call for papers, previous message From: (S. Kerpedjiev) Subject: Int. Summer School in Cognitive Science Date: Fri, 27 May 1994 00:21:44 GMT INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL in COGNITIVE SCIENCE Sofia, September 12-24, 1994 The Summer School features introductory and advanced courses in Cognitive Science, participant symposia, discussions, and student sessions. Participants will include university teachers and researchers, graduate and senior undergraduate students. International Advisory Board Elizabeth BATES (University of California at San Diego, USA) Amedeo CAPPELLI (CNR, Pisa, Italy) Cristiano CASTELFRANCHI (CNR, Roma, Italy) Daniel DENNETT (Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA) Ennio De RENZI (University of Modena, Italy) Charles DE WEERT (University of Nijmegen, Holland ) Christian FREKSA (Hamburg University, Germany) Dedre GENTNER (Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA) Christopher HABEL (Hamburg University, Germany) Joachim HOHNSBEIN (Dortmund University, Germany) Douglas HOFSTADTER (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA) Keith HOLYOAK (University of California at Los Angeles, USA) Mark KEANE (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) Alan LESGOLD (University of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA) Willem LEVELT (Max-Plank Institute of Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Holland) David RUMELHART (Stanford University, California, USA) Richard SHIFFRIN (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA) Paul SMOLENSKY (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA) Chris THORNTON (University of Sussex, Brighton, England) Carlo UMILTA' (University of Padova, Italy) Local Organizers New Bulgarian University Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Bulgarian Cognitive Science Society Local Organizing Committee Boicho Kokinov - School Director Lilia Gurova, Vesselin Zaimov, Vassil Nikolov, Lora Likova, Marina Yoveva, Pasha Nikolova Courses Qualitative Spatial Reasoning Christian Freksa (Hamburg University, Germany) Computer Models of Analogy-Making Bob French (Indiana University, USA) Social Cognition Rosaria Conte (CNR, Roma, Italy) Multi-Agent Systems Iain Craig (University of Warwick, England) Cognitive Aspects of Language Processing Amedeo Cappelli (CNR, Pisa, Italy) Catastrophic Forgetting in Connectionist Networks Bob French (Indiana University, USA) Dynamic Networks for Cognitive Modeling Peter Braspenning (University of Limburg, Holland) Models of Brain Functions Andre Holley (CNRS, Lyon, France) Foundations of Cognitive Science Encho Gerganov, Naum Yakimov, Boicho Kokinov, Viktor Grilihes (New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria) Participant Symposia Participants are invited to submit papers which will be presented (30 min) at the participant symposia. Authors should send full papers (8 single spaced pages) in thriplicate or electronically (postcript, RTF, or plain ASCII) by July 30. Selected papers will be published in the School's Proceedings after the School itself. Only papers presented at the School will be eligible for publishing. Panel Discussions Integration of Methods and Approaches in Cognitive Science Trends in Cognitive Science Research Student Session At the student session proposals for M.Sc. Theses and Ph.D. Theses will be discussed as well as public defence of such theses (if presented). Fees (including participation, board and lodging) Advance Registration (payment in full, postmarked on or before June 15): $650 Late Registration (postmarked after June 15): $750 The fees should be transferred to the New Bulgarian University (for the Cognitive Science Summer School) at the Economic Bank (65 Maria Luisa Str., Sofia) - bank account 911422735300-8 or paid at registration. A very limited number of grants for partial support of participants from East European countries is available. Important dates: Send Application Form: now Deadline for Advance Registration: June 15 Deadline for Paper Submission: July 15 Inquiries, Applications, and Paper Submission to be send to: Boicho Kokinov Cognitive Science Department New Bulgarian University 54, G.M.Dimitrov blvd. Sofia 1125, Bulgaria fax: (+3592) 73-14-95 e-mail: or kokinov@bgearn.bitnet Parallel Events The International Conference in Artificial Intelligence - AIMSA'94 - will be held in Sofia in the period September 21-24. Summer School on Information Technologies - will be held in Sofia in the period September 16-20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Summer School in Cognitive Science Sofia, September 12-24, 1994 Application Form Name: First Name: Status: faculty / graduate student / undergraduate student / other Affiliation: Country: Mailing address: e-mail address: fax: I intend to submit a paper: (title)