call for papers, previous message From: Chris HashSubject: TECOM AI Conference - Call for papers Date: Wed, 25 May 94 11:33:45 -0500 This message was forwarded to me by the technical coordinator for the TECOM AI conference: (Please direct all responses and questions to: ) TECOM Artificial Intelligence Technology Symposium Theme: AI Technology from the Laboratory into the Workplace Edgewood Conference Center Edgewood Area Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland September 13 - 16, 1994 Sponsored by: U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland and U.S. Army Combat Systems Test Activity Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland In Cooperation with: International Neural Network Society Greater Washington Chapter Critical Dates: Receipt of Abstracts: June 15, 1994 Author Notification: June 30, 1994 Preregistration Deadline: September 2, 1994 Symposium Dates: September 13-16, 1994 An Invitation . . . The U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (TECOM) is pleased to issue this call for papers for the TECOM Artificial Intelligence Technology Symposium (TAITS), to be held at the Edgewood Area of the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. TECOM is sponsoring TAITS in conjunction U.S. Army Combat Systems Test Activity (CSTA) and in cooperation with the International Neural Network Society (INNS) Greater Washington D.C. Chapter. The symposium is UNCLASSIFIED. Attendees include government (military and civilian), academia, and industry representatives from all phases of AI technology development, management, application, testing, and utilization. Invited government and industry experts provide informative presentations on requirements, testing, utilization, and operational considerations. TECOM provides technical direction and support for the symposium. TRI-S Incorporated is providing technical and administrative support. Goals: The major goals of the TECOM AI Technology Symposium include the following: Provide an opportunity to explore the latest advances in AI technology. Provide a forum for the interchange of information concerning emerging AI technology, challenges, and concepts, with the intent to leverage the spread of AI technology. Identify and encourage joint research efforts, applications, and technology transfer. Identify issues related to testing AI systems. Areas of Interest UNCLASSIFIED papers are solicited from government, industry, and academia that address technical research, concepts and system development, test methodology, and operational systems utilizing artificial intelligence technologies. AI technologies of interest include, but are not limited to: Artificial Neural Networks Fuzzy Logic Systems Genetic Algorithms Expert/Knowledge-based Systems Hybrid Systems Application areas of interest include, but are not limited to: AI-based Training Systems AI-based Diagnostic Systems AI-based System Validation AI in Modeling/Simulation System Control Logistics Optimization Dynamic Learning in Deployed Systems Image Understanding Data Fusion Time Series Analysis and Prediction Verification/Validation of AI Systems Tutorials: Tutorials of approximately 3 hours duration are planned for the first day of the symposium. These comprehensive sessions will be presented at no cost to attendees. Tutorial subjects include: Overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Neural Networks Fuzzy Logic Genetic Algorithms It is planned that each tutorial will be offered twice enabling participants to attend two sessions of their choice. Invited Speakers: Speakers with a wide range of expertise from government, industry, and academia will be invited to make feature presentations at this year's symposium. Already on the agenda: Dr. Paul Werbos, National Science Foundation, and LTC Herbert Dollahite, Director, U.S. Army Artificial Intelligence Center. Displays and Demonstrations of AI Applications: An area has been reserved in the conference center for displays and demonstrations. Exhibitors interested in reserving space at the symposium should contact Mr. Jeffrey S. Murter - Technical Coordinator (address/DSN/commercial under for more information) Tours of the U.S. Army Combat Systems Test Activity's unique testing facilities will be offered concurrently with the scheduled tutorials. Call for Papers: Papers are evaluated by the technical paper selection committee on the basis of the abstract (500 words maximum). All abstracts received, whether or not selected for presentation, which meet minimum requirements will be published in the technical paper abstract summary. Papers must be original and address new advances or applications in AI technology. Content should generally relate to one of the areas of interest listed earlier. Abstracts must be received by June 15, 1994. Abstracts must be accompanied by a completed submittal form (at end). Please follow the preferred format for submission of abstracts (contact TRI-S, under for more information, for sample) and send three hard copies plus WordPerfect or ASCII file (IBM-compatible), if available. Abstracts and papers must be unclassified. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain appropriate approvals from their parent organizations prior to final paper submissions. All papers must be approved for public release and unlimited distribution. Author Notification: All authors will be notified of the technical paper selection committee's action by June 30, 1994. Specific instructions for preparing the final papers for presentation and publication in the Technical Proceedings will be provided at the time of author notification. The TAITS announcement detailing the program, registration procedures, facilities, dining options, refreshments, and accommodations will be mailed on July 15, 1994. For Additional Information: TRI-S Incorporated is providing technical and administrative support services for the TECOM Artificial Intelligence Technology Symposium. For additional information about the symposium, please contact: Mr. Edward V. Somody - Technical Director Ms. Paula Kueberth - Administrative Support Phone: (410) 273-9414 Fax: (410) 272-5295 TRI-S Incorporated 1003 Old Philadelphia Road, Suite 101 Aberdeen, Maryland 21001 Questions regarding technical issues may be addressed to the co-sponsoring organizations, U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (TECOM), Technology Development Division or U.S. Army Combat Systems Test Activity (CSTA), as follows: Mr. Fred Mabanta - Symposium Chairman Mr. Robert Bell - Technical Coordinator Phone: (410) 278-1474 DSN: 298-1474 EMAIL: amstectt Commander U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command AMSTE-CT-T Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005-5055 or Mr. Jeffrey S. Murter - Technical Coordinator Phone: (410) 278-8733 DSN: 298-8733 Fax: (410) 278-4116 EMAIL: jmurter Commander U.S. Army Combat Systems Test Activity Attn: STECS-AC-I Bldg. 350 Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005-5059 Unclassified Abstract Submittal Form TECOM Artificial Intelligence Technology Symposium Presentation Title: The paper will be presented by: Organization: Address: Mail Stop/Attention Line: City/State/Zip: Point of Contact Name: Organization: Telephone: This paper is relevant to the following area (Choose one): _____Artificial Neural Networks _____Fuzzy Logic Systems _____Genetic Algorithms _____Expert/Knowledge-based Systems _____Hybrid Systems Please mail this form along with three hard copies of abstract (see sample) and WordPerfect or ASCII file (IBM-compatible) on disk if available, to TRI-S Incorporated 1003 Old Philadelphia Rd., Suite 101 Aberdeen, Maryland 21001 Phone: (410) 273-9414 Fax: (410) 272-5295 ___I have no paper for TAITS. However, please be sure I'm on the list for the symposium announcement. I am sending my correct name and mailing address. (Request for future mailings does not constitute registration.)