call for papers, previous message From: Subject: CFP: Symposium on Computer Animation and Computer Music (SYNAESTHETICA '94) [submission dates changed] Date: 11 Apr 1994 12:11:25 -0500 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION SYNAESTHETICA '94 A Symposium on Computer Animation and Computer Music 1-3 July 1994 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SUBMISSION CUT OFF DATES HAVE CHANGED!!!!!!!! The Australian Centre for the Arts and Technology (ACAT) Australian National University Canberra, Australia. IMPORTANT DATES * All initial submissions 29 April 1994 including Papers,(VHS)Video (PAL), audio (cassette) * Notification of Acceptances 23 May 1994 (follows Review Panels' decisions) * Master copies due 3 June 1994 o Papers: Camera ready A4 double spaced single sided o Audio Tapes: DAT (48KHz), o Video: S-VHS or 3/4" Umatic (High Band SP) PAL * Discount registration ends 10 June 1994 NOTE: Wherever possible, please address all your questions and responses to Julie Fraser via email to PURPOSE The symposium will bring together researchers, developers and practitioners involved in the theory, practice, and analysis of computer-based animation and music composition as well as realtime performance systems. This three day program is designed to encourage the interaction between researchers and the interchange of work and ideas in the areas of computer music and computer animation. The symposium will provide a mix of innovative technical sessions and cultural events to promote the understanding and development of both computer music and computer animation and will provide a forum for exploring the technical and aesthetic similarities and difference in these two fields. Transactions of the Symposium will be published. They will contain the selected papers, descriptions of performances, etc. SCOPE Original papers, live performance works, works for screenings and poster presentations are sought on a wide range of topics. The fields are evolving, hence the scope of the Symposium is broad. We encourage and invite submissions in the form of original papers, state-of the-art reports, live performance works and works on video or audio tapes in every area of the field, including (in no particular order): o Behavioural Animation o Special effects o Animation languages/systems o Realtime Animation o Sound and Speech synthesis and synchronization o Physical Dynamics o Sonification o Software and hardware architectures for sound & image composition. o Special hardware for image and sound synthesis or processing o Composition and performance o Distributed Systems and Parallel Programming o Spatial Audio o Collaboration environments & networking and communication o Media integration and synchronization o Programming paradigms and environments o User interfaces o Animated visualisation o Robotics and animation (virtual robotics) o Motion control o Modeling and Rendering o Proceedural animation o Spatial and temporal antialiasing o Synthetic actors o Virtual reality Where applicable, prototype demonstrations or slide, tape etc presentations are encouraged to supplement the papers. LANGUAGE The working language of the conference will be English. PAPERS Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality papers which should be at most 6000 words or 10 pages. Submissions should consist of 3 copies of the paper and a cover letter indicating the primary author's name, affiliation, address, phone and fax numbers and email address. The title page should include an abstract (less than 200 words) and up to 5 keywords. Please see table at the beginning of this announcement for deadlines. CULTURAL EVENTS o An exhibition: Contours of the Mind: A Celebration of Fractals, Feedback and Chaos, o Public Performances o Audio-visual display/ listening room o Installations OPEN FORUM Synasethesia '94 delegates will be asked to submit in no more than 10 lines a question or statement outlining an issue pertaining to their field of endevour that they consider currently important. An open forum where questions and discussions relating to these ideas will be scheduled. FEES (Australian Dollars) Registration fee $120 Early registration fee $100 Student & Unemployed $90 Early registration fee $75 For those intending to submit a paper, poster, or recording the notification should include the format, title and a brief outline (100 words) of the proposed submission. For more information, notification of intention to participate etc, please contact: SYNAESTHETICA '94 Attention: Julie Fraser Australian Centre for the Arts and Technology GPO Box 804 Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia email: ORGANISING COMMITTEE David Worrall, Head Stuart Ramsden, Lecturer in Computer Animation Tim Kreger, Lecturer in Computer Music Julie Fraser, Executive Officer Australian Centre for the Arts & Technology (ACAT) Institute of the Arts, Australian National University email: Tim Kreger EMail: Lecturer in Computer Music Ph: 61-6-249-5642 Australian Centre for the Fax: 61-6-247-0229 Arts and Technology