call for papers, previous message From: brafman@om.Stanford.EDU (Ronen Brafman) Subject: NGITS 95 Date: 27 Jul 1994 18:09:44 GMT Call for Papers NGITS '95 The Second International Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems 27 - 29 June 1995 Hotel Carlton, Naharia, ISRAEL Supported by the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and the Neaman Institute As information technology advances, requirements of and expectations from information systems change rapidly. This requires researchers and developers to continuously focus on the next generation of information systems. The NGITS Workshop provides an international forum for discussing issues and solutions related exclusively to next generation information systems and the technologies that would make them possible. These issues include, but are not limited to: o Data and knowledge base challenges: advanced models and languages, data integrity and quality, management of uncertainty and inconsistency, information security and privacy, management of spatial and temporal data o Software architectures for information systems: object-orientation, agent-orientation, extensibility, groupware, software repositories, application generators o Integration: intelligent integration and interchange of information, interoperability and cooperation among heterogeneous information systems, information mediation and brokering, standardization o AI techniques: knowledge management, knowledge representation and reasoning, knowledge discovery, information extraction and filtering, coordination technologies and agent architectures o Human-computer interaction: advanced user interfaces, human-computer cooperation o The impact of new technologies: multi-media, mobile computing, very high speed networks, etc. o Challenging applications: services and tools to support information infrastructure ("information super-highways"), digital libraries, large scientific and geographical databases, health care (medical) information systems, information systems for advanced manufacturing We solicit contributions of three kinds: * Full research papers * Short position papers * Proposals for panel discussions All contributions must emphasize their relevance to issues of next generation information technologies and systems, and must be addressed to an audience of diverse background and interests. The category of "research papers" is intended for technical papers describing research accomplishments. The category "position papers" is intended for papers that discuss new challenges and visionary solutions. Proposals for panels should include an abstract of the subject and likely participants. The workshop will feature paper sessions, panel discussions and talks by invited speakers. All accepted papers will appear in a workshop proceedings. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. ________________________ Program Committee Chairs ________________________ Ami Motro Moshe Tennenholtz Department of Information and Faculty of Industrial Engineering Software Systems Engineering and Management George Mason University Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Fairfax, Virginia 20030 Haifa, 32000 USA ISRAEL _______________________ Information For Authors _______________________ For research papers authors should submit extended abstracts of 2000 words or less; the full papers that will appear in the proceedings are limited to 5000 words. Position papers are limited to 2000 words. We shall attempt to handle the submission and review processes by electronic mail and request that you submit your contributions by mailing a PostScript version of your paper to BOTH co-chairs at the above e-mail addresses. Otherwise, please send 3 copies of your paper to BOTH co-chairs at the above postal addresses. The organizers request advance notification of your intention to submit a paper: please send an e-mail message to both co-chairs giving the names of the authors and the title or subject of the submission. _______________ Important dates _______________ 31 October 1994 Intent-to-submit statements due 31 December 1994 Extended abstracts (for full papers), position papers, and panel proposals due 28 February 1995 Notification of acceptance 15 April 1995 Camera-ready manuscripts due 27-29 June 1995 The workshop _________________________ Location and Travel Funds _________________________ The workshop will take place in Naharia, a picturesque resort town on the Mediterranean sea, 30 kilometers north of Haifa. Limited travel funds will be available to assist some of the participants. ______________ General Chairs ______________ Opher Etzion Arie Segev Technion - Israel Institute of University of California at Berkeley Technology and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories ISRAEL USA __________________ Program Committee _________________ Serge Abiteboul, INRIA, France Ron Ashany, National Science Foundation, USA Hagit Attiya, Technion, Israel Dan Berry, Carnegie Melon U., USA and Technion, Israel Elisa Bertino, U. Milano, Italy Yitzhak Birk, Technion, Israel Yuri Breitbart, U. Kentucky, USA Alex Brodsky, George Mason University, USA Peter Buneman, U. Pennsylvania, USA Wesley Chu, U. California, Los Angeles, USA Alessandro D'Atri, U. L'Aquila, Italy Dov Dori, Technion, Israel Ed Durfee, U. Michigan, USA Oren Etzioni, U. Washington, USA Christos Faloutsos, U. Maryland, USA Mark Fox, U. Toronto, Canada Ophir Frieder, George Mason University, USA Les Gasser, U. Southern California, USA Yossi Gil, Technion, Israel Tomasz Imielinski, Rutgers University, USA Alfons Kemper, Aachen, Germany Fred Lochovsky, U. of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Dennis McLeod, U. Southern California, USA John Mylopoulos, U. Toronto, Canada Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro, GTE Laboratories, USA Jeff Rosenschein, Hebrew University, Israel Doron Rotem, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, USA Amit Sheth, Bellcore, USA Peretz Shoval, Ben Gurion U., Israel Avi Silberschatz, U. Texas, Austin and AT&T Bell Labs, USA Ouri Wolfson, U. Illinois, Chicago, USA ______________________________________________________________________________