System: Simple Chat/OCSF           Phase: 2

1. Install JAVA, minimum release 1.2.0, on Windows 95 or 98.
2. Install JAVA, minimum release 1.2.0, on Windows NT.
3. Install JAVA, minimum release 1.2.0, on a Solaris system.
4. Install the Simple Chat - Phase 2 on Windows 95/98, NT and Solaris.

Testcase 2001 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 to 4 Server startup check with default arguments Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. At the console, enter: java EchoServer. Expected result: 1. The server reports that it is listening for clients by displaying the following message: Server listening for clients on port 5555 2. The server console awaits for user input. Cleanup: Hit CTRL+C to kill the server.
Testcase 2002 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 Client startup check without a login Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. At the console, enter: java ClientConsole. Expected result: 1. The client reports it cannot connect without a login by displaying: ERROR - No login ID specified. Connection aborted. 2. The client terminates. Cleanup: (if client is still active) Hit CTRL+C to kill the client.
Testcase 2003 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 Client startup check with a login and without a server Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. At the console, enter: java ClientConsole <loginID> where loginID is the name you wish to be identified by. Expected result: 1. The client reports it cannot connect to a server by displaying: Cannot open connection. Awaiting command. 2. The client waits for user input Cleanup: Hit CTRL+C to kill the client.
Testcase 2004 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 Client connection with default arguments Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a server (Testcase 2001, instruction 1) 2. On a different console on the same computer, start a client (Testcase 2003, instruction 1) Expected results: 1. The server displays the following messages in sequence: A new client is attempting to connect to the server. Message received #login <loginID> from null. <loginID> has logged on. 2. The client displays message: <loginID> has logged on. 3. The client and the server wait for user input. Cleanup: (unless proceeding to Testcase 2005) Hit CTRL+C to kill the client. Hit CTRL+C to kill the server.
Testcase 2005 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 Client Data transfer and data echo Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a server and a client on the same computer and connect using default arguments (Testcase 2004 instructions). 2. Once connected, type in data on the client console and press ENTER. Expected results: 1. The message is echoed on the client side, but is preceded by the sender's loginID and the greater than symbol(">"). 2. The server displays a message similar to the following: Message received: <user input> from <loginID> Cleanup: (unless proceeding to Testcase 2006) Hit CTRL+C to kill the client. Hit CTRL+C to kill the server.
Testcase 2006 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 Multiple local connections Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a server and multiple clients with DIFFERENT loginIDs and connect them to the server using default arguments. (Testcase 2005 instructions). 2. Start typing on all the client consoles AND the server console, pressing ENTER to send each message. Expected results: 1. All client messages are echoed as in Testcase 2005. 2. All messages from the server console are echoed on the server console and to all clients, but are preceeded by "SERVER MESSAGE> ". Cleanup: Hit CTRL+C to kill the clients Hit CTRL+C to kill the servers
Testcase 2007 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 and subsequent Server termination command check Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a server (Testcase 2001 instruction 1) using default arguments. 2. Type "#quit" into the server's console. Expected result: 1. The server quits. Cleanup (If the server is still active): Hit CTRL+C to kill the server.
Testcase 2008 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 and 3 Server stop check Severity: 2 Instructions: 1. Start a server (Testcase 1001, instruction 1). 2. Connect a client to the server (Testcase 2004). 3. Type "#stop" into the server's console. 4. Type in a message on the client and send it. 5. Attempt to connect other clients. 6. Restart the server. Expected results: 1. The server displays: Server has stopped listening for connections. 2. The client displays: WARNING - Server has stopped listening for connections. 3. Data echoing still works normally. 4. Attempting to connect other clients will hang the console as these new connections are put on backlog until the max backlog (default of 10) is reached. 5. Restarting the server will cause the backlogged clients to connect properly. Cleanup: (Unless proceeding to Testcase 2008) Type #quit to kill the server Hit CTRL+C to kill the client
Testcase 2009 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 and 3 Server close command check Severity: 2 Instructions: 1. Start a server and connect a client to it. (Testcase 2007 instruction 1) 2. Stop the server using the #stop command. 3. Type "#close" into the server's console. Expected result: 1. Server displays in sequence: Server has stopped listening for connections. <loginID> has disconnected. 2. The client displays: WARNING - The server has stopped listening for connections SERVER SHUTTING DOWN! DISCONNECTING! Abnormal termination of connection. and then waits for input. Cleanup: (Unless proceeding to Testcase 2009) Hit CTRL+C to kill the client. Hit CTRL+C to kill the server.
Testcase 2009 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 and subsequent Server restart Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a server, connect a client, and close the server. (Testcase 2008) 2. Type "#start" into the server's console. 3. Attempt to connect a client. Expected result: 1. The server closes, restarts and then displays: Server listening for connections on port 5555. 2. The client connects normally as described in Testcase 2004. Cleanup: (Unless proceeding to Testcase 2010) Hit CTRL+C to kill the client. Type #quit to kill the server.
Testcase 2010 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 and subsequent Client termination command check Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a client (Testcase 2002, instruction 1). 2. Type "#quit" into the client's console. Expected result: 1. Client terminates. Cleanup: (If client is still active) Hit CTRL+C to kill the client.
Testcase 2011 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 and subsequent Client logoff check Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a server (Testcase 1001, instruction 1), and then connect a single local client to this server. 2. Type "#logoff" into this client's console. Expected results: 1. Client disconnects and displays Connection closed. (Under NT, it will display Abnormal termination of connection.) Cleanup: (Unless proceeding to Testcase 2012) Type "#quit" to kill the client.
Testcase 2012 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 and subsequent Client host and port setup commands check Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a client but no servers, and attempt to connect using default arguments. 2. At the client's console, type "#sethost <newhost>" where <newhost> is the name of a computer on the network 3. At the client's console, type "#setport 1234". Expected result: 1. The client displays Host set to: <newhost> port set to: 1234. Cleanup: Type #quit to kill the client.
Testcase 2013 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 and subsequent Starting a server on a non-default port Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a server by typing java ServerConsole 1234. Expected result: 1. The server displays Server listening for connections on port 1234. Cleanup (Unless proceeding to Testcase 2014) Type #quit to kill the server.
Testcase 2014 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 and subsequent Connecting a client to a non-default host or port Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a server on port 1234 (Testcase 2013) 2. On a different computer, start a client by typing "java ClientConsole <loginID> <host> 1234" replacing the parameters by appropriate values. Expected Result: 1. The connection occurs normally.
Testcase 2015 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 Multiple remote clients disconnections and reconnections Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a server (Testcase 2001, instruction 1). 2. On different computers, start clients (1 or 2 per computer) and connect them to the server. 3. Exchange data. 4. Close the server using the #close command. 5. Change the server's port by typing "#setport <newport>" 6. Restart the server using the #start command. 7. Change the ports of each clients using the #setport command. 8. Reconnect the clients to the server by using the #login <loginID> command. 9. close the server by using the #quit command. Expected results: 1. The first set of connections occur normally. 2. When the server is closed, all clients are disconnected. 3. The server displays the following message when the #setport command is used: port set to: <newport>. 4. The server restarts and displays: Server listening for connections on port <newport>. 5. The clients change port as in Testcase 2012. 6. The clients reconnect normally. 7. The clients are disconnected when the server quits. Cleanup: Type #quit to kill the clients Type #quit to kill the server (if still active)
Testcase 2016 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 and subsequent Client changing hosts Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. On two different computers, start servers on the default port. 2. On a third computer, start a client and connect it to one of the two servers. 3. Logoff from that server using the #logoff command. 4. Change the host name by using the #sethost <otherhost> where <otherhost> is the name of the other computer on the network 5. Log on to this new host using the #login <loginID> command. Expected results: 1. The two servers start up normally. 2. The client connects to the first server normally. 3. When the client disconnects it displays Connection closed. (Exception: NT will display Abnormal termination of connection) 4. When the client disconnects, the server displays: <loginID> has disconnected. 5. The client changes host as in Testcase 2012. 6. The client reconnects normally as in Testcase 2015. Cleanup (Unless proceeding to Testcase 2017): Type #quit to kill the servers (if proceeding, kill only the one with no connected clients) Type #quit to kill the client
Testcase 2017 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 and subsequent Client quitting or logging off a server with multiple connections Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Start a server and connect multiple (at least 3) clients. 2. In one client's console, type "#quit". 3. In a second client's console type "#logoff". Expected results: 1. In both cases, all remaining clients and the server get the following message: <loginID> has disconnected. 2. The clients display: Connection Closed. (Exception: NT will display "Abnormal termination of connection." when the logoff command is used.)
Testcase 2018 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 Different platform tests Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Repeat all these tests on different platforms (95/98, NT, UNIX). Expected results: 1. The same as before.
Testcase 2019 System: Simple Chat Phase: 2 Interaction between different platforms Severity: 1 Instructions: 1. Repeat Testcases 2005, 2009, 2010-2019 mixing the platforms involved. Expected results: 1. The same as before.