call for papers, previous message From: (Ian Macleod) Subject: Call for Papers Date: 16 May 1994 04:52:11 GMT COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES The International Journal on the Development and Application of Standards for Computers, Data Communications and Interfaces Editors-in-Chief: John L. Berg Harald Schumny CALL FOR PAPERS: Special Issue on SGML Guest Editor: Ian A. Macleod Department of Computing and Information Science Queen's University Kingston Ontario K7L 3N6 CANADA Email: Phone: (613)-545-6059 FAX: (613)-545-6513 SGML (the Standardized General Markup Language) is an international standard whose importance is rapidly growing. It is fair to say that the era of electronic text has finally arrived. A large number of potential text applications are seeking solutions, and there is significant industrial interest in the technologies being developed in the SGML context. In view of the high importance of SGML, Computer Standards and Interfaces is planning a special issue on this topic to be published in mid 1995. The goal is to collect papers incorporating important advances in the field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: -- Novel applications of SGML -- SGML databases and information retrieval -- Languages for accessing and manipulating SGML structures -- Hypertext/Hypermedia -- Entity management -- Visualisation and SGML -- Related standards and SGML -- Converting legacy databases to SGML -- Tools for developing and using DTDs Papers should be sent to the address above. They should be no longer than 25 pages double spaced in a font size of at least 12 pouints. IMPORTANT DATES: 31 August 1994: deadline for paper submission 31 October 1994: notification of preliminary results 15 December 1994: deadline for submission of revised papers 15 February 1995: Notification of final acception/rejection 1 April 1995: deadline for having the paper to the publisher.