call for papers, previous message From: (AIRTC secretariat) Subject: AIRTC'94 Symp. on A.I. in real-time control Date: Tue, 31 May 1994 10:54:12 GMT ========================================================================== INVITATION AND PRELIMINARY PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL ========================================================================== IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Symposium on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN REAL TIME CONTROL AIRTC'94 3-5 October 1994 Valencia, SPAIN =========================================================================== SCOPE This Symposium is intended to provide an international forum for presentation and discussion of concepts and application of artificial intelligence techniques in the design, implementation, testing, supervision and monitoring of real time control systems. The previous Symposium was held in Delft (1992), and was the first symposium after o three successful workshops in the same field. The objective of the Symposium is to bring together control systems specialists, artificial intelligence specialists and end-users. SPONSORED BY: International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Technical Committees on Computers, Manufacturing Technology, Applications and Social Effects of Automation. Comite Espanyol de IFAC (CEA-IFAC). CO-SPONSORED BY: International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). Int. for Mathematics and Computer in Simulation (IMACS). ORGANIZED BY: Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas, Computadores y Automatica (DISCA). Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Chairman: J.A. de la Puente (E) P. Albertos (E) A. Jimenez (E) A. Ollero (E) P. Borne (F) G. Johannsen (D) E. De Pablo (E) L. Boullart (B) D. Kersual (F) Y.H. Pao (USA) F. Charpillet (F) I.G. Kalaykov (Bu) L.F. Pau (F) A. Crespo (E) A.J. Krijgsman (NL) U. Rembold (D) H.J. Efstathiou (UK) I.M. MacLeod (SA) M.G. Rodd (UK) M. Fjeld (N) A. Mensch (F) A.G. Schmidt (D) A. Halme (SF) L. Motus (EE) H. B. Verbruggen (NL) C.C. Hang (Sin) S. Narita (J) E.A. Woods (N) C.J. Harris (UK) NATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Chairman: A. Crespo (E) F. Barber F. Morant R. Vivo V. Botti J.L. Navarro E. Onaindia A. Espinosa J.J. Serrano I. Ripoll A. Garcia ****************************************************** P R E L I M I N A R Y P R O G R A M ****************************************************** ===================== MONDAY OCTOBER 3th. ===================== REGISTRATION (8:00h) OPENING SESSION (9:00h) PLENARY SESSION 1 (9:30h) "Real-Time Control in Intelligent Agents" Barbara Hayes-Roth. COFFEE BREAK (10:20h) PLENARY SESSION 2 (10:40h) "Neural Network-based Adaptative Control". E.F. Camacho, M.R. Arahal. SESSION A1: FUZZY CONTROL DESIGN (11:20h) "Dynamic Analysis of Weigthed-Output Fuzzy Control Systems". Garcia-Cerezo A., Ollero A., Aracil J. "Identification of Fuzzy-Rules from Learning-Data". Pfeiffer B. M. "Derivation of fuzzy hybrid models for real-time fuzzy control design: application to a furnace". Nicolas C.F., Lombrana E., Alvarez A., Reyero R. "Applied Fuzzy Modeling". Babuska R., Verbruggen H.B. "Robust Design of Fuzzy Controllers based on Small Gain Conditions". Espada A., Barreiro A. SESSION B1: IDENTIFICATION(11:20h) "A Neural Decision Estimator for Maneuvering Targets". Tao T. "On A Formal Basis For Pattern-Based Process Identification". Kar-Ann Toh, Devanathan R. "Application of A Neural Mini-Net to Identification of Kinetic Parameters of Chemical Processes". Popovic D., Zhou S. "On Line Observer Based Detection and Classification of External Disturbance Types or the state Supervision of Turbogenerators". Nern H., Solimann H.H., Fisher F., Nour Eldin H.A. "Learning Task Applied to identification of a Marine Vehicle". Ferreiro R., Vidal J. SESSION C1: DISTRIBUTED A.I. ARCHITECTURES (11:20h) "Distributed Control of Multivariable Fuzzy Systems". Gegov A. "Centralized Strategy in Multi Agent system for Real Time Control". Tigli J.Y., Thomas M.C. "Descentralized Control of Distributed Intelligent Robots and Subsystems". Lueth T.C., Laengle T. "A New Architecture for Real-Time Distributed Intelligent Control Systems". Rodd M.G., Holt J., Jones A.V., Zungu M., Zhao M. "A simulation study of distributed intelligent control for a deep shaft mine winder". MacLeod I.M., Stothert A. LUNCH (13:00h) SESSION A2: FUZZY APPLICATIONS (14:30h) "A Fuzzy Controller for Activated Sludge Waste Water Plants". Alex J., Jumar U., Tschepetzki R. "An Advanced Fuzzy Controller for Traffic Lights". Hoyer R., Jumar U. "Real- Time Fuzzy Control of Column Flotation Process". Carvalho M.T., Sousa J.M., Martins P.M., Durao F. "Fuzzy Control of a Water Treatment Filter Backwash Operation". French I.G., Arden W.J.B., Billington A.J., Cox C. S. "Fuzzy control for mineral flotation plants". Cipriano A., Ramos M. SESSION B2: AUTOMATIC GUIDANCE (14:30h) "Utilization of neural networks in environment perception and guidance of mobile robots". Raimundez J.C. "A local guidance method for low-cost mobile robots using fuzzy logic". Vazquez F., Garcia E.J. "Road following by artificial vision using neural networks for trajectory decision". Rodriguez F.J., Mazo M., Sotelo M.A., Santiso E. "Toward the Automatic Path Planning of Mobile Robots". Ibarra J.M., Sossa J.H., Gonzalez H. "Path planning for mobile robots using the MAON asociative memory model". Ledesma B., Garcia J.M., Rizo R. SESSION C2: INFERENCE TECHNIQUES (14:30h) "Reasoning in Time with Uncertain Information". Ramparany F. , Lorquet V., Bigham J. , Luo Z. "Managing Large Temporal Delays in a Model Based Control System". Ramparany F. "Virtual Control Systems". Lui K.M. "Continuation Compilation for Concurrent Logic Programming". Kemp B., King A., Soper P. "Causal reasoning in real-time and ill-defined control systems". Lui K.M. COFFEE BREAK (16:10h) SESSION A3: FUZZY CONTROLLERS (16:30h) "Analysis of rulebase coherence in fuzzy control systems". Sala A., Pico J. "Self-tuning Fuzzy Logic Controller". Liu Z., De Keyser R. "Comparison of fuzzy, Crisp, and conventional control by the example of a pole balancer". Brockman W. "Statistical techniques for real-time supervision and tuning of fuzzy control systems". Holgado J., Ollero A., Aracil J. SESSION B3: AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES (16:30h) "Navegation with Uncertain Position Estimation in the RAM-1 Mobile Robot". Munoz V., Martinez J.L., Ollero A. "Learning and Control in Autonomous Systems". Salichs M.A., Gachet D. Moreno L., Pimentel J.R. "Real-Time Vision-Based 3D Depth Estimation for an Indoor Autonomous Mobile Robot". Vazquez F., Marin R., Paz E. "Object-oriented specification, design & simulation of an autonomous mobile robot". Garcia J., Vazquez F. "Model based control of two link robot manipulator in real-time". Ekrekli A., Brookfield D.J. Yildiz ===================== TUESDAY OCTOBER 4th. ===================== PLENARY SESSION 3 (9:00h) "A Computational Intelligence Perspective on Process Monitoring and Optimization". Y.H. Pao. SESSION A4: REAL-TIME INTELLIGENT PROCESS MONITORING (10:00h) organised by J.Y. Pao "Neural-net based optical ellipsometry for monitoring growth of semiconductor films". Park G.H., Eyink K.G., LeClair S.R., Soclof M.S. "Artificial intelligence in process control of pulsed laser deposition". Stark E.F., Laube S.J.P. "Intelligent Processing of carbon-carbon structures". Abrams F., Eitman D., Mathur A. "The real issues in fuzzy logic applications". Struger O., Dummermuth E., Day C. SESSION B4: INTELLIGENT CONTROLLERS(10:00h) "Low cost intelligent regulator". Vavrin P., Vaclavek P. "Real-time Neural Controller Implemented on Parallel Architecture". Hanzalek Z. "A Study of BP Algorithm parameters and the Implemantation of its Parallel Processing". Zongtao Z., Juenmin L. "An Intelligent Control Scheme for Robotic Manipulators". Sui Q., Ma S. SESSION C4: ESPRIT-REAKT (10:00h) Organised by D.Kersual& A.Mensch COFFEE BREAK (11:20h) SESSION A5: MACHINE LEARNING IN ROBOTICS (11:40h) organised by L.Camarinha "Integrated acquisition, execution, evaluation, and tuning of elementary operations for intelligent robots". Kaiser M., Giordana A., Nuttin M. "Neural-based learning in Grasp force control of a robot hand". Fatikow S. "Learning to diagnose failures of assembly tasks". Seabra Lopes L., Camarinha-Matos L.M. "Learning of Specific Process Monitors in Machine Tool Supervision". Rauber T.W., Barata M.M., Steiger-Garcao A.S. SESSION B5: DATA FUSION (11:40h) "Adaptation of Obstacle-Avoidance in the face of Emerging Environmental Dynamics". Thornton C. "Illumination independent change detector for human safety in robotic environments". Motamed C., Abdallah A., Schmitt A. "3D perception in non structured environment using active vision". Escalera A. , Salichs M.A., Moreno L., Armingol J.M. "Achieving high performance sonar-based wall-following". Puchol, C. SESSION C5: KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTACTION (11:40h) "Real time planning in N-dim state space". Simo J., Crespo A. "Using the fuzzy inference engine EDIP for real time control". Levchenko V.I., Savinov A.A. "Increasing a knowledge representation schema for FMS control with fault detection and error recovery capabilities". Muro P., Pujol J., Perez J.A. "Towards a real time inference engine for discrete event systems representation with application to control". Banares J.A., Muro P., Villarroel J.L. LUNCH (13:00) SESSION A6: ON-LINE NEURAL NETWORKS IN PROCESS SUPERVISION AND CONTROL (14:30h) organised by J.Morris&G. Montague SESSION B6: E.S. APPLICATIONS (14:30h) "Application of an object-oriented expert system shell to a fermentation process". Giron J.M., Gomez J.A., Andres B. "A real time expert system for fault diagnosis of a styrene plant". Leone H., Vichietti A., Scenna N., Huete E., Ruiz C. "Intelligent System to Improve Heat Rate in Fossil Power Plants". Arroyo G., Villavicencio R. A. "Identification of gas-Chromatographically separated Chemical Compounds for Real Time Process Control". Halang W.A., Helbig H. "Communication problems of expert systems in manufacturing environment". Nacsa J., Kovacs G.L. COFFEE BREAK (16:10) SESSION A7: NEURAL NETWORKS (16:30h) organised by A.J.Krigsman " Neural Networks for Robot Control". "Optimal Attitude Control of Satellites by Artificial Neural Networks: a Pilot Study". G. Schram, L. Karsten , B.J.A. Krose, "Applying Neural Networks to Flight Control". J.J. van Heijst and R.A.Vingerhoeds. SESSION B7: MAN MACHINE INTERFACES (16:30h) "Intelligent electronic control for a wheelchair guided by oral commands and external sensors". Mazo M., Rodriguez F.J.,Lazaro J.L., Urena J., Garcia J.C., Santiso E., Revenga P.A., Garcia J.J. "Human Interaction for Process Supervision Based on End-User Knowledge and Participation". Johannsen G., Averbukh E.A. "Natural language front end to test systems". J. Garbajosa, O. Tejedor and M. Wolff. SESSION C7: ESPRIT-HINT (16:30h) Organised by A.Jimenez ======================= WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 5th. ======================= PLENARY SESSION 4 (9:00h) "Advances in Autonomous Control". K. J. Astrom, T Hagglund and K.-E. Arzen. COFFEE BREAK (9:50h) SESSION A8: NEURAL NETWORK DESING (10:15h) "Logical Design of Neural Controllers". Peters J., Maravall D., Baumela L., Ramanna S. "An adaptive neural PDA Approach Based on an Unified Hopfield-BP Network". Tao T. "A neural network based quality control system for steel strip manufacturing". Dominguez S., Campoy P., Fernandez C., Aracil R., Obeso F., Abello J.J "Trainning Neurofuzzy Systems". Brown M., Mills D.J., Harris C.J. "DAM Based Adaptive Learning Control". Ferreiro R. "Adaptive Neural Control for Processes with Large Deadtime". Tan Y., De Keyser R. SESSION B8: DIAGNOSIS & SUPERVISION (10:15h) "Diagnosis and Sensor Fault Detection for Gas Turbines and Jet Engines with Uncrisp Methods". Hillermann Th. "Knowledge integration for improved bioprocess supervision". Ignova M., Glassey J., Montague G.A., Ward A.C., Morris A.J. "Fault Diagnosis of a CSTR Using Fuzzy Neural Networks". Zhang J., Morris A.J., Montague G.A. "Supervision and fault diagnosis with neural nets". Ayoubi M., Leonhardt S., Isermann R. "Ladder Logic Diagnosis". Guasch A., Milne R., Sarrate R. "A real time expert system for fault diagnosis for batch reactors". Tarifa E., Scenna N. SESSION C8: A.I. ARCHITECTURES (10:15h) "Automating the Design of Real-Time Reactive Systems". Musliner D.J., Shin K.G., Durfee E.D. "A blackboard application for process monitoring and supervision". Cord T. "Real-time diagnosis of traffic situations". Le Fort N. "An Intelligent Agent for the Command and Control (C2)". Chaib-Draa B. "Developing E.S. for process control using Unix based tools". Simo, J., Blanes F., Martinez M., Senent J.S. "The HOPE procedure handling Control". Woods E., Backer H., Wahlf P.E., Telnes K. PLENARY SESSION 5 (12:15h) Trends in Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control Leo Motus CLOSING SESSION (13:10h) SPANISH WINE (13:30h) ************************************************************************ G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N ************************************************************************ SYMPOSIUM LOCATION: The symposium will be held at the Facultad de Informatica of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (U.P.V.). Valencia (Spain). OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The official symposium language is English. All submissions must be written in English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. TRAVEL INFORMATION Valencia airport is situated 10 km from the downtown. No bus transportation is available from the airport. The taxis fare from Valencia airport to the center is approximately 1500 pts. We are arranging a special bus service direct from the airport to the downtown on Sunday October 2. This day, a special information service will be located at the airport. The Universidad Politecnica de Valencia is situated at nord-east of the city. There are several buses lines that communicate the University with the city center. The taxi fare from city center to the University is approximately 500 pts. PREPRINTS Preprints will be available at the registration desk. Selected technical papers will be published by Pergamon Press after the symposium. LUNCHES and REFRESHMENTS Lunches will be served October 3 and 4 days at Symposium location at time indicated in the programme. Morning and afternoon refreshments will be served each day at the time indicated in the programme. SOCIAL PROGRAM Cultural acts, Town visit and Symposium dinner will be arranged during the symposium dates. All charges are included in the registration fee. RELATED EVENTS This event will follow the 13th Workshop on Distributed Computer Control Systems (DCCS'94) to be held in Toledo, September 28-30, 1994. REGISTRATION DESK The registration desk will be open Monday, October 3, from 8:00 hours on at "Oficina de Apoyo a Congresos" U.P.V. REGISTRATION INFORMATION The registration form is attached to this leaflet. Please, tear it out, complete it and send to the secretariat togheter with your payment method. Please, use one form for each registrant. You may use copies of the form for other registrants. Those who wish to attend the Symposium should complete the registration for and return it to the AIRTC'94 Secretariat. At least one author per paper must register by the Early registration date (September 1,1994). This will allow the Symposium orgonizers to run the Technical Program with minimum disruption. The paper, for which the author does not complete the Early registration, can not be guaranteed to be included in the Preprints. Each registrant must complete and send us back a separate Registration Form. Use a photocopy of the form, if extra is necessary. Please send your Registration Form by Airmail, Fax or e-mail. PRICES The full registration fee includes one copy of the preprints, coffee breaks, Monday-Tuesday lunches, cultural events, town visit and symposium dinner. The prices are: At payment before September 1: 45.000 ptas. At payment after September 1: 55.000 ptas. A limited number of grants are available for full-time students. This special fee only includes coffee breaks, Monday-Tuesday lunches and one copy of the preprints. Please, contact with the symposium secretariat. Full-time students fee with special discount have to pay extra for cultural events, town visit and symposium dinner: Cultural events and symposium dinner for students and accompanying persons: 8.000 ptas. Rate of exchange: 1 ecu is approximately 143 ptas, 1 US$ is approximately 138 ptas. (April, 1994). PAYMENTS - Bank transfer order: Account name: "Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. AIRTC'94" Account number: 01020139 Barclays Bank Avda. Blasco Ibanez, 114 E46022-Valencia (Spain) - Payable cheques: They should be made payable to "Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. AIRTC'94" - Personal cheques are not acceptable. - Payament at the symposium site is only accepted in Spanish cash. CONFIRMATION Confirmation of registration will be sent by e-mail if possible. It could be mailed upon request and receipt of the completed resgistration form. CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS For cancellations received by the secretariat before September 15, a refund of 75% of the registration fee will be made. If no notice of cancellation is received, no refund can be made and the preprints will be mailed later on. ACCOMMODATION The participants are responsible for arranging their own accommodation. Please, do this at your earliest convenience, since is a great demand for rooms and no special reservations are made for the AIRTC'94 Symposium. The following hotels are examples of some accommodation in Valencia. The Congress Office at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia can help you with information on other lodging possibilities Congress Office (Please, contact with: Riki Vandevoorde) Oficina de Apoyo a Congresos Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Camino de Vera s/n E-46022 Valencia Phone: +34-6-3877034. Fax: +34-6-3877009 Hotel Valencia Palace (*****) Single room: 12.100 ptas. Double room: 16.800 ptas. Paseo Alameda, 3 Phone: +34-96-3375037 Fax: +34-96-3375532 15 minutes from U.P.V. by bus. Hotel Melia (****) Single room: 8.000 ptas. Double room: 11.000 ptas. Avda. Baleares, 2 Phone: +34-96-3612067 10 minutes from UPV by bus. Hotel Astoria (****) Single room: 12.525ptas. Double room: 16.425 ptas. Plaza Rodrigo Botet, 5 Phone: +34-96-3526737 Fax: +34-96-3951926 Located at city center. 15 minutes from U.P.V. by bus. Hotel Dimar (****) Single room: 13.500 ptas. Double room: 17.010ptas. Gran Via Marques del Turia, 80 Phone: +34-96-3341807 Fax: +34-96-3730926 Located at city center. 15 minutes from U.P.V. by bus. All prices include breakfast. 6% VAT not included. The hotels accept major credit cards. Moreover, other hotels with lower prices (4.000 - 5.000 ptas.) are available. Please, contact with our special arrangement office. This office can make your hotel reservation at not extra charge: Consulting de Congresos S.L. C/ Garrigues 3, 1 A. E-46001 Valencia External Relations Office (Please, contact with: Elena Pina) Phone: +34-6-3528603 / +34-6-3528587 Fax: +34-6-3525514 OTHER SERVICES All incoming telephonic messages for delegates will be posted on the message boards at the Registration Center or the symposium site. Public telephone will be available at the symposium hall. Parking is available at the car park next to the Symposium location. In the University there are services of Banks, Shops, etc. Opening hours Monday-Friday: Shops (9.00-20.00), Banks (9.00- 14.00). WEATHER The weather in early October is normally pleasant with average temperatures: 15< min / 25< max. Usually not rain. SECRETARIAT ADDRESS: AIRTC'1994 Secretariat D.I.S.C.A. Universidad Politecnica de Valencia P.O. Box 22012, E -46071 Valencia, Spain Phone: +34-6-3877572 Fax: +34-6-3877579 E-mail: (cut here) =============================================================================== AIRTC'94 REGISTRATION FORM Please send this form before Sep 1, 1994. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail to: AIRTC 1994 SECRETARIAT D.I.S.C.A. Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Phone: +34 6 3877572 P.O. Box 22012, Fax: +34 6 3877579 E -46071 Valencia, Spain E-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: ______________________________________ First name: ________________ Position: _______________________________________________________________ Organization: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: ______________City: ________________________________________ Country: ________________________________________________________________ Fax: __________________________ Phone: _____________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________________ Name of accompanying person(s): ________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Symposium Fees: I would like to participate as: Category Before Sep 1 After Sep 1 -------- ------------- ------------ _ _ Full participant |_| 45 000 PTS. |_| 55 000 PTS. Full-time Students (*) (*) Please contact with the Secretariat. I/we would like to take part in the excursion/conference dinner at a cost of 8000 pts/person for students and accompanying person(s) (no extra cost for full participants). Number of persons: _______ TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: ______________ PTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Payment can be made by check or bank transfer order: _ |_| Payment has been transferred to (Enclose information of the transfer from your Bank): Account number: 01020139. "UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA. AIRTC'94." BARCLAYS BANK Avda. Blasco Ibanez, 114. E46022- Valencia. SPAIN. _ |_| Cheque payable to "UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA. AIRTC'94" is enclosed. SPANISH currency only. ******** AIRTC'94 ******** AIRTC'94 ******** AIRTC'94 ********AIRTC'94 ****** ==============================================================================