call for papers, previous message From: (Monica) Subject: First Conference on Foundations of Information Science, Madrid Spain Date: 21 Apr 1994 12:35:36 -0500 ANNOUNCEMENT: FIRST CONFERENCE ON FOUNDATIONS OF INFORMATION SCIENCE ============ (From Computers and Quantum Physics to Cells, Nervous Systems and Societies) ==================== ==================== CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS To be held in Madrid (Spain) on July 11-15, 1994, at the University "Carlos III de Madrid", Avda. Madrid 107, Getafe, Madrid, Spain. Organized by University "Carlos III de Madrid" and University of Zaragoza. During recent decades the increasing knoledge of both the internal mechanisms of living beings and technologies have had a tremendous impact on the scientific enterprise itself. A number of scientific and technologically related new fields have arisen in the orbit of molecular biology and artificial intelligence, such as biocomputing and molecular computing, computational biology, artificial life nanotechnologies, biomimic... Futhermore, the content of many other disciplines have been dramatically altered by the influence of both computers and molecular biology. In this conference can be discussed the possibility of and interdisciplinary body of computational (informational) terms to be applied to the analysis of three fundamental "societies". First, the "society of enzimes", with the organization and fundamental properties of the simplest cellular systems, second, the "society of neurons" with the processing in the vertebrate brain, or more in general, the "society of cells" and the integration of processes in organisms, and third, the "society of individuals" with the organization and interaction of human societies (partially including ecosystems and animal societies). From an informational perspective, the three societies have many traits in common. The whole operation, survival, reproduction, etc, is only possible though an extraordinary flux of informational processes and operations exchanged among their contituent members. How these societies have specialized the functions of their individual agents, how they integrate these, and also how they manage to accumulate the necessary knoledge for establishing "meta-dynamic" processes (self- modification), and how they evolve (and evolve their evolvability) are only but a few of the informational problems and solutions that this entities have to manage. Is in this special developement of collective operations where we can find, abstracting completely its particular nature, the naked substance of "information", the potential source of a new discipline. PROGRAM ======= 11-07-94: Opening Session 12-04-94: Information and the fundamental Concepts of Physics and Computer Sciences. 13-07-94: The Society of Enzimes-the Cell. 14-04-94: The Society of Cells-Nervous Systems, Organisms and Ecosystems 15-07-94: The Society of individuals. Papers and posters will be reviewed by the scientific commitee and all the authors will be informed at the end of the review process. The papers (three copies) must not excced six typewriten pages and should be writen in English. Papers and/or registration form should be sent to A. Sanchis, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, C/Butarque 15, 28911-Leganes-Madrid (Spain). The registration fees are 20000 pts and 10000 pts for students. Payment by transfer or check to the acount of Caja de Madrid, Suc. 2038, C/ Avda. Juan de la Cierva S/N, 28902-Getafe-Madrid, Cod Ag 2452, acount number 6000085134 with the reference OR3. For additional information, write or fax to A. Sanchis fax: 34-1-6-24-94-23