call for papers, previous message From: Subject: CFP: Constraint Languages/Systems and their use in Problem Modelling Date: Thu, 7 Jul 1994 18:47:16 +1000 [Apologies if you receive this posting more than once] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS WORKSHOP ON CONSTRAINT LANGUAGES/SYSTEMS AND THEIR USE IN PROBLEM MODELLING INTERNATIONAL LOGIC PROGRAMMING SYMPOSIUM Ithaca, New York, USA November 18 or 19, 1994 Sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming Constraint Programming is a new paradigm which is based on the modelling of relationships between objects and data using constraints. It brings together diverse research areas such as: artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, concurrent computing, databases, logic programming, operations research, programming language design, implementation and semantics, symbolic computing algorithms and systems, etc. Recently much work has focused on combining constraints and logic programming languages into the constraint logic programming (CLP) framework. The purpose of this post-conference full-day workshop held in conjunction with the 1994 International Logic Programming Symposium is to bring together researchers with a common interest in constraint solving, CLP/constraint programming and applications of constraints. The main theme of the workshop is on the practical aspects of constraint programming including language and algorithmic aspects with respect to problem solving. Theoretical papers which provide a framework upon which practical systems are built are also welcome. We especially invite papers from industry, in particular submissions on modelling and solving complex real-world problems using constraint techniques. Another area of interest are evaluations of systems and language designs w.r.t. applications. Topics include but are not restricted to the following: using constraint languages for modelling and knowledge representation, new constraint domains, combining operations research in CLP, combining new search algorithms (e.g. genetic algorithms, simulated annealing), design of constraint languages, implementation of constraint systems, compilation of constraint languages, constraint solving algorithms. Authors are invited to submit papers written in English and not exceeding 10 pages (4000 words) to the contact people listed below. We encourage authors to submit by electronic mail in self-contained Postscript or LaTeX/TeX format. Alternatively four paper copies may be submitted. Submissions should contain return mail and email addresses. The DEADLINE for submission of papers is September 5th, 1994. (Note: Authors submitting by electronic mail should contact the organizers if they have not received an electronic acknowledgement within 2-3 days). Contact person to send papers on Contact person to send APPLICATIONS AND MODELLING to: GENERAL papers to: Pierre Lim Roland Yap European Computer-Industry Research Centre Dept. of Computer Science Arabellastrasse 17 University of Melbourne 81925 Munich Parkville, Victoria 3052 Germany Australia tel: +49 (89) 92699 180 tel: +61 (3) 282-2402 fax: +49 (89) 92699 170 fax: +61 (3) 282-2490 Workshop Organizers: Jean Jourdan LCR Thomson-CSF Domaine de Corbeville 91404 Orsay Cedex, France Pierre Lim European Computer-Industry Centre Arabellastrasse 17 81925 Munich Germany Roland Yap Department of Computer Science University of Melbourne Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia The accepted papers will be distributed at the workshop and will subsequently be available as technical reports from the European Computer-Industry Research Centre and the University of Melbourne. People interested in attending this workshop are encouraged to send an expression of interest by electronic mail to the workshop organizers. Program Committee: Joxan Jaffar, IBM T.J. Watson, USA Jean Jourdan, LCR Thomson-CSF, France Pierre Lim, ECRC, Germany Kim Marriott, Monash University, Australia Michael Maher, IBM T.J. Watson, USA Micha Meier, ECRC, Germany Spiro Michaylov, Ohio State University, USA Helmut Simonis, COSYTEC S.A., France Peter Stuckey, University of Melbourne, Australia Mark Wallace, ECRC, Germany Roland Yap, University of Melbourne, Australia IMPORTANT DATES: Submission deadline: September 5, 1994 Notification of authors: September 26, 1994 Camera-ready version: October 10, 1994 Workshop date: November 18 or 19, 1994 ========================< LaTeX Version >================================= \documentstyle{article} % page layout \evensidemargin=0cm \oddsidemargin=-0.6cm \topmargin=-1.3cm \headsep=0cm \textheight=27cm \textwidth=17.8cm \columnwidth=\textwidth \parskip=2pt plus 1pt \parindent=3.25ex % actual contents \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \sloppy \begin{center} CALL FOR PAPERS \\ {\bf WORKSHOP ON CONSTRAINT LANGUAGES/SYSTEMS AND THEIR USE IN} \\ {\bf PROBLEM MODELLING} \\[1.6em] {\bf International Logic Programming Symposium} \\[1.0ex] Ithaca, New York, USA \\ November 18 or 19, 1994 \\[0.1ex] Sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming \vspace{0.1ex} \end{center} \noindent Constraint Programming is a new paradigm which is based on the modelling of relationships between objects and data using constraints. It brings together diverse research areas such as: artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, concurrent computing, databases, logic programming, operations research, programming language design, implementation and semantics, symbolic computing algorithms and systems, etc. Recently much work has focussed on combining constraints and logic programming languages into the constraint logic programming (CLP) framework. The purpose of this post-conference full-day workshop held in conjunction with the 1994 International Logic Programming Symposium is to bring together researchers with a common interest in constraint solving, CLP/constraint programming and applications of constraints. The main theme of the workshop is on the practical aspects of constraint programming including language and algorithmic aspects with respect to problem solving. Theoretical papers which provide a framework upon which practical systems are built are also welcome. We especially invite papers from industry, in particular submissions on modelling and solving complex real-world problems using constraint techniques. Another area of interest are evaluations of systems and language designs w.r.t. applications. Topics include but are not restricted to the following: using constraint languages for modelling and knowledge representation, new constraint domains, combining operations research in CLP, combining new search algorithms (e.g. genetic algorithms, simulated annealing), design of constraint languages, implementation of constraint systems, compilation of constraint languages, constraint solving algorithms. Authors are invited to submit papers written in English and not exceeding 10 pages (4000 words) to the contact people listed below. We encourage authors to submit by electronic mail in {\bf self-contained} Postscript or \LaTeX/\TeX{} format. Alternatively four paper copies may be submitted. Submissions should contain return mail and email addresses. \underline{The {\bf DEADLINE} for submission of papers is September 5th, 1994}. (Note: Authors submitting by electronic mail should contact the organizers if they have not received an electronic acknowledgement within 2-3 days). \vspace*{-0.1em} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \multicolumn{1}{l}{Contact person to send papers on} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{\hspace*{2em}} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{Contact person to send} \\ \multicolumn{1}{l}{{\em APPLICATIONS AND MODELLING} to:} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{} & \multicolumn{1}{l}{{\em GENERAL} papers to:}\\ \cline{1-1} \cline{3-3} & & \\[-0.5em] Pierre Lim & & Roland Yap \\ ECRC & & Department of Computer Science \\ Arabellastrasse 17 & & University of Melbourne \\ 81925 Munich, Germany & & Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia \\ & & \\ %[0.5em] tel: +49 (89) 92699 180, fax: +49 (89) 92699 170 & & tel: +61 (3) 282-2402, fax: +61 (3) 282-2490 \\[0.5em] \cline{1-1} \cline{3-3} \end{tabular} \end{center} \vspace*{-0.1em} The accepted papers will be distributed at the workshop and will subsequently be available as technical reports from the European Computer-Industry Research Centre and the Univ. of Melbourne. People interested in attending this workshop are encouraged to send an expression of interest by electronic mail to the workshop organizers. \vspace{0.4em} \begin{tabular}{@{}l|@{\hspace*{5mm}}r} \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l} \underline{\bf Program Committee:}\\[.1em] Joxan Jaffar, IBM T.J. Watson, USA\\ Jean Jourdan, LCR Thomson-CSF, France\\ Pierre Lim, ECRC, Germany\\ Michael Maher, IBM T.J. Watson, USA\\ Kim Marriott, Monash Univ., Australia\\ Micha Meier, ECRC, Germany\\ Spiro Michaylov, Ohio State Univ., USA\\ Helmut Simonis, COSYTEC S.A., France\\ Peter Stuckey, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia\\ Mark Wallace, ECRC, Germany\\ Roland Yap, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia \end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[t]{l@{~\,}l@{~\,}l} \multicolumn{3}{l}{\underline{\bf Workshop Organizers:}} \\[.1em] Jean Jourdan & Pierre Lim & Roland Yap \\ LCR Thomson-CSF & ECRC & Univ. of Melbourne \\ & & \\[0.8ex] \\ \multicolumn{3}{l}{\underline{\bf Important dates:}}\\[0.1em] Submission deadline: & \multicolumn{2}{l}{September 5, 1994} \\ Notification of authors: & \multicolumn{2}{l}{September 26, 1994} \\ Camera-ready version: & \multicolumn{2}{l}{October 10, 1994} \\ Workshop date: & \multicolumn{2}{l}{November 18 or 19, 1994} \end{tabular} \end{tabular} \end{document}