call for papers, previous message From: (Cor Bioch) Subject: 4th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning - Benelearn-94 Erasmus University Date: Wed, 9 Feb 1994 23:10:44 GMT BENELEARN-94 4th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning 10 juni 1994 Erasmus University Rotterdam First Anouncement and Call for Papers General Information: BENELEARN is the annual conference on machine learning in Belgium and The Netherlands. This conference provides a forum for researchers from these two countries to present their latest work. It also present an opportunity to communicate with others. The selected papers will be published in the Proceedings of Benelearn-94. They will appear in the report series of the of Computer Science Department of the Erasmus University. Program: The scientific program consists of invited talks on Symbolic Machine Learning and Genetic Algorithms/Neural Networks, and two parallel sessions for presentation of submitted papers. Submission: Papers in all areas of Machine Learning are sollicited, including, but not limited to: Abduction Neural Networks Applications of Machine Learning Inductive Learning Computational Learning Inductive Logic Programming Genetic Algorithms Multistrategy Learning Especially papers on applications in all areas of Machine Learning, particularly Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks are encouraged. Full papers are limited to 12 pages including title page and references. Deadline: May 10th, 1994 Please send 3 hard copies (camera ready, page numbers should be written on the reverse side of the paper with pencil) to Jan C. Bioch (Benelearn-94) Department of Computer Science, FEW, H4-27 Erasmus University Rotterdam P.O. Box 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam (The Netherlands) Program Committee: Jan C. Bioch (Erasmus University) Walter Daelemans (University of Brabant) Luc de Raedt (University of Leuven) Maarten van Someren (University of Amsterdam) Walter van de Velde (University of Brussel) Organizing Committee Shan-Hwei Nienhuys-Cheng, Bernard Manderick Further information: tel. +31 10 4081344/1341 and local arrangements). tel. +31 10 4081345/ 4902 16791 fax +31 10 4526177 Registration The conference fee: fl. 75, can be paid on site, but we prefer registration as soon as possible. The conference lunch charge is fl. 16 (reservation needed!). Please register by filling a registration form and mailing it to either the email address or S. H. Nienhuys-Cheng H4-19 Dept of Comp. Science Erasmus University P.O. Box 1738 3000 DR Rotterdam The Netherlands =========================================================================== REGISTRATION FORM - Benelearn-94 Name : Affiliation : Street/ P.O. Box : Zip Code and City Country : Phone Fax Email : LUNCH :yes/no -- dr. J.C. Bioch Erasmus University Rotterdam ( Computer Science ) e-mail: