Object-Oriented Software EngineeringPractical Software Development using UML and Java
2.1 What is Object Orientation?
Object Orientated paradigm
A View of the Two paradigms
2.2 Classes and Objects
Is Something a Class or an Instance?
Naming classes
2.3 Instance Variables
Variables vs. Objects
Class variables
2.4 Methods, Operations and Polymorphism
Methods, Operations and Polymorphism
2.5 Organizing Classes into Inheritance Hierarchies
An Example Inheritance Hierarchy
The Isa Rule
A possible inheritance hierarchy of mathematical objects
Make Sure all Inherited Features Make Sense in Subclasses
2.6 Inheritance, Polymorphism and Variables
Some Operations in the Shape Example
Abstract Classes and Methods
Immutable objects
How a decision is made about which method to run
Dynamic binding
2.7 Concepts that Define Object Orientation
Other Key Concepts
The Basics of Java
Java documentation
Overview of Java
Characters and Strings
Arrays and Collections
Packages and importing
Access control
Threads and concurrency
Programming Style Guidelines
Programming style …
Programming style ...
2.10 Difficulties and Risks in Object-Oriented Programming
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