call for papers, previous message From: (Gerard Hegron) Subject: CFP: 5th EUROGRAPHICS workshop on Animation & Simulation Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994 19:25:32 GMT FIFTH EUROGRAPHICS WORKSHOP on "ANIMATION and SIMULATION" -- Call for contributions -- September 17-18, 1994 Oslo, Norway AIMS AND SCOPE: The Eurographics workshop on Animation and Simulation has become an international forum of high quality for exchanging experience and knowledge between people representing the animation and simulation communities on the general themes of modeling, animation, motion control, simulation and visualization of dynamic scenes. The main topics of this workshop are : - hardware and software for animation - motion control - physically based modeling - simulation of dynamic natural phenomena - animation languages and systems - character animation, human animation, synthetic actors - behavioral animation - animator interface - flight and driving simulators - real time animation/simulation - graphical simulation - motion blur and temporal antialiasing - temporal coherence - cooperation between motion analysis and motion synthesis CONTIBUTIONS: Authors are invited to send four copies of an extended abstract (4-6 pages) to the workshop secretariat (see below for relevant deadlines). Abstracts submitted after the deadline will still be considered, but will have a lower priority for inclusion in the programme. SCHEDULE: May 1 : deadline for extended abstract June 1 : notification of acceptance for the workshop July 15 : full papers September 17-18 : workshop LOCATION AND ORGANIZATION : The workshop will be held at SINTEF in Oslo (Norway) just after the annual Eurographics Conference. The local organizer is Morten Dehlen ( Non-presenters are welcome but the workshop is limited to about 50 participants. Large discussions will be planned after each session. Full versions of all papers will be published as Eurographics Technical Report and distributed among the participants as workshop proceedings.The workshop is an activity of the Eurographics Working Group on Animation and Simulation. Attendance fees will cover the meeting facilities, two lunches and the proceedings. The fees will be about 90 ECU for EG members and 150 ECU for non-EG members. PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN : Gerard Hegron (France), Olov Fahlander (Sweden) PROGRAM COMMITTEE : Bruno Arnaldi (France), Norman Badler (USA), Sabine Coquillart (France), Annie Luciani (France), Daniel Thalmann (CH), Ronan Boulic (CH) David Forsey (Canada) Marie-Paule Gascuel (France) Pedro Lopes (Portugal) K. van Overveld (The Netherlands) Michiel Van de Panne (Canada) David Baraff (USA) D. Terzopoulos (Canada) David Zeltzer (USA) SEND EXTENDED ABSTRACTS to Olov Fahlander Dept of Electrical Engineering Linkoping University S-58183 Linkoping Sweden tel : +46 13 28 13 63 fax : +46 13 13 92 82 e-mail: