call for papers, previous message From: (Dr. John Sullins) Subject: CFP: Session on Knowledge-Based Systems in Engineering Date: 21 Apr 1994 13:21:43 -0500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS Computer Applications Symposium Session on Knowledge-Based Systems In Engineering Houston, TX January 29 - February 1, 1995 The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Petroleum Division is sponsoring the Energy-sources Technology Conference & Exhibition (ETCE), to be held January 29 - February 1, 1995, at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Houston, Texas. A part of this conference is the Computer Applications Symposium, which focuses on the uses of computers in engineering-related applications. Attendees will be from both academia and industry. This coming year, one session will be devoted to applications of Knowledge-Based Systems in Engineering. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Expert Systems Automated Knowledge Acquisition Distributed AI Hybrid Systems Image Processing Neural Network Applications Robotics Fuzzy Logic Applications Intelligent CAD/CAM Natural Language Understanding Authors are requested to send a letter of intent, an information sheet that includes the full name of the author(s), title, address, phone number, and FAX number or E-mail address (if applicable), and a preliminary abstract (up to 200 words) by April 25, 1994. Full papers are due by August 15. All presented papers will be published in the symposium proceedings. Please contact the session organizers if you have any questions. We look forward to your contributions. Important Dates: Preliminary abstract due April 25, 1994 Papers due (3 copies, 20 double-spaced pages at most) August 15, 1994 Notification of Paper Acceptance September 15, 1994 Camera-Ready Copies due October 10, 1994 ETCE Symposium (Houston) Jan. 29 - Feb 1, 1995 Session Organizers: Dr. John R. Sullins Andreas Scherer Dept. of Computer & Information Sci. University of Hagen Youngstown State University Applied Computer Science I 410 Wick Avenue Feithstr. 140 Youngstown, OH 58084 Hagen USA Germany EMAIL: EMAIL: Tel.: (216) 742-1806 Tel.: +49/2331/987-2972 FAX.: (216) 742-1998 FAX.: +49/2331/987-314 --------------------------------------------------------------------