call for papers, previous message From: Michael MainSubject: MFPS Call for Papers Date: Mon, 12 Sep 1994 16:59:51 +0200 Call for Papers MFPS XI The Eleventh Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics March 29 - April 1, 1995 New Orleans, Louisiana USA The Eleventh Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics will be held at Tulane University, New Orleans, LA USA from March 29 to April 1, 1995. The conference will consist of six one-hour invited talks and of talks selected from submissions. There also will be a special session on the Semantics of Object-Oriented Languages. The MFPS conferences are devoted to those areas of mathematics, logic and computer science which are related to the semantics of programming languages. The series has particularly stressed providing a forum where both mathematicians and computer scientists can meet and exchange ideas about problems of common interest. We also welcome submissions by researchers in neighboring areas, since we strive to maintain breadth in the scope of the series. The invited speakers for MFPS XI are: Andreas Blass (Michigan) Robin Milner (Edinburgh) Edmund Clarke (CMU) John Reynolds (CMU) Neil Jones (Copenhagen) Robert Tennent (Queen's, Kingston) There also will be a special session on Semantics of Object-Oriented Programming Languages, organized by Luca Cardelli (Digital Equipment Corp, Systems Research Center) and John Mitchell (Stanford). The organizing committee for MFPS consists of Stephen Brookes (CMU), Michael Main (Colorado), Austin Melton (Michigan Technological University), Michael Mislove (Tulane) and David Schmidt (Kansas State). The co-chairs for MFPS XI are Austin Melton and Michael Mislove. The program committee co-chairs are Stephen Brookes and Michael Main. The remainder of the program committee consists of: Gerard Berry (INRIA) Luca Cardelli (Digital Equipment Corp, Systems Research Center) Achim Jung (Darmstadt) Austin Melton (Michigan Technological University) Michael Mislove (Tulane) John Mitchell (Stanford) Philip Mulry (Colgate) Ana Pasztor (Florida International) Prakash Panangaden (McGill) Edmund Robinson (Sussex) Pino Rosolini (Genova) Steve Schneider (Royal Holloway) Philip Scott (Ottawa) Steve Vickers (Imperial) Glynn Winskel (Aarhus) Submissions must be extended abstracts of 12 pages or less. Deadline for submissions is November 10, 1994. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their submissions by February 1, 1995. Electronic submission is encouraged via email. The submission should be sent to Michael Main ( in two separate files: -- Your original file in a format such as LaTex, troff, etc. plus -- An encapsulated postscript file which can be printed by any postscript device. Alternately, submissions may be sent by ordinary mail (four copies of the extended abstract) to: Michael Main Campus Box 430 Department of Computer Science University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0430 Telephone: (303) 499-3255 In the past, proceedings of the conference have been published as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (cf. LNCS 239, 298, 442, 598, 802). For the 1995 conference, the organizing committee is considering an electronic form of publication. We anticipate the quality and refereeing standards will be similar to past publications of the MFPS Proceedings. General inquiries about MFPS XI can be addressed to: A WWW listing is also available with the latest information about the conference via Mosaic. The listing is: