call for papers, previous message From: iapc@ACM.ORG Subject: CFP - Intl. J. of Applied Software Technology Date: 12 Aug 1994 07:38:57 GMT CALL FOR PAPER International Journal of Applied Software Technology Papers are invited for the International Journal on Applied Software Technology (IJAST). IJAST is a new international multidisciplinary journal, published four times a year. Its main objective is to provide a forum for the dissemination of pioneering research work in software technology and applications. Special issues on specific themes will be published in coming issues. Papers submitted will be reviewed by a group of international academics as well as software practitioners. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: a) Software Engineering and CASE b) Multimedia c) Groupware technology d) Open systems and Interoperability e) Distributed and Parallel systems f) Data and Knowledge Engineering g) Human and Computer Interface h) Computer Education and Intelligent Tutoring Papers under the following categories are being sought: a) Research paper b) Tutorial c) Survey and experience paper d) Book review In accordance with usual practice, papers previously published and are under consideration for publication elsewhere cannot be accepted, and authors must agree not to publish accepted papers elsewhere. Submission: The paper should not normally exceed 6000 words, and should conform to the following format: a) Cover page giving title, author(s), affiliation(s), mailing address and e-mail address b) Abstract describing the context and scope of the paper c) Main text d) References The paper should be typed double-spaced on A4 (8.27 in. x 11.69 in. size paper with a minimum 1 in. left margin. Send 3 copies of your paper to: Prof. Lu Si-Wei (Editor-in-Chief) Dept. of Computer Science Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, Newfoundland Canada A1C 5S7 The paper will be formally reviewed by members of the editorial board: Dr. A. Adams, U. of Tasmania, Aust. Dr. G. Blair, U. of Lancaster, UK Prof. G. Brookes, U. of Hull, UK Dr. D.B. Clegg, U. of Liverpool, UK Prof. M.J. Egenhofer, U. of Maine, USA Prof. L. Johnson, Brunel U., UK Prof. A.R. Kaylan, U. of Bosphorus, Turkey Prof. A. Lehmann, U. der Bundeswehr Munchen, Germany Prof. T.I. Oren, U. of Ottawa, Canada Prof. R. Rada, U. of Liverpool, UK Prof. P.V. Rangan, U. of California at San Diego, USA Prof. D. Rine, George Mason U., USA Prof. R.C. Schank, Northwestern U., USA Prof. S.C. Shapiro, SUNY at Buffalo, USA Prof. K. Yamagata, Hiroshima U., Japan Prof. S. Watanabe, U. of Electro-Communications, Japan For enquiry, send mail to ------------------------------------------- The International Journal of Applied Software Technology is published by the International Academic Publishing Company. ACM does NOT in any way acknowledge, endorse or sponsor the journal.