What is an Engineer?

Type your answer in the following box:

1. The term engineer means talent, genius, cleverness, or native ability.
2. An engineer is a person who uses science, mathematics, management
   skills, experience, and judgment to create, operate, manage, control, or
   maintain devices, mechanisms, processes, structures, or complex
   systems, and who does this in a rational and economic way.
3. Although science and mathematics are the basis of engineering
   knowledge, real projects require the human skills of leadership,
   management, and communication.
4. Engineers are builders and problem solvers who provide the link between
   theory and practice.
5. Very importantly, the engineer must be creative and have the ability to
   lead a team toward a common goal.


What is Electricity?

This particular question is not easy to answer because the word electricity has different meanings, which complement each other.

What do you think?

Type your answer in the following box:

1. The word electricity originated about 600 B.C.
2. It comes from elektron, which was the ancient Greek work for amber.
    However, engineers understood the true nature of electricity later.

Electricity may mean electric charges, flow of electric charges, or electric energy. If we wish to agree on a single definition of electricity, then which one should we choose? Maybe we do not need to choose just one as all of the above definitions are true.


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