call for papers, previous message From: (Thomas Braeunl) Subject: CFP: Mobile Robot Conference (English) Date: 9 Mar 1994 12:48:27 -0600 +--------------------------------+ Announcement and Call for Papers +--------------------------------+ 10. Workshop on Autonomous Mobile Systems AMS'94 On October 13th and 14th 1994 at the University Stuttgart, Germany In its 10-year anniversary, the workshop on "Autonomous Mobile Systems" will be organized by the Institute of Parallel and Distributed High Performance Systems at the Univ. Stuttgart, Germany. Please send an abstract of 1-2 pages of your paper proposal to the address below. All papers accepted will be published in the "Informatik aktuell" series of Springer-Verlag. The workshop languages will be German and English. Topics: - Autonomous and Cooperative Systems - Cooperation and Coordination - Autonomous System in Road Traffic - Image Processing for Mobile Systems - Techniques for Modeling and Simulation - Programming Techniques and Tools - Planning for Autonomous Mobile Systems - Multiple Sensors, Data Fusion, and Data Interpretation - Applications of Autonomous Mobile Systems - Use in Manufacturing, Service, Cleaning, Construction Site Supporting Disabled Persons - Exploration, Learning, and Self Organization - Behaviour-based AI (Artificial Life) Dates and Deadlines: 1. May 1994 Submission of Paper Abstracts 15. May 1994 Notification of Acceptance 1. July 1994 Submission of camera-ready Papers 13.+14. Oct. 1994 Workshop AMS'94 Workshop Committee: Prof. R. Dillmann (Univ. Karlsruhe) Prof. G. Faerber (TU Muenchen) Prof. P. Levi (Univ. Stuttgart) Prof. U. Rembold (Univ. Karlsruhe) Prof. G. Schmidt (TU Muenchen) Contact: Prof. Dr. P. Levi Dr. Th. Braeunl Applied Computer Science - Computer Vision Universitaet Stuttgart, IPVR Breitwiesenstr. 20-22, D-70565 Stuttgart, Germany Tel.: +49 (711) 781-6390, Fax: +49 (711) 781-6250 email: ======================================================================== Thomas Braunl e-mail: Univ. Stuttgart IPVR, Breitwiesenstr. 20-22, D-70565 Stuttgart, Germany ========================================================================