call for papers, previous message From: (Wuxu Peng) Subject: Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems (IEA/AIE-94) - Program & Registration Form Date: 6 May 1994 16:40:55 -0500 // IIIIII EEEEEE A // A IIIIII EEEEEE 9999 4 II EE A A // A A II EE 9 9 44 II EE A A // A A II EE __ 99 99 4 4 II EEEEEE AAAAAAA // AAAAAAA II EEEEEE -- 9 99 4 4 II EE A A // A A II EE 999999 4444444 II EE A A // A A II EE 99 4 IIIIII EEEEEE A A// A A IIIIII EEEEEE 999999 4 IEA/AIE-94 CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT The Seventh International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems May 31 - June 3, 1994, The Hyatt Regency on Town Lake, Austin, Texas 78704, USA General Chair: Moonis Ali, Southwest Texas State University Program Chair: Frank Anger, University of West Florida Program Co-Chair: Bernard Widrow, Stanford University Sponsored by: The International Society of Applied Intelligence Organized in Cooperation with: ACM/SIGART, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Institution of Electrical Engineers, IEEE Computer Society, INNS/SIG, Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, Institute of Measurement and Control, Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence, Southwest Texas State Univ, European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence IEA/AIE-94 continues the tradition of emphasizing applications of artificial intelligence and expert/knowledge-based systems to engineering and industrial problems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing Natural Language Processing Dependability & AI/ES Neural Networks Distributed AI Architectures Pattern Recognition Expert & Diagnostic Systems Planning & Scheduling Intelligent Databases Practical Applications Intelligent Interfaces Reasoning Under Uncertainty Intelligent Tutoring Robotics Knowledge Acquisition Sensor Fusion Knowledge Representation Intelligent Software Development Tools Machine Learning System Dependability Machine Vision Temporal and Spatial Reasoning Model-Based & Qualitative Reasoning Verification & Validation The deadline for submissions of papers was November 5, 1993. (Notification of the review process was be made by January 22, 1994, to the authors and final copies of papers were due to the Program Chair for inclusion in the conference proceedings by February 22, 1994.) Dr. Moonis Ali GENERAL CHAIR Dept. of Computer Science SW Texas State University San Marcos, TX 78666-4616, USA Tele: (+1) 512 245-3409 FAX: (+1) 512 245-8750 email: Dr. Frank D. Anger Dr. Bernard Widrow PROGRAM CHAIR PROGRAM CO-CHAIR Dept. of Comp. Sci. Dept. of Elect. Engin.(ISL) The University of W. Florida Stanford University Pensacola, FL 32514, USA Stanford, CA 94305-4055, USA Tele: (+1) 904 474-3022 Tele: (+1) 415 723-4949 FAX:(+1) 904 474-3129 email: email: The proceedings will be published and will be available at the conference. Copies of the proceedings of earlier conferences are available - contact: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers Customer Service P.O. Box 786, Cooper Station New York, NY 10276; Tel.: 1-800-545-8398 (in USA only) (+1) 212-206-8900 Ext. 246 Fax: (+1) 212-645-2459 Program Committee: ----------------- R Aylett, U Salford D Barschdorff, Paderborn U F Belli, Paderborn U J Brown, MCC W Bulko, IBM P Chung, Loughborough U M Dincbas, Cosytec P Fink, SW Research Inst R Fisher, AIAI Edinburgh G Forsyth, DSTO H Gill, Mitre Corp A Gonzalez, U C FL H Guesgen, U Auckland R Guha, U C FL C Howell, Mitre Corp R Inder, U Edinburgh J Kingston, AIAI, Edinburgh S Kirn, Westf. Wilhelms U R Leitch, Hariot-Watt U M Lenart, GesamtHS Kassel G Lovegrove, Staffordshire U M Magee, Univ WY M Matthews, Univ SC L Monostori, C&ARI J Pearl, UCLA W Potter, Univ GA F Radermacher, FAW Ulm A Rewari, DEC Maynard J Roach, VPI R Rodriguez, U W FL E Sandewall, Linkoping U J Schneider, U Hagen S Seidman, Auburn U S Sherman, DEC Maynard S Stoecklin, FAMU P Sydenham, U So Australia T Tanaka, Fukuoka IT E Wan, Stanford U A Whinston, UT Austin R Yager, Iona College H-J Zimmermann, RWTH Tutorial Chair R Rodriguez, U W FL Local Chair K Kaikhah, SW Texas State U Publicity Chair S Stoecklin, FAMU Exhibition Chair W Peng, SW Texas State U Registration Chair C Morriss, SW Texas State U Please mail the following to the General Chairman, Dr. Moonis Ali, at his above-listed address: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please keep me on your mailing list, as I am interested in attending or receiving information on: _______ IEA/AIE-94 _______ IEA/AIE-95 Name: ___________________________________________________ E-Mail Address: _______________________________ Full Postal Address: ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________________ Fax Number: _________________________ [] Please send me registration information (IEA/AIE-94) [] I wish to submit a paper (IEA/AIE-95) IEA/AIE-94, Austin, TX - May 31/June 3, 1994 TUTORIAL & WORKSHOP PROGRAM Tuesday Morning, May 31,1994 (W) WORKSHOP 8:30 - 12:30 Workshop on Formalisms for Representing and Reasoning about Time Organized by Helen Gill of Mitre Corp. and NSF, VA, and Steve Seidman of Auburn University, AL For over a decade, formal methods have been used with great success to specify and verify concurrent and distributed systems. In recent years, many research groups have extended these methods to incorporate time and have used the timed methods to model time-critical concurrent systems. An alternative approach to specifying and verifying time-critical systems is based on developing logics that explicitly incorporate time. The techniques used to represent and reason about time in these formalisms are quite varied. The papers included in this special session were selected to provide an overview of a broad range of recent work on timed models of concurrent systems. The session will end with a discussion of current trends in this area by a panel of distinguished researchers. Papers will be presented by D. Clarke and I. Lee (University of Pennsylvania); L. Dillon and Q. Yu, (University of California, Santa Barbara); T. Henzinger and P. Ho (Cornell University); M. Mislove (Tulane University); J. Quemada, D. de Frutos, and C. Miguel (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid). and J. Tsai (University of Illinois at Chicago). The members of the panel are Rance Cleaveland (North Carolma State University); E. A. Emerson (University of Texas). A. Mok (University of Texas); G. M. Reed (Oxford University): Stephen Seidman (Auburn University, moderator). (TI) TUTORIAL. 8:30 - 12:30 Introduction to Neural Networks Given by Khosrow Kaikhah of Southwest Texas State University Neural Networks, or Artificial Neural Systems (ANS), are a combinatlon of Biology, Mathematics, and Computer Science. Neural Networks mimic the functionality of the human brain and can be classified into three categories: a. Associative Memory Networks b. Supervised Learning Networks c. Unsupervised Learning Networks The tutorial introduces some of the terminologies, architectures, and advances in this field. Similarities and differences between Neural Networks and the human brain will be pointed out by focusing on several examples of each category. Tuesday Afternoon, May 31,1994 WORKSHOP PANEL DISCUSSION 1:30 - 3:15 Panel Discussion: R. Cleaveland, H. Gill, A. Emerson, A. Mok, G.M. Reed, S. Seidman (T2) TUTORIAL 1:30 - 5:00 Evolutionary Algorithms Given by Zbigniew Michalewicz of the University of North Carolina, Charlotte The tutorial will provide an overview of basic evolutionary computation techniques and their applications. During the last thirty years there has been a growing interest in problem solving systems based on the principle of evolution. Such systems maintain a population of potential solutions, incorporate a selection process based on an extrinsically imposed fitness of each individual, and include methods for creating randomly perturbed variants of current trials. There is also a growing interest in "non-standard" evolutionary computation methods, as "pure" evolutionary computation techniques are generally not the most successful optimization techniques. Evolutionary methods have been successfully applied to a variety of difficult problems, including numerical optimization, machine learning, optimal control, cognitive modeling, classic operations research problems, engineering design, robotics, and signal processing. (T3) TUTORIAL-- 1:30 - 5:00 Mobile Robots -- Architectures, Issues and Applications; A European View Given by Ruth Aylett of Salford University, UK Assumed background: General familiarity with AI techniques. Tutorial will . examine the major concepts and approaches in the field . give an overview of the main areas of controversy in the field . give an indication of the extent to which the technology is being taken up in real applications . restrict itself to an overview of concepts and developments Topics include: Introduction; A brief history from SHAKEY to today; What are people aiming at? What must researchers address? Links with other AI areas; Hierarchical, Behavioral. and Hybrid Architectures; Issues; Applications For further inforrnation regarding IEA/AIE-94 tutorials, please contact: Rita V. Rodriguez, Tutorials Chair, IEA/AIE-94 Department of Computer Science University of West Florida Pensacola, FL 32514 USA EMail: FAX: (904) 474-3129 IEA/AIE-94 TECHNICAL PROGRAM Wednesday June 1,1994 INVITED TALK 8:30 9:30 Title: "Evolutionary Computation: A Personal Perspective" Zbigniew Michalewicz Computer Science Department University of North Carolina, Charlotte Thc talk provides the speaker's personal impression of the field of evolutionary computation. Also an historical perspective will be presented together with some hints on how to develop successful evolutionary algorithsm. The talk will be illustrated by several practical applications (developed by the speaker) of evolutionary programming tech- niques; tllese include mobile robot environment, transportation problem, knapsack problem, and others. (Wla) PLANNING 10:00 - 11:15 Hinkelmann, K.: A Consequence-Finding Approach for Feature Recognition in CAPP Lee, J.; Park, C.; Yoon, D.; Cho, H.: CASE-Based Block Division Planning in Shipbuilding Lim, S.; Chatwin, C.; Abdullah, H.: Self-Organizing Compensating Information Scheduler (SOCIS) for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (Wlb) THE SOFTWARE ENGINEERING/ AI INTERFACE 1 10:00 - 11:15 Belli. F.; Jack, O.: An Environment for Self-Testing of Logic Programs Castell, N.; Slavkova, O; Tuells, T.; Toussaint, Y.: Quality Control of Software Specifications Written in Natural Language Teh, S.; Daugherity, W.; Coulson, R.: A User-Centric Methodology for Building Usable Expert Systems (W2a) NEURAL NETWORKS 11:15 - 12:30 Chang, W.; Soliman, H.; Sung, A.: Fingerprint Image Compression by a Clustering Learning Network Jeyasurya, B.: Power System Voltage Instability Monitoring with Artificial Neural Networks Solak, M.; Peng, A.: An Algebraic Method to Evaluate Spatial Stability in Image Processing Neuro Chips Tsai, J-T.; Ho, T-L.: The Use of Neural Network to Predict Welding Paramcters Tumer, K.; Ghosh, J.: Sequence Recognition by Input Anticipation (W2b) THE SOFTWARE ENGINEERING/ Al INTERFACE 2 11:15 -12:30 Willis, C.; Paddon, D.: Program Synthesis Yen, J.; Teh, S.; Lively, W.: Principled Modeling and Automatic Classification for Enhancing the Reusability of Problem-Solving Methods of Expert Systems Azem, A.; Belli, F.: Reliability Prediction of Prolog Programs (W3a) TEMPORAL REASONING 2:00-3:15 Anger, F.; Allen, J.; Rodriguez, R.: Optimal and Heuristic Task Scheduling under Qualitative Temporal Constraints Ligozat, G.: Temporal Reasoning Made Simpler Mitra, D.; Loganantharaj, R.: An Efficient and Approximate Algorithm for Temporal Reasoning Piechowlak, S.; Rodriguez, J.: A Constraint Network Manager for Diagnosing (W3b) MACHINE LEARNING 1 2:00 - 3:15 Chaudhry, A.; Holder, L.: An Empirical Approach to Solving the General Utility Problem in Speedup Learning Chen-Ellis, G.; McNamee, L.: ACTS: Adaptive Controls for Tutorial Systems Imam, Ibrahim F.: An Experimental Study of Discovery in Large Databases by Partitioning the Learning Space Lee, C.: Shin, D-G.: EEL: An Instance-Based Learning Method for Databases (W4a) KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS- 3:45 - 5:00 Chang, H-M.: Relational Knowledge-Based System Hoglund, G.; Valcarce, E.: The ESSENSE of Intrusion Detection: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Security Monitoring and Control Rajagopalan, R.; Kuipers, B.: The Figure Understander: A System for Integrating Text and Diagram Input to a Knowledge Base Schweiger, J.; Koller, A.: A Distributed Real-Time Knowledge Base for Teams of Autonomous Systems in Manufacturing Environments (W4b) MACHINE LEARNING 2 3:45 - 5:00 Loganantharaj, R.; Prabhu, S.: Problem of Undergeneralization in EBL and a Proposed Solution Romaniuk, S.: Efficient Storage of Instances: The Multi-pass Approach Sen, S.: A Tale of Two Representations Willis, C.; Paddon, D.: Machine Learning in Software Reuse Thursday, June 2,1994 INVITED TALK 8:30 - 9:30 Program Synthesis for Mathematical Modeling Applications Elaine Kant, Senior Research Scientist Schlumberger Laboratory for Computer Science P.O. Box 200015, Austin , TX 78720-0015 email: phone: 512-331-3737 fax: 512-331-3760 Program synthesis techniques have been applied to automatically generate mathematical modeling programs from high-level specifications. Using the Sinapse system, a modeler can specify a set of governing partial differential equations and select solution algorithms from a set of finite difference methods; the system then produces reasonably efficient implementations in either Fortran77, Connection Machine Fortran or C. Sinapse includes object knowledge bases, a simple planning system, and transformation rules. Most of the examples have been simulations of sonic wave propagation, but the system is designed for expansion into other applications and algorithms. Background information: Dr. Elaine Kant received her undergraduate degree in Mathematics from M.I.T. and her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University. She is a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. Elaine has been with Schlumberger since 1985, currently as a Senior Research Scientist, in the Modeling and Simulation group at the Schlumberger Laboratory for Computer Science (in Austin, Texas). Before joining Schlumberger, she was an assistant professor of Computer Science at Carnegie-Mellon University. Elaine's major research interests are in understanding and supporting scientific problem solving and in understanding and automating the design, implementation, and analysis of algorithms and programs. (Tla) INTELLIGENT DATABASES 1 10:00 - 11:15 MdSap, M.; McGregor, D.: A High-Level Query Language Interface to Relational Databases: An Alternative Approach Pitt, J.; Cunningham, J.; Kim, J-H.: Cooperative Answering to Natural Language Email Queries Stader, J.; Inder, R.; Chung, P.: Transforming Databases for Experts (Tlb) ROBOTICS 10:00 - 11:15 Belli, F.; Pollmann, A.; Crisan, R.: Concurrent Logic/Object- Oriented Multi-Robot Programming -- Case Study and Performance Assessment Milani, A.: Minimizing Sensors Task in Plan Monitoring Mobus, G.; Fisher, P.: MAVRlC's Brain (T2a) INTELLIGENT DATABASES 2 11:15 - 12:30 Katayama, N.; Takasu, A.; Adachi, J.: A Database with an Explicit Semantic Representation Taylor, P.: Semantic Nets/Frames and Relational Databases: Further Study into Their Integration Aspects Bhatia. S.; Sabharwal, C.: A Perfect Hash Function for Image Databases (T2b) EXPERT SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS 11:15 - 12:30 Chu, J.: Expert Systems in Mobil Oil Australia Dai, W.; de Beler, M.; Rowles, C.: Intenema: An Intelligent Tool for Telecommunication Network Maintenance Holderfield, D.; Amos, R.; Clark, J.; Martin, B.: Development of an Intelligent Process Planner for Laser Welding of Hermetic Seals for High Performance Microelectronic Assemblies Visser, U.; Voges, U.; Streit, U.: Integration of AI --, Database -- and Telecommunication-Techniques for the Plant Protection Expert System PRO-PLANT. (T3a) SEARCH TECHNIQUES 2:00 - 3:15 Parmee, I.; Johnson, M.; Burt, S.: Techniques to Aid Global Search in Engineering Design Rayne, C.; Jones, R.: Optimising Network Design for Micro- Seismic/Acoustic Emission around Excavations of Arbitrary Shape Tang, M.; Peers, S.; Dharmavasan, S.: RISC, Development of a Knowledge-based System for Offshore Platform Inspection Scheduling (T3b) GENETIC and EVOLUTIONARY METHODS . 2:00 - 3:15 Abbott, L.: Comparison of a Constraint Directed Scarch to a Genetic Algorithm in a Scheduling Application Lenart, M.; Pasztor, A.: How Much Design Knowledge is Needed? An Evolutionary Paradigm Potter, W.; Robinson, R.; Miller, J.; Kochut, K.; Redys, D.: Using The Genetic Algorithm to Find Snake-ln-The-Box Codes Kloske, S.; Smith, R.: Bulk Cable Routing Using Genetic Algorithms (T4a) QUALITATIVE REASONING 3:45 - 5:00 Ayeb. B.: On the Applicability of Model-Based Diagnosis: Examining the Case of Multiple Observations Ba, S.; Hinkkanen, A.; Whinston, A.: Data Representation and Qualitative Optimization -- Some Issues in Enterprise Modeling Purna, Y.; Yamaguchi, T.: Some Notions on Testing Generated Fault Hypotheses Xia, S. Qualitative Reasoning: Conceptually Modelling and Analysing Engineering Systems (T4b) DESIGN 3:45 - 5:00 Belli. F.; Dreyer, J.: Systems Modelling and Simulation by Means of Predicate/Transition Nets and Logic Programming Kuehn, O.; Hoefling, B.: Conserving Corporate Knowledge for Crankshaft Design Leasure, D.; Araya, C.: Defaults and the Frame Law Applied to Overconstrained Problems in Constraint-Based Design Systems Lim, S., Chatwin, C.; Abdullah, H.: Knowledge Control Modelling (KCM): The Bond Graph Unification Approach to Design and Implementation of an Expert System for Intelligent Industrial Laser Cutting Yao, Z; Johnson, A.: Supporting Design Validation by Semantie Analysis Friday, June 3,1994 INVITED TALK 8:30 - 9:30 "The Human-Computer Interactive Aspects of Al" Oscar N. Garcia Program Director, Interactive Systems Program Information, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems Division National Science Foundation Arlington, VA 22203 Presently on leave from: Department of Electrieal Engineering and Computer Science George Washington University Washington, DC 20052 The field of artificial intelligence has developed broadly along the lines of symbolic problem-solving approaches and trainable connectionist or probabilistic approaches. The activity of the human in the feedback loop, often neglected, has important practical consequences as the interface makes possible a synergistic guidance and complementarity between the best capabilities in the biological and electronic systems. Some aspects of this collaboration between human and machine, at the interface, will be covered in this presentation. (Fla) KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION 10:00 - 11:15 Garner, B.; Chen, F.; Anomaly Detection Modelling Gonzalez, A.; Ahlers, R.: A Novel Paradigm for Representing Tactical Knowledge in Intelligent Simulated Opponents Lonsdale, D.; Franz, A.; Leavitt,J.: Large-scale Machine Translation: An Interlingua Approach (Flb) APPLICATION PARADIGMS 10:00 -11:15 Hammami, O.: A Novel Cache Management Using the A* Algorithm Piplani, R.; Talavage, J.: Conjunctive Coal Planning: An Applicatlon to Manufacturing Control Varner, V.; Huff, B.; Peterson, L.: The Application of the Structure-Function Paradigm to Support the Modeling of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (F2a) FUZZY and PATTERN RECOGNITION 11:15 - 12:30 Lu. Y.: Integration of Knowledge in a Multiple Classifier System Roe, A.; Roe, J.: The Application of Artificial Intelligent Techniques to Naval ESM Radar Identification Zargham, M.; Osone, T.: Application of Fuzzy Logic to the Field of Medicine (F2b) REASONING about PHYSICAL SYSTEMS 11:15 - 12:30 Best. L.; Stobart. R.; Magee, M.: Fiber Measurement Using Digital lmage Processing Calistri-Yeh. R.: Applying Blackboard Techniques to Real-Time Signal Processing and Multimedia Network Management Sandrasegaran, K.; Malowany, A.: An Integrated Fault Diagnosis Methodology for Physical Systems (F3a) PARALLEL and DISTRIBUTED Al 2:00 - 3:15 Avila, P.; Casals. A.: Toward a Distributed Network of Intelligent Substation Alarm Processors Baumgartner, J.; Cook. D.: A Genetic Algorithm for Load Balancing in Parallel Computers Nerur, S.; Cook, D.: A Hybrid Parallel-Window/Distributed Tree Algorithm for Improving the Performance of Search-Related Tasks Price, K.; Chang, K-H; Day, W.: DDL: A Parallel Implementatlon of Prolog (F3b) DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS 2:00 - 3:15 Fesq. L.; McNamee, L.: Does Observability Imply Diagnosability ? Guan, J.; Guan, Z.; Bell, D.: Evidential Reasoning and Evidence Theory Harding, W: A Knowledge Dictionary for Expert Systems and Reorganization Techniques Kamp, G.: AMS - a Case-Based Service Support System A complete advance program for IEA/AIE-94 may be obtained by contacting the Registration Chair, Mrs. Cheryl Morriss (information listed below). CONFERENCE REGISTRATION To expedite your registration, please use the conference registration form. The completed form and appropriate payment must be submitted to the registration chair, Mrs. Morriss (see below). Please make checks payable to The International Society of Applied Intelligence and return with the completed registration form to: Mrs. Cheryl Morriss Registration Chair, IEA/AIE-94 Department of Computer Science Southwest Texas State Univcrsity San Marcos, TX 78666-4616 USA Email: Telephone: (512) 245-3409 Fax: (512) 245-8750 For further assistance with registration, contact Cheryl Morriss (above). Pre-registrants may pick up conference material at the Conference Registration Desk at the Hyatt Regency on Town Lake. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES FEES Session Chairs, Program Committee Members, Authors, Member of Cooperating Organizations (includes registration and conference proceedings) $375 Non-members (includes registration and conference proceedings) $425 Students (includes registration but no proceedings; student ID is requircd) $165 Extra Conference Proceedings $ 75 Tutorial/Workshop* Fees Half-Day Tutorial or Workshop $150 Two Half-Day Tutorials/Workshop $200 Banquet (per person) (includes dinner banquet and entertainment) $ 30 The conference banquet will take place in the Hyatt Regency on Town Lake the evening of Thursday, June 2, 1994. * The workshop is limited to 30 participants. Participants giving workshop presentations may waive the workshop fee by paying full conference registration fee --------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 31 - June 3 1994 I E A / A I E - 9 4 Austin,Texas PLEASE PRINT Conference Registration Form Name: _ _ Position: Business Affiliation: Dept/Bldg/Mail Stop/etc.: Address: __ City: State: Zip Code: Country: Telephone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: (Note that Check. Money Order. or Draft only in U.S. Currency on U.S. Bank Make Checks payable to "International Society of Apllied Intelligence") a. Conference Fee $ b. Banquet Fee: (Total number _________ ) $ c. Extra Proceedings: (Total number _________ ) $ d. Tutorial/Workshop Fees: Circle: W Tl T2 T3 $ -------- TOTAL PAYMENT DUE $ Department of Computer Science If you wish to pay by credit card, please complete the following: Select one:_VISA _Mastercard Expiration Date: _ / _ Print name exactly as shown on card: Card number: Cardholder's signature: Date: (signature required) Please mail this form with enclosed remittance to:- Mrs Cheryl Morriss Registration Chair, IEA/AIE-94 Department of Computer Science Southwest Texas State University 601 University Drive San Marcos, TX 78666-4616 USA Email: cm04@academia.swt. Telephone: +1 (512) 245-3409: Fax: +1 (512) 245-8750 -- --wuxu peng (