call for papers, previous message From: (Radboud Winkels) Subject: CFP: ECAI Workshop on Artificial Normative Reasoning Date: Tue, 15 Feb 1994 22:59:32 GMT Call for Papers ECAI 94 WORKSHOP on: ARTIFICIAL NORMATIVE REASONING Amsterdam, Monday, 8 August 1994 (The workshop will be held as part of the 11th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 8 - 12 August) Key-words: (Para)Legal Reasoning, deontic logic/operators, assessment problems, representation of regulations Artificial Normative Reasoning (ANR) is a field of AI research that is concerned with reasoning in normative domains. These domains are governed by implicit or explicit regulations. Typical examples are legal domains (``AI & Law''), but also paralegal and other normative domains such as administrative ones (e.g. loans assessment, insurance claims, certification). ANR research has roots in, and ramifications to theoretical issues in AI, in particular with the epistemological and logical foundations of representing normative and common sense knowledge, case based reasoning and problem solving methods for assessment tasks. ANR is also an important field of application, in particular as part of the intelligent automisation of administrative institutes such as banks, civil services, government, etc. (Para-) Legal knowledge based systems cover a suffiently large market to warrant the (re)use of specialised knowledge acquisition methodologies and tools, and the development of articulate and dedicated system architectures. It is the objective of the Workshop to bring together both theoretical and applied perspectives, focussing on representation formalisms, modelling of normative knowledge, and reasoning methods. Papers are sollicited addressing these issues, and containing theoretical argument and demonstration, and/or empirical generalization. Participation Because the informal exchange of ideas is emphasized participation of the workshop is limited to a maximum of 30 participants. Papers Papers should be sent for refereeing to the coordinator (Joost Breuker) either in hardcopy (4 copies), or in electronic form via email (ascii, preferrably Latex), not exceeding 5000 words (see Schedule below). Electronically submitted papers should expect confirmation of receipt within 24 hours. Papers will be refereed by at least three members of the Committee. All accepted papers will be published as ECAI Workshop Notes and made available to the participants. A subset of these papers will be selected for publication in a book on Normative Reasoning.* Statements Authors of accepted papers are also requested to provide between two to five statements (``theses'') on current research in ANR, preferrably based upon, or as conclusions of their paper contribution. These theses will be grouped around topics which will be discussed at the Workshop. Workshop The Workshop itself will not consist of full paper presentations, but of short invited introductions on actual research topics. These topics will be based upon the Statements which participants of the Workshop should send in at least six weeks before the Workshop. All participants of the Workshop will be able to obtain an electronic version of the Proceedings and Statements at least four weeks before the ECAI via ftp, restricted to participants of the Workshop, or via email. Schedule (1994) 1 May: deadline for paper submission (electronic or hardcopy) 23 May: notification of acceptance 13 June: deadline for camery ready version accepted papers 20 June: deadline for statements 1 August deadline selected papers for book 1 August Proceedings available 8 August Workshop ============= For Information and Submission of papers: Joost Breuker, coordinator ECAI-94 WS on Artificial Normative Reasoning Dep. of AI & Law, University of Amsterdam Kloveniersburgwal 72 1012 CZ Amsterdam The Netherlands email: tel: (+31) 20 5253494 fax: (+31) 20 5253495 Other members of the Organization Committee: Trevor Bench-Capon University of Liverpool Fax: +44 51 7943759 (3715) Tel: +44 51 7946923 (2000) email: Marek Sergot Imperial College tel: +44 - 71 - 589.5111 fax: +44 - 71 - 589.1552 email: Christine Pierret-Golbreich LRI-CNRS URA410 Universitite Paris Sud tel: +33 1 69 41 64 99 Henning Herrestad Norwegian Research Centre for Computers and Law fax: +47 2 44 77 48 Thomas F. Gordon German National Research Centre for Computer Science (GMD) email: Giovanni Sartor University of Bologna tel: +39 - 51 - 261062 fax: +39 - 51 - 260782 email: Bob Brouwer University of Amsterdam tel: +31 20 5253417 fax: +31 20 5253495 --------------- *) The book will be published by IOS (Amsterdam, Washington, Tokyo)