call for papers, previous message From: (Nel Wognum) Subject: CFP: ECAI-94 Workshop: Models and Techniques For Reuse of Designs Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994 19:37:26 GMT MODELS AND TECHNIQUES FOR REUSE OF DESIGNS Monday 8 August 1994 The design of objects is a very complex process which is hard to formalize due to the lack of an all encompassing theory of design. When observing designers in practice, it has been concluded that a large part of their activities consists of reusing design experiences. Such experiences are related to earlier design situations and existing design products, many of which have been proven useful in practice. Several research groups are currently investigating possibilities for formalizing and codifying this experience for reuse in new design problems. Two major research areas can be distinguished. Firstly, existing designs are adapted to meet new demands. The focus in such situations is to determine parts that need to be adapted to satisfy new requirements. These requirements may be related to the function, physical properties of the design, or life-cycle aspects, such as serviceability and costs. The second research area focuses on finding existing designs that can be reused in new design problems. Difficult issues here include developing suitable index structures and similarity measures. In both research areas, models and techniques have to be developed for structuring and representing existing designs so that they can be reused in new situations. Furthermore, design reuse is a relevant concept for both routine and innovative design. In the workshop we would like to focus on methods and techniques to support the reuse of existing design knowledge, especially methods and techniques that have the potential to be useful in practical design situations. The workshop is intended for researchers working in the field of redesign and case-based reasoning in engineering domains. The questions to be addressed are: . What is needed to find similar designs? . What is needed to find analogous designs? . How can the part of the design that needs to be adapted be found? . How can the complexity of the adaptation needed be determined? . How can the consequences of the changes be determined? . How must past design knowledge be structured and represented to be reusable? . How can adaptation of designs be supported? The outcome of the workshop may be an inventory of promising methods and techniques for supporting case-based reasoning and redesign in different design situations. Workshop format: The workshop will last one day: Monday, August 8, 1994. To facilitate discussion, the number of attendees at the workshop will be limited to 30. The discussion will be centered around challenging statements to be presented by a selected number of participants. Each participant must register for both the workshop and the general conference. Organizing committee: Nel Wognum, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands (Chair) Ian Smith, LIA Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Swiss Hans Akkermans, UT/ECN, Petten, The Netherlands Hans Schmekel, Kunliga Tekniska Hogskolan, Stockholm, Sweden Frank van Harmelen, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Bernd Bachmann, DFKI, Kaiserslautern, Germany Mary Lou Maher, Key Centre of Design Quality, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Submission details: We invite researchers to submit a position paper (maximum 10 pages) to indicate their research activities and possible results on the topics indicated above. We prefer electronic submissions to be sent to the e-mail address mentioned below (LaTeX or plain ASCII) before May 1. The authors will be notified about acceptance of their paper for inclusion in the workshop notes before May 31. The papers will be bundled in workshop notes and distributed at the workshop. Schedule: Submission deadline: May 1 Notification of acceptance: May 31 Workshop date: August 8 Dr. P.M. (Nel) Wognum Department of Computer Science University of Twente P.O. Box 217 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands e-mail: tel.: +31 53 893736/3690 -- ==================================================================== Dr. P.M.(Nel) Wognum University of Twente phone: +31 53 893736/3690 Department of Computer Science fax: +31 53 339605 P.O. Box 217 e-mail: 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands ====================================================================