call for papers, previous message From: meta94@DI.UniPi.IT (Paolo Mancarella) Subject: Complete Programme of META94 - LOPSTR 94 - Compunet Area Meeting Date: Tue, 24 May 94 13:51:13 +0200 Please find enclosed the programme of the META 94 and LOPSTR 94 workshops (June 20-21, 1994) and of the Compunet Program Development Area Meeting (June 22), and the registration and accommodation forms. We apologize if you receive this more than once. ------------------------------------------------- +---------------------------------------------------+ | | | META 94 | | Fourth International Workshop on | | Meta Programming in Logic | | | | and | | | | LOPSTR 94 | | Fourth Workshop on Logic Program | | Synthesis and Transformation | | | | June 20-21 | | | | | | COMPUNET Program Development Area Meeting | | | | June 22 | | | | | | Palazzo dei Congressi | | via Matteotti, 1 | | PISA, Italy | | | +---------------------------------------------------+ PROGRAMME ^^^^^^^^^ MONDAY, JUNE 20 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ META & LOPSTR - Joint Session ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9:00 - 9:30 Opening 9:30 - 10:30 Invited talk G. Levi, Universita' di Pisa "Abstract Debugging" 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break LOPSTR - Session 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 11:00 - 11:30 J. Cook and J.P. Gallagher (University of Bristol), "A transformation system for definite programs based on termination analysis". 11:30 - 12:00 N. Bensaou and I. Guessarian (LITP, Paris), "Transforming constraint logic programs". 12:00 - 12:30 C. Solnon and M. Rueher(I3S, Sophia Antipolis), "Propagation of inter-argument dependencies in tuple-distributive type inference systems". 12:30 - 13:00 D. Boulanger and M. Bruynooghe (K.U. Leuven), "Using call/exit analysis for logic program transformation". META - Session 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 11:00 - 11:40 F. Van Harmelen (University of Amsterdam), "A Model of Costs and Benefits of Meta-Level Computation". 11:40 - 12:20 J. Barklund, K. Boberg, P. Dell'Acqua (Uppsala University), "A Basis for a Multi-Level Meta-Logic Programming Language". 12:20 - 13:00 M. Mircheva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), "Logic Programs with Tests". 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch META & LOPSTR - Joint Session ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 14:30 - 15:10 B. Dunin Keplicz (University of Warsaw), "An Architecture with Multiple Meta-Levels for the Development of Correct Programs". 15:10 - 15:50 A. Bossi, S. Etalle (Universita' di Padova, CWI Amsterdam), "More on Unfold/Fold Transformations of Normal Programs: Preservation of Fitting's Semantics". 15:50 - 16:20 Coffee break 16:20 - 16:50 D. Gilbert, C. Hogger and J. Zlatuska (City University of London, Imperial College and Masaryk University, Brno), "Transforming specifications of observable behaviour into programs". 16:50 - 17:20 K.-K. Lau and M. Ornaghi (University of Manchester and Universita' degli Studi di Milano), "On Specification Frameworks and Deductive Synthesis of Logic Programs". 17:20 - 17:50 F. Esposito, D. Malerba, G. Semeraro, C. Brunk and M. Pazzani (Universita' degli Studi di Bari and University of California), "Avoiding non-termination when learning logical programs: A case study with FOIL and FOCL". 17:50 - 18:20 P. Flener and L. Popelinsky (Bilkent University, Ankara and Masaryk University, Brno), "On the use of inductive reasoning in program synthesis: prejudice and prospects". TUESDAY, JUNE 21 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ META & LOPSTR - Joint Session ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9:30 - 10:30 Invited talk B. Dreben (Harvard Univeristy), Title to be announced 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break LOPSTR - Session 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 11:00 - 11:30 C. Sakama and H. Seki (Research Institute of Kyoto and Nagoya Institute of Technology), "Partial deduction of disjunctive logic programs: a declarative approach". 11:30 - 12:00 Michael Leuschel (K. U. Leuven), "Partial Evaluation of the Real Thing". 12:00 - 12:30 P. Tarau and V. Dahl (Universite de Moncton and Simon Fraser University), "Logic Programming and Logic Grammars with First-Order Continuations". 12:30 - 13:00 Sadegh Saidi (Ecole Centrale de Lyon), "Transformation of a class of two-levels grammars into Prolog programs". META - Session 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 11:00 - 11:40 W. van der Hoek, J-J. Meyer, J. Treur (Utrecht Univ, Free Univ. Amsterdam), "Formal Semantics of Temporal Epistemic Reflection". 11:40 - 12:20 J. Treur (Free Univ. Amsterdam), "Temporal Semantics of Meta-Level Architectures for Dynamic Control". 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch LOPSTR - Session 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 14:00 - 14:30 E. Marakakis and J.P. Gallagher (University of Bristol), "Schema-Based Top-Down Design of Logic Programs Using Abstract Data Types". 14:30 - 15:00 Sophie Renault (INRIA, Rocquencourt), "Generalizing the extended execution for normal programs". 15:00 - 15:30 H. Vandecasteele and D. De Schreye (K.U. Leuven), "Implementing a finite-domain CLP-language on top of Prolog: a transformational approach". META - Session 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 14:00 - 14:40 A. Brogi, S. Contiero (Universita' di Pisa), "Godel as a Meta-Language for Composing Logic Programs". 14:40 - 15:20 P.M. Hill (University of Leeds), "Modular Programming and the Non-Ground Representation". 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break LOPSTR - Session 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 16:00 - 16:30 Jinsei Yamaguchi (Kanagawa University), "Semantically Transforming Logic Programs". 16:30 - 17:00 David A. Basin (Max-Planck-Institut, Saarbrucken), "Logic Frameworks for Logic Programs". 17:00 - 17:30 G. Wiggins (University of Edinburgh), "Whelk Type Theory". 17:30 - 18:00 L. Fribourg and H. Olsen (LIENS, Paris and Linkoping University), "Direct, dual and contrapositive proofs by induction". META - Session 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 16:00 - 16:40 G. Attardi, M. Simi (Universita' di Pisa), "Proofs in context". 16:40 - 17:20 F. Giunchiglia, A. Cimatti (IRST, Universita' di Trento), "Introspective Meta-Theoretic Reasoning". 20:00 SOCIAL DINNER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ COMPUNET Program Development Area Meeting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9:00 - 9:30 J.-M Jacquet (U. Namur), "Verifying logic programs from metrics semantics". 9:30 - 10:00 B. Martens, M. Bruynooghe and D. De Schreye (K.U. Leuven), "Automatic weight based unfolding with a satisfactory treatment of meta-interpreters". 10:00 - 10:30 J. Komorowski (U. Trondheim), "Towards a refinement calculus for logic programs and the PAL environment". 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 - 11:30 J. Maluszynski (U. Linkoping), "Using dependency relations for analysis of logic programs". 11:30 - 12:00 A. Bossi, N. Cocco and S. Etalle (U. Padova, U. Venezia-Ca' Foscari, CWI), "Preserving termination while transforming programs". 12:00 - 12:30 D. Boulanger, M. Bruynooghe and M. Denecker (K.U. Leuven), "Abstracting s-semantics using a model-theoretic approach". 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch 14:00 - 14:30 M. Proietti and A. Pettorossi (IASI-CNR, U. Roma), "Total correctness of a goal replacement rule based on the unfold/fold proof". 14:30 - 15:00 M. Bruynooghe, M. Codish and A. Mulkers (K.U. Leuven, Ben-Gurion U.), "Abstract unification for a composite domain deriving sharing and freeness properties". 15:00 - 15:30 G. Semeraro (U. Bari), "Logical and algebraic foundations of machine learning". 15:30 - 16:00 L. Fribourg and M. Veloso Peixoto (LIENS-CNRS), "Bottom-up evaluation of datalog programs with arithmetical constraints". %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REGISTRATION FORM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please return this form and payment before MAY 15th, 1994 to: D.G.M.P. srl via Carducci 62/E 56010 Ghezzano (Pisa) Italy tel: +39 50 879740 / 879768 fax: +39 50 879812 Surname ______________________________________________________ First Name ___________________________________________________ Organisation _________________________________________________ Mailing address ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Tel _____________________________ Fax ________________________ accompained by _______________________________________________ WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FEE (VAT included): Lit. 250.000 Reduced student fee: Lit. 180.000 The registration fee includes: lunches, coffee breaks, social dinner, workshop pre-proceedings, and final LNCS post-conference proceedings. ACCOMMODATION ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hotel rate per room per day: ======================================================================== single double double for single ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **** 160.000 min 214.000 min 181.000 min 210.000 max 290.000 max 250.000 max ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** 80.000 min 110.000 min 95.000 min 90.000 max 130.000 max 110.000 max ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** 68.000 91.000 80.000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - All prices are in Italian Lira. - The prices are to be considered "bed and breakfast", including services and taxes. - Accommodation forms arriving without the relevant payment will not be taken into consideration. - Payment must be done in Lira, either by eurocheque (specifying overleaf the account number), by an international cheque on one account with an Italian bank, or by Credit Card. - Single rooms are limited in number. If necessary, double rooms will be assigned for single occupancy at the indicated rates. - All rooms have a private bath. - Participants will receive a voucher for hotel reservation and registration confirmation. - The hotel deposit is not refundable. - Lit. 20.000 will be charged for organization and mailing purposes and will be detracted from the required deposit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Required deposit per room: **** 210.000 / *** 120.000 / ** 80.000 Category required: | |**** | |*** | |** Room with | |1 bed | |2 beds | |3 beds Number of rooms: ______ Arrival date _________________ Departure date __________________ Means of travel _________________________________________________ Expected time of arrival ________________________________________ METHOD of PAYMENT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A) I enclose cheque n. ________________________________________________ of the Bank ___________________________________________________________ to the order of D.G.M.P. for the amount of Lit. _______________________ as payment of the Hotel deposit and the Workshop registration fee. B) Credit card | | VISA | | MASTERCARD |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| expiry date (month/year): ____/____ Print name as it appears on the card __________________________________ Date __________________ Signature _____________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Please address administrative mail regarding this mailinglist to