call for papers, previous message From: Bashar NuseibehSubject: CFP: Automated Software Engineering Journal Date: 9 Aug 1994 11:38:13 GMT AUTOMATED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING The International Journal of Automated Reasoning and Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering Editors-in-Chief: W. Lewis Johnson, University of Southern California, USA Anthony Finkelstein, Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, UK Associate Editor: Bashar Nuseibeh, Imperial College, UK Automated Software Engineering is an archival peer-reviewed journal publishing research, tutorial papers, surveys and accounts of significant industrial experience in the application of automated reasoning, knowledge representation and artificial intelligence techniques in software engineering. This includes the study of techniques for constructing, understanding, adapting, and modelling software artifacts and processes. Both automatic systems and collaborative systems are within the scope of the Journal, as are computational models of human software engineering activities. Representations and formal techniques that support or provide foundations for the automation of software engineering are covered. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to, the application of automated reasoning, knowledge representation and artificial intelligence techniques to: specification and design representation schemes, both formal and informal; descriptions and models of the development process; tools and environments to support software development; cognition in software development, including studies of specifiers, designers and implementors, and cognitive properties of representation schemes, programming and programming languages; software development methods; analysis and validation; requirements elicitation, acquisition and formalization; system rationale; software quality and metrics; software reuse and adaptation; animation and execution of specifications and designs; domain modelling and analysis; software visualization; software object management; development of user interfaces; group and team work in software engineering; development of distributed, real-time, embedded and composite systems; systems integration; software evolution and maintenance; system testing; reverse engineering and program understanding; documentation and program explanation. Automated Software Engineering is published quarterly by Kluwer Academic Publishers, with worldwide distribution to individuals, industry and institutions. It includes reviews of books, software, conferences, and workshops. Editorial Board: David Barstow, Schlumberger Laboratory for Computer Science, France Wolfgang Bibel, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany Barry Boehm, University of Southern California, USA Alex Borgida, Rutgers University, USA Martin S. Feather, University of Southern California, USA Stephen F. Fickas, University of Oregon, USA Jacques Hagelstein, Sema Group Belgium, Belgium Mehdi T. Harandi, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA Louis J. Hoebel, USAF Rome Laboratory, USA Karen Huff, GTE Laboratories, USA Elaine Kant, Schlumberger Laboratory for Computer Science, USA Takuya Katayama, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan John Mylopoulos, University of Toronto, Canada Michael R. Lowry, NASA Ames Research Center, USA Jim-Qun Ning, Andersen Consulting, USA Derek Partridge, University of Exeter, UK Colin Potts, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Charles Rich, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA Peter G. Selfridge, AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA Dorothy Setliff, University of Pittsburgh, USA Douglas R. Smith, Kestrel Institute, USA Alistair Sutcliffe, The City University, UK Enn Tyugu, Royal Inst. of Technology, Sweden Axel van Lamsweerde, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Richard C. Waters, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA Automated Software Engineering covers an area of active work and interest which is not well covered by other journals. The Journal seeks to establish a reputation of the highest quality and aims to provide rapid, informative and expert review of submissions. Automated Software Engineering supports electronic submissions of accepted papers. It does not set arbitrary restrictions on length or on style of presentation; rather, it seeks to match presentation with content. The Journal will guide and support authors during submission. Papers describing novel and experimental work are encouraged. Automated Software Engineering is also pleased to discuss with organizers of relevant conferences, symposia and workshops the publication of selected papers. The first issue is scheduled to appear in January 1994.Enquiries or submissions should be directed to Judith A. Kemp at Kluwer or one of the Editors-in-Chief. Instructions for Authors Potential authors should write to one of the following addresses for "Instructions for Authors": Judith A. Kemp Kluwer Academic Publishers Editorial Office 101 Philip Drive Norwell, MA 02061, USA TEL: (617) 871-6300 FAX: (617) 871-6528 E-Mail: W. Lewis Johnson University of So. California Information Science Inst. 4676 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292, USA TEL:(310) 822-1511 FAX: (310) 823-6714 Email: Anthony Finkelstein Imperial College of Sci., Tech. & Med. Department of Computing 180 Queen's Gate London SW7 2BZ, UK TEL: +44 - 71-589-5111 FAX : +44 -71- 581-8024 Email: Bashar Nuseibeh Imperial College of Sci., Tech. & Med. Department of Computing 180 Queen's Gate London SW7 2BZ, UK TEL: +44 - 71-594-8286 FAX : +44 -71- 581-8024 Email: For further information and subscriptions, please contact: Kluwer Academic Publishers Order Department P.O. Box 358 Accord Station Hingham, MA 02018-0358, USA