be submitted to the Industrial Congress. Submissions to the scientific program must be original, neither, published or accepted for publication elsewhere, nor currently going through a review process at another conference (with exception of specialised workshops). Accepted submissions will appear in the Springer "Lecture Notes in AI" and therefore must be written in English. Posters and System Demos at the Scientific Conference ===================================================== Research groups and scientists will be given the opportunity through posters and system demos to present current AI-projects and AI-systems. These contributions will be reviewed by the program committee as well, and will appear along with the papers in the LNAI. Submission Details for the Scientific Conference ================================================= Papers and proposals for posters should be sent in six (6) copies to one of the two program chairs (s.f.) till April 8th, 1994. Papers received after that date cannot be considered. Fax or e-mail submissions are also unacceptable. The papers should be clearly legible and written in 12 point type. The length of a paper should not exceed 16 pages with roughly 38 lines/page and 75 characters per line (corresponding to the standard LaTex article-style), including bibliography and appendix. The title page is separate. Proposals for posters and system demos require the submision of a one- to three-page summary of the presentation (adding diagramms if necessary). The title page should show the title of the contribution, the catagory (paper, poster or system demo), the names of all authors with postal and e-mail addresses. In addition, the title page should contain an abstract, of not more than 200 words, supplemented by keywords which characterise the contribution's content. In order to facilitate the review process, the contents of the title page should be sent till April 8th via e-mail to using only plain ASCII text. The order of content in this message should be TITLE:AUTHOR:<name of first author> ADDRESS:<address of first author> AUTHOR:<second author> ..... AREA:<area> KEYWORDS:<keywords> ABSTRACT:<summary> Review Process ============== All submitted papers, proposals for posters and system demos will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee. The main criteria underlying the judgment of papers are the achieved results, originality, technical quality and presentation. Proposals for posters and system demos are judged against their AI-context and quality of presentation. The authors will be informed of the program committee's decision by May 20th. Publication =========== Accepted papers will be allocated 12 pages in the conference proceedings , which will be published in the Springer LNAI series. Each accepted poster and system demo will have one page reserved in the conference proceedings for a summary of its presentation. A camera- ready copy must be submitted to one of the program chairs by June 17th, 1994. Deadlines ========= 8/4/94 Submission of contributions 20/5/94 Notification of acceptance 17/6/94 Submission of final, revised copy Program Committee of the Scientific Conference ============================================== Wolfgang Benn, TU Chemnitz-Zwickau Wolfgang Bibel, TH Darmstadt Susanne Biundo, DFKI Saarbr"ucken Lena Bonsiepen, Universit"at Bremen Gerhard Brewka, GMD, St. Augustin Hans-Dieter Burkhard, HU Berlin Hartmut D"orner, MLU Halle Leonie Dreschler-Fischer, Universit"at Hamburg Wolfgang F"orstner, Universit"at Bonn G"unther G"orz, Universit"at Erlangen Georg Gottlob, TU Wien Klaus Jantke, HTWK Leipzig Hans Kamp, Universit"at Stuttgart Olaf K"ubler, ETH Zentrum, Z"urich Barbara Mertsching, Universit"at Paderborn Katharina Morik, Universit"at Dortmund Bernhard Nebel, Universit"at Ulm Wolfgang Nejdl, RWTH Aachen Klaus Noekel, Siemens, M"unchen Hans-Joachim Novak, IBM, B"oblingen Simone Pribbenow, Universit"at Hamburg Bernd Radig, TU M"unchen Ulrich Rembold, Universit"at Karlsruhe Michael M. Richter, Universit"at Kaiserslautern Helge Ritter, Universit"at Bielefeld Dietmar Roesner, FAW, Ulm Angi Voss, GMD, St. Augustin Addresses for Submission of Contributions ========================================= Prof. Dr. Leoni Dreschler-Fischer Universit"at Hamburg FB Informatik Bodenstedtstrasse 16 D-22765 Hamburg Phone: + 49 40 4123-6132 (-6128) e-mail: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Nebel Universit"at Ulm Fakult"at f"ur Informatik James-Franck-Ring D-89081 Ulm Phone: +49 731 502-4122 (-4121) e-mail: *** ========================= === KI-94 Workshops === ========================= Chairs: J"urgen Kunze, HU Berlin Herbert Stoyan, Universit"at Erlangen The Workshops take place in the afternoon on September 20th and 22th. A workshop should discuss current problems in applications of AI and basic research. Its participants will be working on these problems and will share a common interest in an interchange with equally inclined persons or those active in similar areas. However, this should not entail lengthy papers. Problems should be well focused; extensive topics are not suitable. All users, researchers and producers in the field of AI who are interested in an intensive discussion should submit an appropriate proposal. Submission of Workshop Proposals ================================ A group of 25 active participants is envisaged. The Workshops should be made, if possible, accessible to other conference attendees. The workshop organisers will decide for themselves the conditions for attendance and possible papers, which are required. Ample time should be set out for general discussion. The total duration of such a workshop will cover two to three afternoons (4 hour tracks each). The "Extended Abstracts" of the workshop contributions will be published in a second volume, the general workshop proceedings. Proposals for Workshops, of about two pages in length, should contain: - Workshop topic. This can be subdivided concisely into specific problems. - Name of the workshop. - A brief explanation why the workshop is of particular interest at this time. - The names and addresses of the organising committee. The three to four members should be knowledgeable in their fields, preferably bringing in a differing of perspectives to the workshop topic. This should be reflected in the proposal. - An indication of likely schedule and time involved and if possible a list of likely attendees. Workshop proposals will gain merit, which tackle controversial issues, which speed scientific advances and support the formation and testing of theoretical results and their transfer into practical applications. The workshop proposals must be submitted as soon as possible, at the latest by December 3rd,1993. Organisers will produce a call for workshop participation and submit this by January 14th, 1993. This call will be released in the first edition of the 1994 German AI-journal. Further distribution of this call lies in the organisers' hands. Workshop Participants ===================== Organisers decide workshop attendance on the basis of submissions and required contributions, which they must receive by May 1st, 1994. Attendees must be notified by May 15th, 1994. A one to two page document containing an attendance list, the programme and a brief description of the workshop must be sent till May 1st, 1994 to one of the workshop coordinators (s.f.). The contents will be published in a special edition of the German AI-journal. Publication of Workshop Contributions ===================================== Abstracts of all Workshop contributions will appear in a seperate workshop volume which, along with the other conference proceeding's volumes, will be handed out to each participant. The abstracts will amount to two pages in length (including title, authors and bibliography) using 12 point type, and each page having roughly 38 lines with 75 characters per line. The revised copies of the workshop papers must be collected by the respective organisers till June 1st, 1994, be supplemented by an opening summary (similar in length to the workshop papers) and forwarded to Herbert Stoyan (s.f.) by June 17th, 1994. Workshop Scheduling =================== All workshop participants must register for the KI-94. The local arrangement committee will provide venues, govern the organisation and coordinate the workshop curriculum. The workshop coordinators reserve the right to drop workshops that fail to organise within the set bounds. Workshops shall not be used as a forum for marketing hard- and software products. Deadlines ========= 3/12/93 Submission of Workshop proposals 17/12/93 Notification of acceptance 14/1/94 Submission of call for active participation 1/5/94 Submission of workshop contributions 15/5/94 Notification of acceptance 1/6/94 Submission of final, revised version of abstract 17/6/94 Forwarding of abstracts to the workshop coordinators. Submissions =========== Please send your workshop proposal (inquiries concerning the workshops, as well) to Prof. Dr. Herbert Stoyan IMMD VIII Universit"at Erlangen-N"urnberg Weichselgarten 9 D-91058 Erlangen e-mail: *** ================================= === KI-94 Student Programme === ================================= Chairs: Arthur Sehn, Universit"at Saarbr"ucken Serge Autexier, Universit"at Saarbr"ucken The aim of the student programme is to give students (pre- Masters) the opportunity to present their own work (Submission follows a seperate workshop-programme call) and discuss with fellow students problems related to their studies and further eduction. Two copies of their work should be sent till May 1st, 1994 to the organisers c/o the conference office. Contributions received after this date or ones sent by e-mail or Fax will be ignored. The papers written in 12 point type may not exceed a length of 20 pages of roughly 38 lines/page and 75 characters per line. The accepted papers will be compiled hectographically in a volume and made available for the congress. Deadlines ========= 1/5/94 Submission of papers 15/5/94 Notification of acceptance 1/6/94 Submission of the final revised version of the contribution. Submissions =========== A. Sehn, S. Autexier c/o Tagungsb"uro KI-94 DFKI Saarbr"ucken Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 D-66123 Saarbr"ucken e-mail: *** =================================== === KI-94 Industrial Congress === =================================== Chairs: Bernd Neumann, LKI, Universit"at Hamburg Gerhard Barth, Daimler Benz AG The industrial congress takes place on the 22nd and 23rd of September 1994. The aim of the congress is to stimulate the exchange of information between AI- researchers and AI-users and to support the transfer of research results to practical and economical applications. The congress programme comprises invited talks, reviewed contributions from the whole AI user-spektrum, posters, system demonstrations and an exhibition as well as consulting services from renowned AI-Institutes. Submission of Papers to the Industrial Congress =============================================== Papers are being called for from all areas of AI-Application, especially those within - industrial production - sales and marketing - disposition and planning - banking and finance - insurance - transport - medicine - office - communication - AI-software - environment Papers should report application oriented research in AI, new and innovative AI applications or should report about experience with AI-applications. They will be disregarded, if previously published elsewhere. They should not exceed a length of 6000 words (about 15 pages including figures). Papers submitted will be reviewed by a program committee which will take into account possible interest of these results for the congress attendees as well as the papers contribution to the development of economically successful AI- appplications. Accepted papers will be presented to the Industrial Congress and will appear in a special representative volume of the proceedings published by Springer. It will be distributed along with the other volumes, in a slipcase, to the conference attendees. Programme Committee of the Industrial Congress ============================================== Gerhard Barth, Daimler Benz, Ulm Hans Werner Fr"uchtenicht, IITB, Karlsruhe Wolfgang Herden, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart Axel Hirsch, UCI, Frankfurt Gerhard Klett, BASF, Ludwigshafen Jan Lunze, TU Hamburg-Harburg Heinz Marburger, MAZ GmbH, Hamburg Wolfgang Merker, Daimler Benz, Berlin Peter Mertens, FORWISS, Erlangen Bernd Neumann, Universit"at Hamburg Peter Struss, TU M"unchen Claus Weisang, ABB, Heidelberg Poster and System Demos at the Industrial Congress =================================================== User congress participants will be given the opportunity to present posters and demos of applications. Exhibition floors are provided for in the central area of the congress building. Deadlines ========= 8/4/94 Submission 20/5/94 Notification of acceptance 17/6/94 Submission of final manuscript 19/8/94 Registering of posters and demonstrations 31/8/94 Notification of acceptance Address for Papers, Posters and Demos ===================================== Prof. Dr. Bernd Neumann Labor f"ur K"unstliche Intelligenz Bodenstedtstr. 16 D-22765 Hamburg Registration of Consulting Appointments ======================================= The AKI Consortium (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen KI- Institute) offers industrial consulting as an incorporated feature of the Industrial Congress. This will allow interested persons from industry to discuss application problems in a meeting lasting up to an hour with competent and skilled experts. It is requested that consulting appointments be made in time, with one of the consulting partners below. Consulting Partners =================== - DFKI, Kaiserslautern and Saarbr"ucken Coordinator: Dr. Walter Olthoff Phone +49 631 205 3478, Fax +49 631 205 3210 - FAW, Ulm Coordinator: Thomas Egner Phone +49 731 501 555, Fax +49 731 501 999 - FORWISS, Erlangen - M"unchen - Passau Coordinator: Dr. Uwe Haass Phone +49 9131 691 191, Fax +49 9131 691 185 - GMD, St. Augustin Coordinator: Eva Huttenhain Phone +49 2241 14 2032, Fax +49 2241 14 2084 - KI-NRW, Universit"at Bonn Coordinator: Dr. Wolfram Burgard Phone +49 228 550 221, Fax +49 228 550 382 - LKI, Universit"at Hamburg Coordinator: Dr. Gudula Retz-Schmidt Phone +49 40 4123 6532, Fax +49 40 4123 6530 AI-Exhibition ============= AI-suppliers are called to take part in the Industrial Exhibition. All AI related exhibits are welcome, especially commercial AI-software, application systems reflecting AI- aspects, AI-literature etc. Exhibition space is provided for in the central area of the congress building and can be reserved by an additional attendance fee; registration and further information through the conference office. Pre-registration ================ Please send the following form (via mail, fax, or e-mail) to the conference office. We will send you by June 1994 additional info material and registration forms. ------------cut here--------------------------- KI-94 Conference Office c/o Reinhard Karger Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3 D-66123 Saarbr"ucken Fax: +49 681 302-5341 Name: Prename: Institution: Address: I plan to submit a paper to the Scientific Conference YES/NO to some workshop YES/NO to the Industrial Congress YES/NO I plan to attend the whole conference YES/NO only the Scientific Conference YES/NO only the Industrial Congress YES/NO </pre>