call for papers, previous message From: (Madhav Moganti) Subject: ANNIE '94: Initial Program and Call for Participation Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 16:38:39 GMT ANNIE '94 ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS IN ENGINEERING INITIAL PROGRAM November 13 - 16, 1994 Marriott Pavilion Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri ORGANIZER University of Missouri - Rolla SPONSORING ORGANIZATIONS Office of Naval Research Boeing Corporation, Seattle, WA Dynamic Systems and Control Division, ASME McDonnell Douglas Corporation, St. Louis, MO Corporate Headquarters, Lockheed Corp., Calabasas, CA Center for Optimization and Control, Washington University, St. Louis, MO ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Conference Chair: Prof. Cihan H. Dagli, Engineering Management, University of Missouri - Rolla, Rolla, MO Conference Co-Chair: Prof. Benito Fern ndez, Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin Prof. Joydeep Ghosh, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin Prof. Soundar R.T. Kumara, Industrial and Management, Systems Engineering, Penn State University Members: USA Prof. Luke Achenie, University of Connecticut Prof. Hojjat Adeli, Ohio State University at Columbus Prof. Metin Akay, The State University of New Jersey-Rutgers Prof. Massoud Amin, Washington University-St. Louis Prof. Marijke F. Augusteijn, University of Colorado Prof. Laura I. Burke, Lehigh University Dr. Thomas P. Caudell, Boeing Corp. Dr. Tien-Hsin Chao, Jet Propulsion Lab Prof. Rama Chellappa, University of Maryland Prof. C.L. Philip Chen, Wright State University Prof. John Y. Cheung, University of Oklahoma Prof. George Chryssolouris, MIT Dr. Joel Davis, ONR, Arlington, VA Prof. Okan Ersoy, Purdue University Prof. Laurene Fausett, Florida Institute of Technology Dr. William A. Fisher, Lockheed, Palo Alto, CA Prof. Jim Garrett, Carnegie-Mellon University Prof. Jamshid Ghaboussi, University of Illinois-Urbana Prof. David Goldberg, University of Illinois Prof. Bruce Golden, University of Maryland Dr. Aloke Guha, Honeywell, Minneapolis, MN Dr. Michael L. Hinman, Rome Air Devlp. Ctr. Prof. Susan I. Hruska, Florida State University Prof. Michael Jordan, MIT Prof. Nicolaos Karayiannis, University of Houston Prof. R.L. Kashyap, Purdue University Prof. Andrew Kusiak, University of Iowa Prof. Chun-Shin Lin, University of Missouri-Columbia Prof. Stephen C-Y. Lu, University of Illinois-Urbana Dr. Kenneth Marko, Ford Motor Company Mr. Thomas McTigue, McDonnell-Douglas, St. Louis, MO Prof. Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou, Rutgers University Prof. Haluk Ogmen, University of Houston Prof. Tokunbo Ogunfunmi, Santa Clara University Prof. John M. Owens, Auburn University Prof. Ozcan Ozdamar, University of Miami-Coral Gables Prof. Gary K. Patterson, University of Missouri-Rolla Prof. James Peterson, Clemson University Prof. Russell Pimmel, University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa Prof. P.A. Ramamoorthy, University of Cincinnati Prof. Ervin Rodin, Washington University-St. Louis Prof. Steven K. Roger, Air Force Inst. of Technology Prof. Mohammed Sayeh, SIU-Carbondale Prof. Ishwar K. Sethi, Wayne State University Prof. Yung C. Shin, Purdue University Prof. Alice Smith, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Donald Specht, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Inc. Prof. Daniel St. Clair, University of Missouri-Rolla Prof. John P.H. Steele, Colorado School of Mines Dr. Richard Sutton, GTE Labs MS-44 Prof. Janos Sztipanovits, Vanderbilt University Prof. Harold Szu, NSWC, Washington, DC Prof. Lefteri H. Tsoukalas, Univ. of Tennessee-Nashville Prof. Aynur Unal, Vision & Sound Res. Inst. Prof. Benjamin Wah, University of Illinois-Urbana Dr. Paul Werbos, National Science Foundation Prof. Chwan-Hwa Wu, Auburn University Prof. Francis T. Yu, Pennsylvania State University Prof. Jacek M. Zurada, University of Louisville CANADA Prof. Michael Guillot, University of Laval, Quebec Mr. John Sutherland, AND America Ltd. JAPAN Prof. Yasuhiko Dote, Muroran Institute of Technology Prof. Toshihiro Ioi, Chiba Institute of Technology Prof. Yukinori Kakazu, Hokkaido University Prof. Setsuo Ohsuga, University of Tokyo Prof. Youchi Okabe, University of Tokyo Prof. Masaharu Kitamura, Tohoku University UNITED KINGDOM Prof. Muhammed A. Javed, Southampton Institute, U.K. Prof. Tim Spracklen, University of Aberdeen, Scotland Prof. Gary Whittington, University of Aberdeen, Scotland FRANCE Prof. Stephane Canu, Universite de Compiegne, Cedex Prof. Thierry Denoeux, Universite de Compiegne, Cedex Prof. Bernard Dubuisson, University of Compiegne, Cedex Prof. Pierre Morizet, University of Compiegne, Cedex AUSTRIA Prof. George Dorffner, Austria Research Institute for AI Prof. Robert Trappl, Austria Research Institute for AI BELGIUM Dr. F. Vandamme, BIKIT, University of Ghent GERMANY Dr. Winfried Schauer, Tech Hoch. Schule Wismar, Wismar TENTATIVE SESSION TOPICS Artificial Neural Network Architectures Hybrid Artificial Neural Systems Learning Algorithms and Training Feature Identification and Pattern Recognition Neurally-Based Networks Machine Vision and Image Processing Chaos Neuro-Control Fuzzy Logic Non-linear Systems and Modeling Genetic Algorithms and Optimization Process Monitoring and Diagnosis Soft Computing Neuro-Engineering Systems Wavelets Neuro-Manufacturing Systems PLENARY SPEAKERS Dr. Darrel Whitley, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO Dr. James. B. Bassingthwaighte,University of Washington, Seattle, Washington Dr. Nimal Bose, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Dr. Donna L. Hudson, California State University, Fresno, CA Dr. Robert S. Smithson, Lockheed, Palo Alto, CA Dr. Joshua Latenier, Lateiner Dataspace Corporation, Woburn, MA PRE-CONFERENCE TUTORIALS Concurrent Information Processing: Models and Tools for Real-Time Neurocomputing Applications Dr. Robert J. Jannarone, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC A New Neural Network Learning Theory and Some Algorithms Dr. Asim Roy, Arizona State College of Business, Temp, AZ Theoretical Foundations of Multilayer Perceptron Dr. Stephane Canu, Universite de Compiegne, Compiegne FRANCE Chaos and Fractals Dr. Larry S. Liebovitch, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL Mapping Networks Based on Clustering: ARTMAP, LAPART, Counterpropagation, Related Network Dr. Laurene Fausett, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL Wavelets Dr. D.M. Healy, Jr., Dartmounth College, Hanover, New Hampshire Genetic Algorithms Dr. M. Cohen, California State University, Fresno, CA Applications of Computational Neural Networks in Materials Science: An Introduction Dr. Bobby G. Sumpter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge TN Intelligent Data Modeling: A Comparison of Modern Techniques Dr. John Cheung, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma, OK Neural Network and Statistical Methods for Function Estimation Dr. Vladimir Cherkassky, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Papers submitted to the conference will be reviewed by two referees and all accepted papers will be published as a hardbound book published by ASME Press and edited by Drs. Dagli, Fernandez, Ghosh, and Kumara. A copy of the book will be given to each participant at the conference. After the conference, the book will be available from the publisher. ANNIE - 94 GUEST ROOM RESERVATION November 13-16, 1994 Marriott's Pavilion Hotel St. Louis, MO Please type or print clearly in ink: Dr./Mr./Ms. ________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name M.I. __________________________________________________________________________ Business or Organization __________________________________________________________________________ Address (Home/Business) __________________________________________________________________________ City State/Country Zip Code __________________________________ Telephone (Home/Business) a.m. Arrival Date _____/_____/_____ Est. Arrival Time __________ p.m. Departure Date_____/_____/_____ Please reserve ____________ rooms(s) for _________________________ people To avoid duplication of reservations, please submit only one form when sharing accommodations with one or more individuals. Name(s) of person(s) sharing accommodations _____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ o Reservation request is subject to availability. There is a limited number of rooms set aside for your group. o Reservation requests will be accepted on a first come-first serve basis. o All rates are subject to state and local taxes. Cut off date for conference rate is October 23, 1994. o Guest rooms will be available for check in after 4:00 p.m., St. Louis time. Check out time is 12:00 noon. o Send all room reservations directly to Marriott, One Broadway St., St. Louis, MO 63102-1772. o DO NOT SEND HOTEL RESERVATIONS TO THE UNIVERSITY. o If paying by check, please include total of first and last night's deposit. ROOM GUARANTEE: To guarantee your room throughout your stay, a non-refundable first night's deposit will be required. The deposit can be applied by a major credit card or check. Changes or cancellations after original reservation has been made should be made directly with hotel at (314) 421-1776. Credit Card: ___ VISA ___ Discover ___ MasterCard ___ Amex ___ Diners Club Expiration Date:___________________ Card Number _____________________ Signature: _______________________________ ACCOMMODATIONS AND RATE (Please check) _____ Single $80 _____ Triple $94 1 Person 1 Bed 3 People 2 Beds _____ Double $88 _____ Quad $104 2 People 1 Bed 4 People 2 Beds _____ Double/Double $88 _____ Parlors Rates Available 2 People 2 Beds or Suites upon Request REQUESTED ROOM TYPE (Please check) _____Smoking _____ King Bed _____Non-smoking _____ 2 Double Beds _____No preference _____ No preference This registration form will also be used to guarantee for late arrival. Cancellations must be made by 6:00 P.M. St. Louis time. ANNIE - 94 REGISTRATION FORM November 13-16, 1994 Marriott's Pavilion Hotel St. Louis, MO Please type or print clearly in ink: ____________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name M.I. ____________________________________________________________________________ Company or Organization ____________________________________________________________________________ Business Address ____________________________________________________________________________ City State/Country Zip Code _______________________________ _____________________________________ Telephone FAX Indicate Your Fee: Registration fee for at least one author MUST accompany your camera ready manuscript. (Fee includes reception, banquet, three luncheons and one copy of the proceedings). _____ $370 Author Registration _____ $410 On-site Registration _____ $30 Extra Banquet Ticket (Spouse or Guest) _____ Tutorials $90 each _____ $390 Advanced Registration _____ $270 Student Registration (Accompanied by a registered faculty member) _____ $19 each Extra Luncheon ticket _____ Monday _____ Tuesday _____ Wednesday MORNING SESSIONS _____ A New Neural Network Learning Theory and Some Algorithms Dr. Asim Roy, Arizona State College of Business, Temp, AZ _____ Theoretical Foundations of Multilayer Perceptrons Dr. Stephane Canu, LIAC, Compiegne FRANCE _____ Chaos and Fractals Dr. Larry S. Liebovitch, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL _____ Mapping Networks Based on Clustering: ARTMAP, LAPART, Counterpropagation and Related Network Dr. Laurene Fausett, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL _____ Intelligent Data Modeling: A Comparison of Modern Techniques Dr. John Cheung, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK AFTERNOON SESSIONS ____ Concurrent Information Processing: Models and Tools for Real-Time Neurocomputing Applications Dr. Robert J. Jannarone, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC _____ Wavelets Dr. D.M. Healy, Jr., Dartmounth College, Hanover, NH _____ Genetic Algorithms Dr. M. Cohen, California State University, Fresno, CA _____ Applications of Computational Neural Networks in Materials Science: An Introduction Dr. Bobby G. Sumpter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN _____ Neural Network and Statistical Methods for Function Estimation Dr. Vladimir Cherkassky, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN __________ TOTAL DUE Payable by: _____ Enclosed Check (U.S. Currency) Payable to: University of Missouri - Rolla _____ Purchase Order No. ______________________ Credit Card: ___ VISA ___ MasterCard ___ DISCOVER Expiration Date:___________ Cardholder Name: ________________________________ Card Number : ___________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________ Send Registration to: Monya Ortega, 223 Engineering Mgmt. Bldg., University of Missouri - Rolla, Rolla, MO, 65401, USA Phone: 314-341-6576 FAX: 314-341-6567 Audio Visual Needs _______ Overhead Projector _______ 35mm Slide Projector _______ Other