call for papers, previous message From: hans@cs.Buffalo.EDU (Hans Chalupsky) Subject: CFP (extended deadline): 3rd International SNePS Workshop Date: 18 Apr 1994 13:51:45 -0500 ** EXTENDED DEADLINE/UPDATES ** CALL FOR PAPERS for the THIRD INTERNATIONAL SNePS WORKSHOP to be held during the FIRST INTERNATIONAL SUMMER INSTITUTE IN COGNITIVE SCIENCE (FISI-CS) Multidisciplinary Foundations of Cognitive Science Center for Cognitive Science State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo NY, USA (Amherst Campus) July 28 - 29, 1994 ******************************************************************************* EXTENDED SUBMISSION DEADLINE: June 6, 1994 NOTE: Deadline for early full-session registration (4 weeks) is April 30, 1994! Registration fees for partial registration (per week) are not affected (only partial registration is necessary to attend the SNePS workshop). ******************************************************************************* The Third International SNePS (Semantic Network Processing System) Workshop will take place during the First International Summer Institute in Cognitive Science to be held in July 1994 in Buffalo, NY. The first day of the two-day workshop will be devoted entirely to a hands-on SNePS tutorial for people interested in learning about SNePS. The second day will be used for the presentation and discussion of SNePS-related papers. PURPOSE The Semantic Network Processing System (SNePS), developed by Stuart C. Shapiro et al., is the implementation of a fully intensional theory of knowledge representation and reasoning. Since its first incarnation in the early seventies, the main goal driving its development has been the construction of an artificial or computational cognitive agent capable of communicating intelligently with other cognitive agents in natural language. In the last several years, many laboratories and individuals all over the world have obtained copies of SNePS, and have been using it as a tool for their own research or as part of implementations of applied AI systems. One purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers who are using SNePS in their ongoing research or for the development of applied AI systems, to further communication and cooperation with other SNePS researchers, and to promote the integration of independent developments. However, the workshop is not exclusively aimed at users of SNePS. The knowledge representation and reasoning issues that SNePS tries to address are genuine problems which are also tackled by many researchers outside the SNePS community. Contributions discussing such issues, in particular, if they do closely relate to SNePS or to propositional knowledge representation in general, are highly welcome. CALL FOR PAPERS We invite you to submit papers about applications of SNePS, as well as research and position papers, preferably on topics directly related to SNePS or similar knowledge representation and reasoning formalisms. Such topics may include, but are not limited to, any of the following: o General issues in knowledge representation o Theoretical foundations of propositional semantic networks o Natural language understanding and generation o Representation of and reasoning about plans and actions o Planning and acting o Reasoning about change o Nonmonotonic reasoning o Reason maintenance and belief revision o Belief representation and reasoning about nested beliefs o Efficient reasoning methods o Distributed knowledge bases and parallelization o Agent architectures and autonomous agents o Large scale knowledge bases o Relationships of SNePS to other knowledge representation and reasoning systems o Applications of SNePS SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Authors interested in presenting a paper should submit 5 copies of a camera-ready full paper (not exceeding 10 pages) containing previously unpublished work. The first page of each paper should contain its title, the name, affiliation, surface and e-mail address of each author, and an abstract. All papers should be submitted on 8.5 x 11 inch or A4 paper, and printed in 12-point font. Selection of papers will be based upon quality and relevance to the theme of the workshop. Submissions should be sent by hard mail, to arrive by June 6, 1994, to: Hans Chalupsky Department of Computer Science 226 Bell Hall State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, NY 14260 USA Phone: ++(716) 645-2879 Fax: ++(716) 645-3464 E-mail:Authors will be informed by early July about acceptance of their paper. The collection of accepted papers will be published as a technical report of the Department of Computer Science of the State University of New York at Buffalo. Authors are strongly encouraged to use the LaTeX document formatting system, because this will enable us to make the technical report available on-line. REGISTRATION AND FEES Workshop participants have to register for at least the last week of the Summer Institute for Cognitive Science (week 4) with form C given below. The partial registration fees for one week are US$ 350 for academic affiliates (faculty/student), and US$ 650 for corporate affiliates. It should be pointed out that registering for the last week does entitle you to attend all lectures, workshops and tutorials held during that week, not just the SNePS workshop. Full registration for the whole Summer Institute or any partial registration including the last week will of course also entitle you to attend the SNePS workshop. To register for the SNePS workshop and/or tutorial please do the following: 1) Send a short e-mail message to indicating whether you want to attend the workshop and/or tutorial. 2) If you want to attend the SNePS workshop and/or tutorial but not the entire four-week FISI-CS session fill out form C below (circle week 4 in the partial registration section) and send it **by postal/surface/snail mail** (not e-mail) to FISI-CS Office of Conferences and Special Events Center for Tomorrow, Room 120 State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, NY 14260-1602 USA If you want to attend other parts of the Summer Institute as well or want complete information about lectures/courses/workshops offered at FISI-CS, please refer to the comprehensive FISI-CS brochure which is available via anonymous ftp from `' ( in file `/users/rapaport/fisi-brochure'. In case you cannot retrieve the brochure via ftp please send e-mail to . LOCAL ORGANIZATION AND PROGRAM COMMITTEE Hans Chalupsky William J. Rapaport Stuart C. Shapiro IMPORTANT DATES: Deadline for paper submissions: June 6, 1994 Notification of acceptance: Early July E-mail notification about your intent to attend: As soon as possible, but please no later than July 1, 1994. Early registration for full FISI-CS session (4 weeks): April 30, 1994 REGISTRATION FORM C FISI-CS PAYMENT FORM FORM C NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ Dr./Mr./Ms. Last First Middle Student/Faculty Corporate INSTITUTE REGISTRATION FEE FULL Session (to register for the entire 4 weeks) Circle the applicable amount. (Books and course materials are not included.) Advance Registration (payment in full, postmarked on or before April 30, 1994) $ 750.00 $ 1800.00 LATE Registration (postmarked after April 30, 1994) $ 850.00 $ 2000.00 PARTIAL Registration (per week) (NO academic credit given) (1 week registration can include either associated weekend): _____ Weeks X $350.00 for Faculty and Students $ _______ _____ Weeks X $650.00 for Corporate Affiliates $ _______ Circle weeks attending: Wk1: 7/5-9, Wk2: 7/10-16, Wk3: 7/17-23, Wk4: 7/24-30 ADDITIONAL CREDIT FEE (total number of credits minus 3) X $150.00 $ _______ $ _______ UNIVERSITY FEE $ 12.50 $ 12.50 HOUSING FEE Governors Residence Halls, University at Buffalo _____ Weeks X $140.00, Single Occupancy Room $ _______ $ _______ _____ Weeks X $110.00 X ____ persons for a Double Occupancy $ _______ $ _______ Roommate preference:____________________________ MEAL PLAN Includes 3 buffet-style meals per day at an on-campus dining facility. Meals will be served Monday through Friday. _____ Weeks X $85.00 $ _______ $ _______ A 2-meal (brunch & dinner) option is also available for weekends (Sat-Sun). _____ Weekends X $30.00 $ _______ $ _______ TOTAL FEES DUE $ _______ $ _______ TOTAL U.S. FUNDS ACCOMPANYING THIS FORM $ _______ $ _______ A $100.00 non-refundable deposit is required for registration, unless you are paying in full. If you are making a partial payment, then you must send a minimum of $100.00 to be used as a deposit to hold your place at the Institute. BALANCE DUE $ _______ $ _______ METHOD OF PAYMENT _____ Check/Money Order (in US FUNDS) enclosed and made payable to U.B. FOUNDATION (Federal ID No. 16-1372561) _____ Credit Card: _____ Visa _____ MasterCard Card Number: ________________________ Exp. Date: ___________ Name (as it appears on card): ________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: __________________