call for papers, previous message From: (Ricardo Baeza-Yates) Subject: CFP: 2nd Latin-American Conference on Theoretical Informatics (LATIN'95) Date: 13 Apr 1994 11:51:52 -0500 ********************************************************************* * Preliminary Call for Papers * * * * Second International Symposium * * * * LATIN'95 * * * * Latin American Theoretical INformatics * * * * April 3 -- 7, 1995 --- Valpara'iso/Vi~na del Mar, Chile * * * * Sponsored by Universidad de Chile, UTFSM & IFIP SGFCS * * in cooperation with EATCS, CLEI, SBC, SCCC * * * ********************************************************************* LATIN'95 is the follow-up of LATIN'92, an International Symposium on Theoretical Computer Science created to promote Theoretical Computer Science research in Latin America. Further symposia held in different Latin American countries are expected. The first event, held in S~ao Paulo, was sponsored by the Instituto de Matem'atica e Estat'istica da Universidade de S~ao Paulo in April, 1992. The second one, LATIN'95, will be organized by the University of Chile at Santiago, Univ. T'ecnica Federico Santa Mar'ia (UTFSM) at Valpara'iso/Vi~na del Mar, and P. Univ. Cat'olica at Santiago. Papers presenting original research on all aspects of the areas of Automata, Algorithms and Complexity are being sought. Typical topics include: . Algorithms and Data Structures . Automata and Formal Languages . Computability and Complexity Theory . Computational Geometry . Cryptography . Parallel and Distributed Computation . Symbolic and Algebraic Computation . Combinatorial and Algebraic Aspects of Computer Science The papers will be selected by the following Program Committee: Ricardo Baeza-Yates (U. of Chile, Co-chair) Arnaldo Moura (IBM, Brazil) Leopoldo Bertossi (Catholic Univ., Chile) J.Ian Munro (Waterloo, Canada) Svante Carlsson (Lulea, Sweden) Gene Myers (Arizona, USA) Walter Cunto (IBM, Venezuela) Maurice Nivat (Paris, France) Josep Diaz (Barcelona, Spain) Andrew Odlyzko (Bell Labs, USA) Volker Diekert (Stuttgart, Germany) Ren'e Peralta (Wisconsin, USA) Vladimir Estivill-Castro (LANIA, Mexico) Dominique Perrin (Paris, France) Joachim von zur Gathen (Toronto, Canada) Patricio Poblete (U. of Chile) Eric Goles (U. of Chile, Co-chair) Gregory Rawlins (Indiana, USA) Gast'on Gonnet (ETH, Switzerland) Antonio Restivo (Palermo, Italy) Jozef Gruska (Bratislava, Slovakia) Grzegorz Rozenberg (Leiden, Neths.) Jan van Leuween (Utrecht, Netherlands) Isaac Scherson (Irvine, USA) Tom Leighton (MIT, USA) Imre Simon (S~ao Paulo, Brazil) Andrzej Lingas (Lund, Sweden) Godfried Toussaint (McGill, Canada) Laszlo Lovasz (Yale, USA) Nivio Ziviani (Minas Gerais, Brazil) The preliminary list of invited speakers include Alberto Apostolico (Purdue & Padova), Josep Diaz (Barcelona) and Steve Smale (Berkeley). Authors are cordially invited to submit papers in two parts. The first part, directed to a non-specialist, consists of 8 copies of a one or two page abstract (maximum of 1000 words) clearly stating the problem, the main results obtained, an explanation of their significance, and a comparison to previous work. The second part, directed to a specialist, consists of 4 copies of an extended abstract of six to ten pages (maximum of 5000 words), excluding references and figures. The title page should specify the contact author's name, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address, whenever available. All material submitted should be in English. From places where copier machines are not readily available one copy of each part is acceptable. Submissions should be sent by airmail (courier mail is STRONGLY recommended) to one of the Program Committee Chairs: Ricardo Baeza-Yates Eric Goles Depto. de Ciencias de la Computaci'on Depto. de Ingenier'ia Matem'atica Universidad de Chile Universidad de Chile Blanco Encalada 2120 Casilla 170-3 Santiago, Chile Santiago, Chile E-mail: FAX: +(56) (2) 671-2799 The symposium will consist of approximately 6 invited lectures and of contributed papers. We intend to publish the Symposium Proceedings in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series as in 1992. The final copy of accepted papers for the Proceedings will be required in camera-ready form. We plan to have one day (April 7th) for specific workshops. Any person interested in organizing one should contact one of the program chairs. In particular, the 2nd South-American Workshop on String Processing will be held that day. Vi~na del Mar is a beach resort accessible by air, bus or car at a distance of 110 kms from Santiago. If you need further information or you wish to let LATIN'95 know that you intend to submit a paper, send your name, affiliation, postal and e-mail addresses as well as the area of your intended paper to or mail these data to one of the addresses above. Important dates: all deadlines are FIRM Deadline for reception of submission in Santiago September 1, 1994 Notification of acceptance or rejection November 2, 1994 Deadline for reception of final text in Santiago January 2, 1995 Organizing Committee: Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Univ. de Chile (Co-chair) Leopoldo Bertossi, P. Univ. Cat'olica de Chile Horst von Brand, Univ. Tec. Federico Santa Mar'ia Alvaro Campos, P. Univ. Cat'olica de Chile Eric Goles, Univ. de Chile (Co-chair) Nancy Hitschfeld, Univ. de Chile R'aul Monge, Univ. Tec. Federico Santa Mar'ia Ren'e Peralta, U. of Wisconsin & P. Univ. Cat'olica de Chile Patricio Poblete, U. de Chile Imre Simon, Univ. de S~ao Paulo Marcelo Visconti, Univ. Tec. Federico Santa Mar'ia PLEASE PUBLICIZE * PLEASE PUBLICIZE * PLEASE PUBLICIZE : : : Publicity material, such as a LaTeX source of this : : Announcement is available at : : : : Dissemination : : of this information in your Institution : : will be strongly appreciated. : : : PLEASE PUBLICIZE * PLEASE PUBLICIZE * PLEASE PUBLICIZE