call for papers, previous message From: (R. Uthurusamy CS/50) Subject: ANZIIS-94 Call for Papers Date: 26 Apr 1994 03:53:58 GMT CALL FOR PAPERS ----------------- ANZIIS-94 ========= Second Australian and New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 29 November - 2 December 1994 Tutorials: 29 November, Conference: 30 November - 2 December 1994 Major fields: Artificial Intelligence Fuzzy Systems Neural Networks Evolutionary Computation The Second Australian and New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems (ANZIIS-94) will be held in Brisbane, from 29 November to 2 December 1994. This follows the successful inaugural conference, ANZIIS-93, held in Perth in December 1993. The Conference will offer an international forum for discussion of new research on the key methods of intelligent information processing: conventional artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, and evolutionary algorithms. The conference will include invited keynote presentations and contributed papers in oral and poster presentations. All papers will be refereed and published in the proceedings. TUTORIALS AND PANEL SESSIONS The Organising Programme Committee cordially invites proposals for tutorials and special interest sessions relevant to the scope of the conference. Proposals should include details of the proponent including mailing, e-mail and fax addresses, and research record. ABOUT BRISBANE Brisbane is a cosmopolitan and pleasant subtropical city. It is the heart of the vibrant south-east Queensland region that streches over 200 Km from the Gold to the Sunshine Coasts. It is not only a focal point for national and international tourists but tens of thousands Australians every year decide to set up home here. We recommed conference participants to set aside a few extra days to explore the region, either on their own leisure or by taking part in the special pre and post conference activities to be announced. Application areas will include, but will not be limited to: Adaptive Systems Artificial Life Autonomous Vehicles Data Analysis Factory Automation Financial Markets Intelligent Databases Knowledge Engineering Machine Vision Pattern Recognition Machine Learning Neurobiological Systems Control Systems Optimisation Parallel and Distributed Computing Robotics Prediction Sensorimotor Systems Signal Processing Speech Processing Virtual Reality INFORMATION ANZIIS-94 Secretariat School of Computing Science Queensland University of Technology GPO Box 2434 Brisbane, Q 4001, Australia. Telephone: + 61 7 864 2925 Fax: + 61 7 864 1801 e-mail: SUBMISSION OF PAPERS For the speedy processing of the papers authors are requested to submit their contributions camera-ready on paper and by mail only. Papers should be laser printed on A4 size pages with 25 mm margins on all four sides using a Roman font not smaller than 10 points. The maximum allowed length of an article is 5 pages. The paper should be set in two column format, using the LaTex "article" style or following the style of the IEEE Transaction journals. The papers should contain an abstract and the complete mailing addresses of the authors. Papers will be reviewed internationally. Accepted articles will be published as submitted, as there is no opportunity for revision. Only those papers for which the presenting author has registered as a conference delegate will be printed in the proceedings. Extra copies of the Proceedings will be marketed through the IEEE book brokerage program. IMPORTANT DATES Papers due: 15 July 1994 Tutorial proposals due: 15 July 1994 Notification of acceptance: 15 September 1994 Registration for authors due: 1 October 1994 FEES before 1 Oct after 1 Oct ---- ------------ ----------- Member of IEEE/IEAust/ACS A$400 A$450 Other A$450 A$500 Student member of IEEE/IEAust/ACS A$150 A$200 Other Student A$200 A$250 GOVERNMENT TRAINING LEVY The conference programme will meet the requirements of the Australian Government Training Levy for inclusion in an employer's training programme. ANZIIS-94 ORGANISED BY : IEEE Australia Council IEEE New Zealand Council IEEE Queensland Section IN CO-OPERATION WITH : IEAust - The Institution of Engineers, Australia Australian Computer Society Queensland University of Technology - School of Computing Science ORGANISING COMMITTEE Dr. J. Sitte, Queensland University of Technology General Conference Chair Dr. W. Boles, Queensland University of Technology Mr. S. Ellis, IEEE Queensland Section Dr. S. Geva, Queensland University of Technology Mr. R. Prandolini, IEEE Queensland Chapter Ms. R. Sitte, Griffith University - Nathan Mr. C. Thorne, Griffith University - Gold Coast Dr. R. Zurawski, Swinburne University of Technology Prof.Y.Attikiouzel, University of Western Australia Advisory Committe Chair Dr. Nicola Kasabov, University of Otago New Zealand Liaison Chair TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Dr. J. Andreae, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Prof. S. Bang, Pohang Institute of Science and Technology, Korea Prof. B. Boashash, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Ms. A. Bowles, BHP Research Laboratories, Australia Prof. T. Caelli, University of Melbourne, Australia Prof. L. Cahill, La Trobe University, Australia Dr. Duncan Campbell, La Trobe University, Australia Dr. G. Coghill, University of Auckland, New Zealand Prof. A. Constantinides, Imperial College, U.K. Dr. J. Cybulski, La Trobe University, Australia Prof. T. Dillon, La Trobe University,Australia Prof. T. Downs, University of Queensland, Australia Prof. R. Evans, The University of Melbourne, Australia Prof. N. Foo, University of Sydney, Australia Prof. T. Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan Prof. R. Hodgson, Massey University, New Zealand Mr. A. Horsfall, Fujitsu Australia Ltd., Australia Prof. H. Hsu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Prof. R. Jarvis, Monash University, Australia Dr. A. Jennings, Telecom Research Laboratories, Australia Dr. J. Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland Prof. S. Kollias, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Prof. B. Kosko, University of Southern California, USA Dr. A. Kowalczyk, Telecom Research Laboratories Dr. H.C. Lui, National University of Singapore, Singapore Prof. T. Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Dr. J. Morris, University of Tasmania, Australia Dr. D. Nandagopal, DSTO, Australia Prof. T. Nguyen, University of Tasmania, Australia Dr. M. Palaniswami, The University of Melbourne, Australia Prof. L. Patnaik, Indian Institute of Science, India Dr. P.K. Simpson, Orincon Corp., San Diego, USA Prof. A.C. Tsoi, University of Queensland, Australia Dr. R. Uthurusamy, GM Research Labs. USA Prof. A. Venetsanopoulos, University of Toronto, Canada Prof. K. Wong, The University of Western Australia, Austrlia Dr. A. Zomaya, The University of Western Australia, Austrlia Prof. J. Zurada, University of Louisville, USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------