call for papers, previous message From: (Kwan-Hwa Jan) Subject: CFP (second): Tools with Artificial Intelligence (TAI'94) Date: 1 Apr 1994 11:59:50 -0600 =================================================================== You are invited to the IEEE international conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence to be held in November '94 in New Orleans. Please send a message to to receive the CFP and other information. =================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS 6th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence November 6-9, 1994 Hotel Intercontinental New Orleans, Louisiana This conference is envisioned to foster the transfer of ideas relating to artificial intelligence among academics, industry, and government agencies. It focuses on methodologies which can aid the development of AI, as well as the demanding issues involved in turning these methodologies to practical tools. Thus, this conference encompasses the technical aspects of specifying, developing, and evaluating theoretical and applied mechanisms which can serve as tools for developing intelligent systems and pursuing artificial intelligence applications. Focal topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: * Machine Learning, Computational Learning * Artificial Neural Networks * Uncertainty Management, Fuzzy Logic * Distributed and Cooperative AI, Information Agents * Knowledge Based Systems, Intelligent Data Bases * Intelligent Strategies for Scheduling and Planning * AI Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms * Expert Systems * Natural Language Processing * AI Applications (Vision, Robotics, Signal Processing, etc.) * Information Modeling, Reasoning Techniques * AI Languages, Software Engineering, Object-Oriented Systems * Logic and Constraint Programming * Strategies for AI development * AI tools for Biotechnology INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS There will be both academic and industry tracks. A one day workshop (November 6th) precedes the conference (November 7-9). Authors are requested to submitt original papers to the program chair by April 20, 1994. Five copies (in English) of double-spaced typed manuscript (maximum of 25 pages) with an abstract are required. Please attach a cover letter indicating the conference track (academic/industry) and areas (in order of preference) most relevant to the paper. Include the contact author's postal address, e-mail address, and telephone number. Submissions in other audio-visual forms are acceptable only for the industry track, but they must focus on methodology and timely results on AI technological applications and problems. Authors will be notified of acceptance by July 15, 1994 and will be given instruc- tions for camera ready papers at that time. The deadline for camera ready papers will be August 19, 1994. Outstanding papers will be eli- gible for publication in the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. Submit papers and panel proposals by April 20, 1994 to the Program Chair: Cris Koutsougeras Computer Science Department Tulane University New Orleans, LA 70118 Phone: (504) 865-5840 e-mail: Potential panel organizers please submit a subject statement and a list of panelists. Acceptances of panel proposals will be announced by June 30, 1994. A computer account ( is running to provide automatic information responses. You can obtain the electronic files for the CFP, program, registration form, hotel reservation form, and general conference information. For more information please contact: Conference Chair Steering Committee Chair Jeffrey J.P. Tsai Nikolaos G. Bourbakis Dept. of EECS (M/C 154) Dept. of Electrical Engineering 851 S. Morgan Street SUNY at Binghamton University of Illinois Binghamton, NY 13902 Chicago, IL 60607-7053 Tel: (607)777-2165 (312)996-9324 e-mail: (312)413-0024 (fax) Program Chair : Cris Koutsougeras, Tulane University Registration Chair : Takis Metaxas, (617) 283-3054, e-mail: Local Arrangements Chair : Akhtar Jameel, e-mail: Workshop Organizing Chair : Mark Boddy, Honeywell Industrial Track Vice Chairs : Steven Szygenda, Raymond Paul Program Vice Chairs : Machine Learning: E. Kounalis Computational Learning: J. Vitter Uncertainty Management, Fuzzy Logic: R. Goldman Knowledge Based Systems, Intelligent Data Bases: M. Ozsoyoglu AI Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms: P. Marquis Natural Language Processing: B. Manaris Information Modeling, Reasoning Techniques: D. Zhang Logic and Constraint Programming: A. Bansal AI Languages, Software Engineering, Object-Oriented Systems: B. Bryant Artificial Neural Networks: P. Israel Distributed and Cooperative AI, Information Agents: C. Tsatsoulis Intelligent Strategies for Scheduling and Planning: L. Hoebel Expert Systems: F. Bastani AI Applications (Vision, Robotics, Signal Processing, etc.): C. T. Chen AI tools for Biotechnology: M. Perlin Strategies for AI development: U. Yalcinalp Publicity Chairs : R. Brause, Germany Mikio Aoyama, Japan Benjamin Jang, Taiwan Kwan-Hwa Jan, USA Steering Committee : Chair: Nikolaos G. Bourbakis, SUNY-Binghamton John Mylopoulos, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada C. V. Ramamoorthy, University of California-Berkeley Jeffrey J.P. Tsai, University of Illinois at Chicago Wei-Tek Tsai, University of Minnesota Benjamin W. Wah, University of Illinois at Urbana -- Kwan-Hwa Jan, Ph.D. Research Scientist Northwestern University BIRL Industrial Research Laboratory 1801 Maple Avenue, Evanston, IL 60201-3135