call for papers, previous message From: (M. Rittberger) Subject: Conference HIM'95 Date: 31 May 1994 12:33:27 GMT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- German Society for Computer Science Hypertext - Information Retrieval - Multimedia HIM'95 5-7 April 1995 Information Science, University of Konstanz ---------------------------------------------------------------------- More and more the requirements placed on modern information systems from the system's and the user's point of view do not allow a separate view of problems. Hence the special interest groups 'Hypertext' (4.9.1), 'Information Retrieval' (2.5.4/4.9.3) and 'Multimediate electronic documents' (4.9.2) within the German Society for Computer Science (GI), the Austrian Computer Society (ÖCG), the Swiss Society of Computer Scientists (SI) and the Academic Association for Information Science (HI) will hold a joint conference with focus on hypertext (HT), information retrieval (IR) and multimedia (MM). HIM'95 continues a successful series of meetings in German-speaking countries: It is the fifth hypertext conference (following Basel, Darmstadt, Graz and Zuerich), the second information retrieval-meeting after Regensburg and the second meeting of the special interest group 'multimediate electronic documents'. Contributions that are specialized as well as those along interdisciplinary lines are welcome in the form of papers, posters and tutorials for all parts and aspects of hypertext, information retrieval and multimedia. We strongly encourage the demonstration of systems during and in addition to the papers. Of course this does not imply exclusion of mainly theoretical papers. The meeting emphasizes the following issues: Models for HT, IR and MM Systems' architecture and implementation Applications of HT, IR and MM-systems Standards for interfaces, exchange formats and query languages Content representation in HT, IR and MM-systems Cognitive aspects in the use of HT, IR and MM-systems Authoring systems Structure and administration of document sets Distributed and open HT, IR and MM-systems Requirements on large HT, IR and MM-systems Database support of HT, IR and MM-systems Cooperative, adaptive and knowledge based methods Interaction and user interfaces Quality, acceptance and evaluation HT, IR and MM-systems as means of information management SCHEDULE Now: e-mail to to join the e-mail conference list CALL FOR PAPERS 1 Nov 1994 Please submit a provisional paper (max. 15 pages), four copies, including title, abstract and full text, to the chairperson. Conference languages are German and English. 1 Jan 1995 Authors will be notified and receive script guidelines 15 Feb 1995 Please submit camera ready paper. Proceedings will be published by Universitaetsverlag Konstanz CALL FOR POSTERS Opportunity is given to present works on theory and practice as posters. The organizers welcome your proposals by 1 Nov 1994. CALL FOR TUTORIALS Tutorials on the meeting's topics may be held. Those willing to be tutors are kindly requested to contact the organizers before 1 Oct 1994. Programme committee: Chair: R. Kuhlen (Univ. Konstanz) Universitaet Konstanz Informationswissenschaft Postfach 5560 D-78434 Konstanz Tel: ~49-7531-882878 Fax: ~49-7531-882601 EMAIL: Cochair hypertext: R. Kuhlen (Univ. Konstanz) Cochair information retrieval: P. Schaeuble (ETH Zuerich) Cochair mulitmedia: H.-P. Wiedling (ZGDV e.V., Darmstadt) R. Cordes (Telenorma, Frankfurt) N. Fuhr (Univ. Dortmund) U. Glowalla (Univ. Giessen) R. Hammwoehner (Univ. Konstanz) W. Herzner (Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf) M. Hofmann (SAP AG, Walldorf) G. Knorz (FH Darmstadt) A. Kobsa (Univ. Konstanz) H. Maurer (TU Graz) M. Rittberger (Univ. Konstanz) G. Rossbach (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg) G. Ruge (SNI Muenchen) J. Savoy (Univ. Neuenburg) J. Schiff (Siemens AG Muenchen) J. Schoenhut (FhG IGD, Darmstadt) E. Schoop (TU Dresden) L. Simon (Univ. Erlangen) N. Streitz (GMD-IPSI Darmstadt) P. Stucki (Univ. Zuerich) U. Thiel (GMD-IPSI Darmstadt) Ch. Womser-Hacker (Univ. Regensburg) General organization and information: Marc Rittberger Universitaet Konstanz Informationswissenschaft Postfach 5560 D-78434 Konstanz Tel: ~49-7531-883595 Fax: ~49-7531-882601 EMAIL: Local organization is with the Society for Appplied Information Science (Gesellschaft f. Angewandte Informationswissenschaft Konstanz e.V.) and the Department of Information Science of the University of Konstanz.