call for papers, previous message From: (Albert Schappert) Subject: CFP: ECOOP'94 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Object-Oriented Software Engineering Date: 9 Mar 1994 16:28:58 -0600 CALL FOR PAPERS Workshop at ECOOP '94 Artificial Intelligence for Object-Oriented Software Engineering Tuesday, July 5, 1994, Bologna, Italy Motivation: AI has contributed to OO. For example, frames for knowledge representation have contributed to the object notion. Classification of concepts helped to develop the notion of inheritance. Moreover, software engineering has been an enduring interest in the AI community ranging from program verification, automatic programming up to the development of programming assistants. Therefore, the application of AI technology especially to OO software engineering is very promising. This workshop will provide a forum to discuss open questions, to present work done, and to establish future collaborations and mutual insemination. Every useful contribution to apply AI technology to object-oriented software engineering is welcome. Objective: The objective of this workshop is to strengthen the bridges between AI and OO. In particular, we want to foster impact from AI onto OO software engineering. The workshop is intended to support the following purposes: - to provide an overview of academic and industrial activities - to serve as a discussion panel for the coordination of these efforts - to identify research topics of common interest - to identify industrially applicable results of current research - to establish a network of people and organizations interested in these questions. Theme(s): We invite contributions, among others, on the following topics: Knowledge acquisition and elicitation techniques for OOA Knowledge representation - for capturing OO analysis, design and code artifacts (and their traceability links) to support retrieval and/or reasoning about these artifacts - for capturing domain models and other results of OO domain analysis - capturing macro and micro development processes in order to assist developers in an unobtrusive fashion - for dealing with quality requirements on classes/objects (Semi-)automatic support based on AI techniques for - constructing designs from OOA specs - constructing low level designs from high level OO designs - programs from low level OO designs - the verification of . a high level design against OO analysis specifications . transformations of high level OO designs into low level designs User interfaces: - natural language processing for assisting requirements specification, use case development, automatic artifact descriptions, etc. - visual development of OO software systems based on knowledge repositories Formal descriptions for - the definition of OO features (inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding, ...) - extensions of pre- and post-condition formalisms to represent the semantics of asynchronous one-way interactions and/or object creation and deletion Case-based reasoning for identifying frameworks and class libraries Model-based reasoning for diagnosing software bugs The final content of the workshop will depend on the contributions. We are aiming at both the presentation of academic results applicable to practical problems and the identification of practical challenges needing further research. Addressees: Practitioners in OO SE, senior fellows in AI both from industry and academia, students interested in application of AI techniques to OO SE Schedule: Deadline for submission: May 1, 1994 Notification of acceptance or rejection: June 1, 1994 Deadline for final version of position papers: June 19, 1994 Agenda: This workshop will be full-day. The first half day will be used to communicate the work of selected participants in short presentations. The second half day will be dedicated to small groups discussing topics of special interest, and the presentation of their key results to the other participants. An open discussion will conclude the workshop. Attendance and Submissions: Every prospective attendee is required to submit a 1-2 page research summary including a list of relevant publications, regular and email address (where possible), and voice and fax phone numbers. Participants who wish to present their work are additionally required to submit a short paper (3-5 pages). Please send submissions preferably via e-mail (ASCII or PostScript) to all of the organizers, or send three copies to A. Schappert (in Europe) or to D. de Champeaux (in the US). Participation at the workshop is by invitation only, based on the submission. It will be for free, but each workshop attendee must have registered for the main ECOOP conference. Organizing Committee: **** **** Dr. Dennis de Champeaux **** 14519 Bercaw Ln **** San Jose, CA 95124, USA **** Phone: +1-408-559 7264 **** e-mail: ddc@netcom.COM **** **** Dr. Hermann Kaindl **** Siemens Austria **** Program and System Engineering **** Geusaugasse 17 **** A-1030 Vienna, Austria **** Phone: +43-1-71600-288 **** e-mail: **** **** Dr. Albert Schappert **** Siemens AG **** Software and Engineering **** D-81730 Munich, Germany **** Phone: +49 89 636 2296 **** e-mail: **** ***********************************************