call for papers, previous message From: (Abel Joao Padrao Gomes) Subject: CFP (2nd): Graphics and Modelling in Science & Technology Date: 11 Apr 1994 12:11:16 -0500 C A L L F O R P A P E R S ###################################################################### Graphics and Modelling in Science & Technology = Third Luso-German Computer Graphics Meeting = 27-28 June 1994 - Coimbra - Portugal ###################################################################### The workshop covers a wide spectrum in Graphics and Modelling, from their mathematical foundations to their scientific, technological, and engineering applications. Computer graphics has become an important discipline within computer science and engineering. Mathematical theories have been formulated on the belief that the eye-brain system is better at recognizing and interpreting visual representations than any others. This explains why computer graphics methods and techniques are significantly used in so many knowledge areas, e.g., engineering, medicine and so on. On the other hand, computer graphics, computer-aided design (CAD), and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) have been the driving forces behind the development of modelling schemes for the geometry and the shape of products. With the advent of geometric modellers a number of technological problems were overcome, though others such as those of conciliating geometry with technological information remain. Recent topics as feature-based modelling and, more generally, product modelling have come into use as a way to overcome the annoying lack of CAD/CAM integration. Besides, the modelling environments have changed from single user workplaces to distributed and concurrent systems, and new graphic interaction techniques have been developed. This is the third in a series of workshops following the Luso-German Computer Graphics meetings, first of which took place in Lisbon, 1988, and the second in Darmstadt, 1992. The workshop mainly intends to report on recent R&D advances in Computer Graphics and Shape Modelling, as well as their applications. The workshop addresses ongoing or completed joint projects including German-Portuguese Cooperation (like DELTA, ESPRIT, RACE, EUREKA, and other European Programs). R&D contributions are expected, but not limited to: - Projective Geometry and Computer Graphics - Advanced Interaction Techniques - Virtual Reality for Visualization and Modelling - Visualization Techniques - Computational Geometry in Design and Manufacture - Feature-based Modelling - Product Modelling - New Modelling Techniques - Design Theory and CAD Systems - Concurrent Engineering - Rapid Prototyping and Virtual Prototyping Contributions shall be in English. The conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag, series "Beitraege zur Graphischen Datenverarbeitung". The workshop will also offer many opportunities to demonstrate systems on available equipment. WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRMEN: Prof. Dr. Jose Carlos Teixeira, Centro de Computacao Grafica, Coimbra Dr. Joachim Rix, IGD, Darmstadt PROGRAM COMMITTEE: R. Anderl (DiK, TH Darmstadt) Joao Duarte Cunha (LNEC, Lisboa) Jose L. Encarnacao (TH Darmstadt) F. Nunes Ferreira (Univ. Porto) Mario Rui Gomes (INESC, Lisboa) Helmut Jansen (IPK, Berlin) Bernd Kehrer (ZGDV, Rostock) H. P. Greipel (SNI, Munich) Rui M. Mesquita (INETI, Lisboa) Joachim Rix (IGD, Darmstadt) M. Prospero dos Santos (UNL, Lisboa) Jose C. Teixeira (CCG, Coimbra) DEADLINES: Extended Abstracts 30 April 1994 Notification of Acceptance 20 May 1994 Camera Ready Papers 15 June 1994 Workshop 27-28 June 1994 PAPERS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO: Prof. Dr. Jose Carlos Teixeira CCG/ZGDV - Centro de Computacao Grafica R. de Mocambique, 17 R/C Esq. 3000 Coimbra, Portugal Tel. +351-39-702646 Fax. +351-39-702647 Email: Dr. Joachim Rix Fraunhofer-IGD Wilhelminenstr. 7 64283 Darmstadt, Germany Tel. +49-6151-155221 Fax. +49-6151-155299 Email: Extended abstracts (not exceeding four pages) may be submitted via e-mail to using RTF format for Winword or LATEX format. LOCAL ORGANISATION: Abel Gomes (Presid.), Carlos Martins, Juergen Bund, Anabela Lucio CCG/ZGDV - Centro de Computacao Grafica R. de Mocambique, 17 R/C Esq. 3000 Coimbra, Portugal Tel. +351-39-702646 Fax. +351-39-702647 Email: gomes/