call for papers, previous message From: (Damian M. Lyons) Subject: CFP: IEEE-TRA special issue on assembly and task planning. Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 18:12:39 GMT *.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.** SPECIAL ISSUE OF IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION ON - ASSEMBLY AND TASK PLANNING - The field of assembly and task planning arose to address the issue of how a detailed robot program could be automatically synthesized given a high level description of the task to be performed. Initial work in the field was an attempt to duplicate the human ability to manipulate the world in a flexible fashion. While this continues to be a key concept for autonomous robots, it has become evident that assembly and task planning for manufacturing applications is best seen as an integrated part of the overall process of designing and building high-quality products. The objective of this special issue is two-fold: To summarize the current state of the art in assembly and task planning, and also to establish a vision of how assembly and task planning for manufacturing can be seen as an integrated part of the complete design and manufacturing process. Such a vision of intelligent/flexible manufacturing system integrates domains such as concurrent engineering, operations research, geometric reasoning and process control into product design. We extend a special invitation to industry participants to describe current practices, needs and visions for the future. Industry papers are important to set the context for the study of assembly and task planning in manufacturing. They can point out relevant and difficult problem areas to channel research attention and can report on the results of specific implementations. Possible topics for papers submitted to the special issue in the context of Assembly and Task Planning as an integral part of the product manufacturing and design cycle include but are not limited to: Integration of Design and Manufacturing Assembly Representations Languages for Assembly/Task specification Workcell Planning Design of Parts Feeders Sequence Planning Pose Determination Planning Sensory Actions Uncertainty Representation and Propagation Representing Tolerances Plan Monitoring, Error Detection and Recovery On-line Planning and Reaction Computational Complexity of Assembly Planning INSTRUCTIONS FOR MANUSCRIPTS To establish coherence between the papers in the special issue, submissions must address the following points, where relevant: Where does the work fit in the design and manufacturing cycle? What problem/deficit/need does it address? What other work has been done in this area, and why is this contribution important? What commercial off-the-shelf hardware and/or software was used? Is the emphasis on integration of existing work, or on new work. Who are the potential users of the work? All manuscripts should include a title page containing the title of the paper, full names and affiliations, complete postal and (if available) electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers (if available), an abstract, and a list of keywords. The contacting author should be clearly identified. Six copies of the manuscript, hardcopy only, should be sent to: Prof. Richard A. Volz Computer Science Department Rm. 305 B H. R. Bright Bldg. Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843-3112 IMPORTANT DATES Submission Date: November 1st 1994 Issue Date: February 1996 Guest Editors Damian Lyons Philips Laboratories Briarcliff Manor NY 10510 USA Sukhan Lee University of Southern California Los Angeles CA 90089 USA Carlos Ramos ISEP/IPP and University of Porto R.S. Tome , 4200 Porto Portugal Jocelyne Troccaz TIMC laboratory Domaine de la Merci La Tronche, France -- _____________________________________________