call for papers, previous message From: (Larry) Subject: ARD-94 CFP Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 00:56:45 GMT Call for Participation Second Automated Reasoning Day September 24-25, 1994, Bribie Island, Qld., Australia The second Automated Reasoning Day will take place at Bribie Island (about 100 Kilo meters north from Brisbane) organised by the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group at the School of Computing and Information Technology, Griffith University. This two day workshop aims to bring together researchers, especially from Australian Universities and Research and Development Institutes, interested in formal and empirical studies of automated reasoning systems and their practical applications. Prospective participants should submit an extended abstract (up to 5 single spaced pages) of the published/unpublished/in-progress papers, which they intend to present, on any aspects of automated reasoning. Those who wish to participate but do not intend to present their work must submit a one-page statement of their research interests, providing pointers to any relevant previous work. Typical areas include (but are not limited to): Theorem proving, para-consistent logics, intention logics (such as temporal, epistemic and modal logics), structural and combinatory logic, abductive reasoning, nonmonotonic reasoning, rational agent architectures, belief revision, constraint satisfaction, logic programming, term rewriting systems etc. All submissions should include an email address, a telephone/fax number and a mailing address. Prospective participants may contact members of the organising committee for any further questions or comments. All submissions should be sent either by electronic mail to: or by hard copy to: Abdul Sattar School of Computing and Information Technology Griffith University Nathan, Brisbane (Qld.) AUSTRALIA 4111 The extended abstracts of presentations will be made available as workshop notes to all participants. We plan to edit these notes in the form of a research report. We intend to keep the number of participants to be 40. There will be no registration fee. We hope to partially support presenters and student participants. Invited Speakers: We expect at least two internationally known invited speakers. Important Dates: Deadline for Submission: 15 August 1994 Notification to Participants: 1 September 1994 Organizing Committee: David Billington Griffith University Roderic Girle (Co-chair) Griffith University Richard Hagen Griffith University Abdul Sattar (Co-chair) Griffith University Larry Stewart-Zerba Griffith University