ITI 1120 Lab Information
- The first lab is exceptional.
Anyone may go, no matter what lab time is in your official schedule.
The lab is an introduction to
the basics of how to use a PC, including account generation, logging
in and logging out, the SITE environment, email, course web pages, the
Dr. Java environment, and how to submit assignments electronically.
If you are already familiar with these topics, you are not required to
attend the first lab. You may attend the first lab even if you do not
yet have an active account.
- The exact set of topics for a lab will not be finalized until the
week preceding the lab, so the information below is only approximate,
and it will be updated throughout the term.
- Additional topics and instructions may be presented by your
TA. You are required to know all the material presented by your TA in
all labs.
- Lab 1
- account generation
- logging in and logging out
- the SITE computing environment
- email
- course web pages
- the Dr. Java environment
- submitting assignments electronically
- Practice Assignment 0
- Lab 2
- Suggested Reading from Gaddis textbook: Chapter 1 (pages 1-26),
Sections 2.1-2.2 (pages 27-38)
- Suggested Reading from online textbook:
- general Java program organization and syntax
- the "println" statement for printing a message on the screen
- the edit-compile-run cycle
- syntax versus "logic" errors (bugs)
- translating simple algorithms to Java
- Lab 3
- Suggested Reading from Gaddis textbook: Sections 2.3, 2.4, 2.5,
2.13 (pages 39-60, 82-89)
- Suggested Reading from online textbook:
3, 4, 7,
- algorithms and tracing practive
- reading in numerical values using the ITI1120 class and the
Scanner class
- entering input from the keyboard
- debugging in DrJava
- writing standalone programs to do calculations (practice
translating algorithms to Java)
- Java's numerical types (int, double, etc.)
- Java's arithmetic operators (including modulus and increment)
- arithmetic expressions in Java
- Java's built-in Math functions and how to call them
- printing out strings and numerical values
- more on programming and compiling
- Lab 4
- Suggested Reading from Gaddis textbook: Section 3.5 (pages 131-144)
- Suggested Reading from online textbook:
369-376, 384,
- comparison ("relational") operators
- Boolean expressions
- Boolean variables, operators, and expressions in Java
- designing, tracing and debugging algorithms with loops
- Lab 5
- Suggested Reading from Gaddis textbook: Sections 3.1-3.2,
8.1, 8.4 (pages 107-119, 435-445, 458-467)
- Suggested Reading from online textbook:
22, 28
- algorithms and their translation to Java
- Lab 6
- Suggested Reading from Gaddis textbook: 4.2, 4.5-4.6 (pages
179-184, 191-203)
- Suggested Reading from online textbook:
- loops in Java
- arrays
- numeric output formating
- February 19, Winter break, No lab
- Lab 7
- This lab is optional. You are not required to attend.
- Midterm Review
- Lab 8
- Suggested Reading from Gaddis textbook: Sections 2.4 (section on
the char datatype, pages 50-52), 2.9
- Suggested Reading from online textbook:
527-528, 592-593
- library classes
- testing/debugging
- Lab 9
- Suggested Reading from Gaddis textbook: Chapter 15
- Suggested Reading from online textbook:
- recursion
- Lab 10
- Suggested Reading from Gaddis textbook: Section 8.9
- Suggested Reading from online textbook:
- 2-d arrays/matrices
- March 25, No lab
- Instead, the TAs will hold extra office hours in their offices.
See the main course web page for times and locations.
- Lab 11
- Suggested Reading from Gaddis textbook: Sections 6.1-6.5, 6.8,
- Suggested Reading from online textbook:
8, 9, 10
- objects and classes
- Lab 12
- review for the final exam