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Dr. Robert L. Probert
Research Interests
  • Communication Protocols and Software Testing.
  • Industrial Best Practices for Testing E-Commerce and Web Applications.
  • Design and Testing Internet Applications for SECURITY.
[Contact Information]


Dr. Probert has retired, effective January 1,2006. You may continue to contact him at bob@site.uottawa.ca. 



Courses & Teaching Schedule

Research News
Bettering the Best: CITO Research Partnerships Program
Major Objectives
Cost effective testing of e-commerce systems with respect to quality, availability, security, and usability in the industrial context. 
Progress Summary

Dr. Probert

  • A new scenario language Simpl-T, for describing test cases as scenarios.
  • Testing enhancements to the J2EE process (the standard for e-commerce development) using a translation tool from TTCN-3 to Java byte code.
  • New quality/cost metrics for the e-commerce test process collaboration with IBM e-commerce test engineers and managers.
  • A prototype e-commerce system to make currency exchange for U.S. dollars to aid in teaching and research into e-commerce testing.
Dr. Ural
  • A feature-rich prototype toolset to analyze and reduce the size of regression tests for state-based systems.
Dr. Williams
  • Yiqun Xu is currently on a summer internship at IBM Almaden laboratory working on a security system for authorizing Eclipse plug-ins.
Dr. El-Saddik
  • A metadata tagging system that supports internationalization including an infrastructure for trans-coding multimedia streams.
  • A selection algorithm that finds the best sequence of adaptation services that can maximize the user's satisfaction with the delivered content.
Students Involved (Past & Present):
Qing Li (MCS)
Yiqun Xu (Ph.D)
Wei Xu (MCS)
Yanping Chen (MCS 2003, doctoral)
Peter Qi Qiu (MCS)
Victor Swama (MCS, 2003)
Majdi Rawashdeh (MCS)
Jianming Ke (MCS)
Recent & Upcoming Events Research Group Students (Past & Present) Research Projects Recent Invited Presentations & Tutorials
  • November 2002, Canadian Professional Institute of Project Management, Invited Keynote address, “Principles of Project Quality Management for Web-Based Systems" 
  • July 2002, York University, York, U.K., “New methods and formal languages for cost-effective software engineering” 
  • July 2002, Southbank University, London, U.K., “High-yield testing of e-commerce and web-based systems” 
  • [...more...] 

Recent Research Publications

  • R.L. Probert, Y.Chen, M. Cappa, P.Sims, B.Ghazizadeh, “Formal verification and validation for e-commerce: theory and best practices”, Journal of Information and Software Technology 45 (2003), 763-777 
  • A.W. Williams, R.L. Probert, Q. Li, T-H Kim, "The winning entry of the SAM 2002 design contest: a case study of the effectiveness of SDL and MSC", SDL Forum 2003, Stuttgart, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ed. R. Reed, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 387-403 
  • V. Sawma, R.L. Probert, "E-commerce authentication, an effective countermeasures design model", IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronic Information Security, Angers, France, 129-138, April, 2003. 
  • Tae-Hyong Kim, Robert L. Probert, Igor Sales, Alan Williams, "Rapid development of network software via SDL/Socket interfaces", SAM 2002 Conference, Aberystwyth, Wales, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ed. E. Sherratt, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003, 103-123 
  • K. Saleh, R.L. Probert, W. Li, and W. Fong, "An approach for high-yield requirements capture for e-commerce and its application, International Journal on Digital Libraries, Vol. 3, No.4, 2002, 302-308. 
  • Y. Chen, R.L. Probert, D.P. Sims, “Specification-based regression test case selection with risk analysis, CASCON 2002, Toronto, Canada, 175-182, Sept.2002 
  • Tae-Hyong Kim, Robert L. Probert, Igor Sales, Alan Williams, "Rapid development of network software via SDL/Socket interfaces", SAM 2002 Conference, Aberystwyth, Wales, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ed. E. Sherratt, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003, 103-123. 
  • N.N. Mansurov, R.L. Probert, “Scenario-based approach to evolution of communication software”, IEEE Communications - Oct., 2001 pp. 94-100 

Recent Graduate Student Theses & Reports

  • Pulei Xiong M.C.S., Robert L. Probert, Bernard Stepien, "Life-Cycle E-Commerce Testing with OO-TTCN-3", 2004. 
  • Hang Wong, M.C.S. (specialization in Software Engineering), Ineffective Software Quality Engineering: A Case Study, May 2003 
  • Victor Sawma, M.C.S., An E-Commerce Design Security Countermeaures Model, Jan. 2003. 
  • Yanping Chen, M.C.S., Risk-Directed Regression Test Selection Strategies and Industrial Case Studies, Dec.2002. 
  • Khalid Khidhir, M.C.S., Java Test Suite Evaluation with Respect to High Yield, Aug. 2002. 
  • Alan W. Williams, Ph.D., Software Component Interaction Testing: Coverage Measurement & Generation of Configurations, Feb. 2002. 
  • Antonio Salameh, M.C.S., Testable Designs for E-Commerce Products and Case Studies, May, 2001 
  • Igor Sales, M.C.S., A Scenario-Directed Bridging Design Methodology for Real-Time Systems, May, 2001 
  • Wujun Li, M.C.S., CORBA-Based Testing Architecture for E-Commerce: A Case Study, Dec. 2002