call for papers, previous message From: Subject: CFP (preliminary): Graph Drawing '94, DIMACS Workshop on Graph Drawing Date: 18 Mar 1994 17:40:15 -0600 [ TeX version of announcement is included after text version. ] Preliminary Call for Papers Graph Drawing '94 DIMACS Workshop on Graph Drawing DIMACS Center, New Jersey, October 10-12, 1994 Scope Graph drawing addresses the problem of constructing geometric representations of abstract graphs and networks. The automatic generation of drawings of graphs has important applications in key computer technologies such as software engineering, database design, and visual interfaces. Further challenging applications can be found in architectural design, circuit schematics, and project management. Recent progress in algorithm design, computational geometry, topological graph theory, and order theory has considerably affected the evolution of this field, and has widened the range of issues being investigated. The aim of Graph Drawing '94 (GD '94) is to cover the major trends in the area. The format of the workshop will be informal. Industry representatives are welcome to attend. It is anticipated that the workshop will assess the state-of-the-art in the area, open new research directions, and further collaborative efforts between computer scientists, mathematicians, and applied researchers. GD '94 follows the GD '93 ALCOM Workshop, held in Paris, and the GD '92 Work Meeting, held in Rome. GD '94 is sponsored by DIMACS, the NSF Science and Technology Center in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science hosted by Rutgers University, Princeton University, ATT Bell Laboratories, and Bellcore. Limited financial support for partial coverage of expenses of selected participants is available. Priority will be given to junior researchers and Ph.D. students. To receive full consideration, requests should be made to one of the organizers by July 20. Topics Papers describing original research and surveys addressing open problems are solicited. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Applications of graph drawing, such as computer-aided instruction, database queries, information browsers, network management, software visualization, and user interfaces. Tools and systems for graph drawing. Topological graph theory; combinatorial issues such as planarity, orientations, and orders. Geometric graph theory; 2- and 3-dimensional representations of graphs and hypergraphs by geometric relations, such as visibility, proximity, intersection, inclusion and adjacency. Models, algorithms, and techniques for drawing graphs, such as partitioning, layering, orientation, planarization, dynamic layout restructuring, graph grammars, and declarative specifications. Drawing algorithms for specific families of graphs, such as trees, planar graphs, acyclic digraphs, and order digraphs. Submission of Papers Abstracts (1-4 pages) of short papers, or extended abstracts (6-12 pages) of regular papers should be submitted by July 20. Submissions can be made by email or hardcopy. Email submissions in or postscript (compressed and uuencoded) should be sent to Roberto Tamassia ( Hardcopy submissions should be sent in 10 copies to: Ioannis G. Tollis, Department of Computer Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, P.O. Box 830688, EC 31, Richardson, TX 75083-0688 (USA). Notification of acceptance or rejection will be done by email on or before September 1. Camera-ready versions of the papers are due at the workshop. The proceedings of GD '94 will include short and regular papers, and will be published after the workshop by Springer-Verlag or the American Mathematical Society (AMS). Program Committee Franz J. Brandenburg (Univ. Passau, Germany) Giuseppe Di Battista (Univ. Rome, Italy) Hubert de Fraysseix (CNRS, France) Alberto O. Mendelzon (Univ. Toronto, Canada) Takao Nishizeki (Tohoku Univ., Japan) Stephen North (ATT Bell Labs, USA) Ivan Rival (Univ. Ottawa, Canada) Roberto Tamassia, co-chair (Brown Univ., USA) Ioannis G. Tollis, co-chair (Univ. Texas at Dallas, USA) Sue Whitesides (McGill Univ., Canada) Organizers Roberto Tamassia (Brown Univ.) Ioannis G. Tollis (Univ. Texas at Dallas) Coordinator Pat Toci DIMACS ====================================================================== ====================================================================== \documentstyle{article} \setlength{\topmargin}{-1.0in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0in} \setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in} \setlength{\textheight}{10.0in} \begin{document} \begin{center} \LARGE\sf Preliminary Call for Papers \\[1.0ex]\LARGE\bf Graph Drawing '94 \\[1.5ex]\Large DIMACS Workshop on Graph Drawing \\[0.5ex]\large DIMACS Center, New Jersey, October 10-12, 1994 \end{center} \thispagestyle{empty} \paragraph{Scope} Graph drawing addresses the problem of constructing geometric representations of abstract graphs and networks. The automatic generation of drawings of graphs has important applications in key computer technologies such as software engineering, database design, and visual interfaces. Further challenging applications can be found in architectural design, circuit schematics, and project management. Recent progress in algorithm design, computational geometry, topological graph theory, and order theory has considerably affected the evolution of this field, and has widened the range of issues being investigated. The aim of {\em Graph Drawing '94\/} ({\em GD~'94}) is to cover the major trends in the area. The format of the workshop will be informal. Industry representatives are welcome to attend. It is anticipated that the workshop will assess the state-of-the-art in the area, open new research directions, and further collaborative efforts between computer scientists, mathematicians, and applied researchers. {\em GD~'94} follows the {\em GD '93\/} ALCOM Workshop, held in Paris, and the {\em GD '92\/} Work Meeting, held in Rome. {\em GD~'94} is sponsored by {\em DIMACS}, the NSF Science and Technology Center in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science hosted by Rutgers University, Princeton University, AT\&T Bell Laboratories, and Bellcore. Limited financial support for partial coverage of expenses of selected participants is available. Priority will be given to junior researchers and Ph.D.\ students. To receive full consideration, requests should be made to one of the organizers by {\bf July~20}. \paragraph{Topics} % Papers describing original research and surveys addressing open problems are solicited. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: \begin{itemize} \itemsep 0pt \parsep 0pt \topsep 0pt % \item Applications of graph drawing, such as computer-aided instruction, database queries, information browsers, network management, software visualization, and user interfaces. % \item Tools and systems for graph drawing. % \item Topological graph theory; combinatorial issues such as planarity, orientations, and orders. % \item Geometric graph theory; 2- and 3-dimensional representations of graphs and hypergraphs by geometric relations, such as visibility, proximity, intersection, inclusion and adjacency. % \item Models, algorithms, and techniques for drawing graphs, such as partitioning, layering, orientation, planarization, dynamic layout restructuring, graph grammars, and declarative specifications. % \item Drawing algorithms for specific families of graphs, such as trees, planar graphs, acyclic digraphs, and order digraphs. % \end{itemize} \paragraph{Submission of Papers} Abstracts (1-4 pages) of {\em short papers}, or extended abstracts (6-12 pages) of {\em regular papers} should be submitted by {\bf July~20}. Submissions can be made by email or hardcopy. {\em Email submissions} in \LaTeX\ or postscript (compressed and uuencoded) should be sent to Roberto Tamassia ({\tt}). {\em Hardcopy submissions} should be sent in 10 copies to: % Ioannis G. Tollis, Department of Computer Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, P.O.\ Box 830688, EC 31, Richardson, TX 75083-0688 (USA). Notification of acceptance or rejection will be done by email on or before {\bf September~1}. Camera-ready versions of the papers are due at the workshop. The proceedings of {\em GD~'94} will include short and regular papers, and will be published after the workshop by Springer-Verlag or the American Mathematical Society (AMS). \paragraph{Program Committee} % {\em Franz J. Brandenburg} (Univ. Passau, Germany), {\em Giuseppe Di Battista} (Univ.\ Rome, Italy), {\em Hubert de Fraysseix} (CNRS, France), {\em Alberto O. Mendelzon} (Univ.\ Toronto, Canada), {\em Takao Nishizeki} (Tohoku Univ., Japan), {\em Stephen North} (AT\&T Bell Labs, USA), {\em Ivan Rival} (Univ.\ Ottawa, Canada), {\em Roberto Tamassia}, co-chair (Brown Univ., USA), {\em Ioannis G. Tollis}, co-chair (Univ. Texas at Dallas, USA), {\em Sue Whitesides} (McGill Univ., Canada). % \bigskip\noindent % \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{l l l l } \bf Organizers &\em Roberto Tamassia & Brown University & \tt \\ &\em Ioannis G. Tollis & The University of Texas at Dallas & \tt \\[0.5ex] \bf Coordinator & \em Pat Toci & DIMACS & \tt \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{document}