call for papers, previous message From: (Brian Gaines) Subject: KAW95 Call Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 02:04:04 GMT Call for Participation KAW'95 Ninth Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop Banff, Canada, February 26-March 3, 1995 The objective of the annual knowledge-acquisition workshops is to provide a forum for those developing theories, methods, systems, and empirical studies that relate to the process of building intelligent systems of all kinds. To encourage vigorous interaction and exchange of ideas, the workshop will be kept small--to about 40 participants. The format is designed to develop extensive discussions and continuing collaboration on significant issues; thus, the majority of the workshop will be devoted to activities within small working groups that each will meet for one or two days, in parallel with other workshop activities over the course of the week. In plenary sessions, we will attempt to define the state of the art and future research needs. General attendance will be limited to those submitting their work, one author per paper. The meeting is structured to support specialist subgroups that will have their own working agendas, as well as plenary meetings for general knowledge exchange. In addition to the submission of papers, we welcome proposals for new specialist sessions and minitracks that may include a small number of invited participants who can help investigators in the area of knowledge acquisition to form bridges with other research communities. Eight sessions or minitracks have so far been scheduled for the workshop. The corresponding topics, and the organizers of the sessions, are as follows: 1. Shareable and reusable ontologies Doug Skuce doug@csi.UOttawa.CA (U of Ottawa) 2. Shareable and reusable problem-solving methods Bill Birmingham (U of Michigan) Guus Schreiber (U of Amsterdam) 3. Knowledge acquisition from natural language Fernando Gomez (U Central Florida) 4. Knowledge, cognition and cyberspace - cognitive aspects of KA Walter van de Velde (Vrije U Brussel) 5. Knowledge acquisition and requirements engineering Rudi Studer (U of Karlsruhe) Bill Swartout (ISI) 6. Knowledge acquisition using conceptual graphs Dickson Lukose (U of New England) Marie-Laure Mugnier (CNRS U Montpellier) 7. Evaluation of knowledge-acquisition methodologies John H. Gennari (Stanford U) Paul Compton (U New South Wales) 8. System demonstrations -- Sun, Mac, PC and Internet Rob Kremer (U Calgary) Individuals who feel they have a new perspective to offer which does not fit into a specialist session are also invited to submit papers. Such papers are especially welcome, but will be expected to offer significant new insights. Draft papers (up to 20 pages) should be sent electronically to Brian Gaines before September 30, 1994. Acceptance and revision notices will be e-mailed by November 15, 1994. Revised papers (20 pages) should be submitted by January 15, 1995, so that hardcopies may be bound together for distribution at the workshop. For KAW'95, submission and review of papers, and coordination of all aspects of the meeting will be through the Internet. Papers should be transmitted in postscript or common document processor format either by e-mail to, or by ftp to in directory /incoming (with an email note to when the paper is transferred). Authors should indicate appropriate sessions/minitracks for each submission. If there is uncertainty regarding the optimum track for a paper, authors should contact the chairs of the track that seems closest, preferably in advance of the submission deadline. Depending on the range of papers received, some tracks may be collapsed whereas other tracks may be added in advance of the workshop. Demonstrations of mature software systens will be an important feature of the workshop, and a range of high-performance workstations will be provided. Authors submitting to this track should contact Rob Kremer about the logistics of setting up demonstrations and showing videos. Participation by graduate students is particularly encouraged. There will be a number of studentships at a reduced fee for full-time graduate students whose papers are accepted. If appropriate, please indicate that you wish to apply for such a studentship when you submit a paper. WWW, world wide web, will be used to coordinate the meeting and further details of the tracks, paper formats, conference arrangements, etc, will be posted to the web through: Workshop Co-chairs: Brian R. Gaines Department of Computer Science University of Calgary 2500 University Dr. NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 (403) 220-5901 Mark A. Musen Section on Medical Informatics Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University Stanford CA, USA 94305-5479 (415) 723-6979