call for papers, previous message From: (Kazuhito Ohmaki) Subject: CFP: APSEC94, The First Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference Date: Mon, 24 Jan 1994 20:26:12 GMT Preliminary Call For Papers The First Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) December 7 - 9, 1994, Tokyo, Japan SPONSOR The Special Interest Group on Software Engineering of the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ/SIGSE) The first Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) is organized to bring together researchers and practitioners in software engineering from the international community, mainly from Asia-Pacific countries. In the software engineering arena, the North American countries and the European countries have their own well-established international conferences which have been providing good occasions for researchers and practitioners to exchange their ideas. However, these conferenc *es have been usually held far away from the Asia-Pacific countries. This geographic condition is one of the major reasons to limit the number of papers accepted and the number of people attending these conferences. This inevitably led to an accumulation of cries such as "Why we don't have our own conference in the Asia-Pacific region!" which has finally encouraged us to establish a new conference. APSEC has originally grown out of the joint activities of the two SIGSE's, namely the Special Interest Group of the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ/SIGSE) and the Special Interest Group of the Korea Information and Science Society (KISS/SIGSE), in organizing the Joint Conference on Software Engineering (JCSE) twice. The first one was successfully held in Seoul, Korea in March 1992 and the second one was successfully held in Fukuoka, Japan in November 1993, which have received twice as many papers as the first conference from several Asian countries. By seeing this, we understood that there are growing demands in the Asia-Pacific countries to have our own conference on software engineering. This led us to decide to terminate the JCSE after the Fukuoka conference and then to start a new conference, i.e., APSEC. We believe that APSEC will give the researchers and practitioners in that area a greater opportunity to express and exchange their ideas among people in neighboring countries, and thus to expedite leveling up of their research and development. THEMES The conference will address the following principal themes: Requirements Engineering, Specification & Design, Testing, Maintenance, CASE tools, Software Metrics, Software Process, Reuse, Reverse Engineering, Object Orientation, CSCW, Distributed Development, Information System Development, Project Management, Quality Assurance, Education, and the other topics relevant to Software Engineering Field INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS APSEC Program Committee solicits original technical papers and proposals for panel discussions. All contributions will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical quality, and relevance to Software Engineering. TECHNICAL PAPERS should be no longer than 6000 words. All papers should include a separate cover sheet which provides the following information : the title, authors' names, postal and electronic mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers, a 200 words abstract, a list of keywords. Experience papers or practical papers are also welcome to be submitted. Submitted papers should be written in English and clarify what is new and significant about the presented work. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. PANEL PROPOSALS should describe the title and a brief description (including an aim and a goal). The panel chair and panelists can be included in the proposal if the author has a plan. They should be no longer than two pages. Six (6) copies of TECHNICAL PAPERS and PANEL PROPOSALS should be sent by April 30, 1994 to either of program co-chairs, not both. : >From Asia, Africa, and Europe From Australia, Oceania and America Motoshi Saeki Roger Duke Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Eng. Dept. of Computer Science Tokyo Institute of Technology University of Queensland Ookayama 2-12-1, Meguro-ku Brisbane, 4072, Australia_ Tokyo 152, Japan_ TEL. +61 7 365 2097 TEL. +81 3 3726 1111 (Ext.2192) FAX +61 7 365 1999 FAX +81 3 3729 1399 E-mail E-mail IMPORTANT DATES Submission Deadline : 30 April 1994 Acceptance Notification :15 August 1994 Camera-ready Copy Due : 30 September 1994 GENERAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Conference Chair Sadahiro Isoda (NTT) Program Co-Chairs Motoshi Saeki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Roger Duke (University of Queensland) Local Arrangements Yoshiaki Fukazawa (Waseda University) Treasurer Mikio Aoyama (Fujitsu) Publicity Kazuhito Ohmaki (Electrotechnical Laboratory) STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Ken-ichi Harada (Keio University, Japan) Sadahiro Isoda (NTT, Japan) Yong Rae Kwon (KAIST, Korea) Lin-shan Lee (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) Danny Poo (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Karl Reed (La Trobe University, Australia) Vincent Shen (The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong) Chi Su Wu (Seoul National University, Korea) PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBERS (Tentative) Tsuneo Ajisaka (Kyoto Univ., Japan) Kazushi Kuse (IBM Japan) Paul Bailes (Univ. of Queensland, Australia) Don Lawrynuik (National Univ. of Singapore) Donghae Chi (ETRI, Korea) Hing-Yan Lee (Info. Tech. Inst., Singapore) Chyan-Goei Chung (National Chiao Tung Univ. Keung Hae Lee (Hankuk Aviation Univ., Korea) Taiwan) John Leaney (Univ. of Tech. in Sydney, Australia) Masahito Hirakawa (Hiroshima Univ., Japan) Chris Marlin (Flinders Univ., Australia) Shinichi Honiden (Toshiba, Japan) Morio Nagata (Keio Univ., Japan) Hisayuki Horai (Fujitsu, Japan) Kazuhito Ohmaki (ETL, Japan) Stan Jarzabek (National Univ. of Singapore) Young Chul Sim (Hongik Univ., Korea) Kyo-Chul Kang (Pohang Inst. Katsuyasu Toyama (NTT, Japan) of Sci. & Tech., Korea) T. H. Tse (Univ. of Hong Kong) Jyh-Sheng Ke (Inst. for Information Seung-Min Yang (Soongsil Univ., Korea) Industry, Taiwan) K.T. Yung (Hong Kong Productivity Council) Moon Hae Kim (Kon-Kuk Univ., Korea) Yue-Sun Kuo (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)