Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-languages
Paris, France
28 September 1999
Held as part of the Colloquium on Principles, Logics, and
Implementations of High-Level Programming Languages.
Cover Page and Program
The Context Calculus Lambda-c
Mirna Bognar and Roel de Vrijer (Vrije University, The Netherlands)
Explicit Substitutions for Linear Logical Frameworks
Iliano Cervesato (Stanford University, USA), Valeria de Paiva
(University of Birmingham, UK), and Eike Ritter (University of
Birmingham, UK)
JaLoF: A Development Environment for Deduction Systems
Roderick Moten (Colgate University, USA)
Structured Type Theory
Catarina Coquand and Thierry Coquand (Chalmers University and
University of Goteborg, Sweden)
Reflective Metalogical Frameworks
David Basin (University of Freiburg, Germany), Manuel Clavel
(University of Navarre, Spain), and José Meseguer (SRI International,
A Logic Programming Approach to Implementing Higher-Order
Murat Sinan Aygun (Bogazici University, Turkey)
The Type Theory and Type Checker of GF
Petri Mäenpää (Nokia Telecommunications, Finland) and
Aarne Ranta (Chalmers University and University of Goteborg,
Pure Type Systems in Rewriting Logic
Mark-Oliver Stehr and José Meseguer (SRI International, USA)
On Equivalence and Canonical Forms in the LF Type Theory
Robert Harper and Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Type Checking Meta Programs
Nikolaj Bjorner (Kestrel Institute, USA)
Special Issue
A special issue of the Journal of Automated Reasoning (Volume
27, Issue 1, July 2001) on the topic of the workshop was published
following the workshop.