To better understand the concepts underlying the TCP protocol, and the end-to-end transport protocol in general, the following exercises are proposed. They allow you to apply these concepts to some concrete situations.
The exercises are from the book by Tanenbaum (see copy here). The notation E T6.5 means: exercise number 5 of chapter 6 in the book of Tanenbaum). Here are the suggested exercises classified by concept:
E T6.23;
E T6.5; E T6.8; E T6.32; E T6.36;
E T6.16; E T6.17; E T6.31; E T6.34; E T6.35; E T6.40; E T6.42;
E T6.15;
Exercice A:
E T6.28; E T6.29;
Exercice B: Let us assume that the network is unreliable with an rate of lost packets of 10% (or 1%) [for instance a wireless network]; and let us assume that the maximum segment size of TCP for a given connection is 1 000 octets. What is the maximum data transmission bandwidth that can be obtained over such a TCP connection over long time ? - (Consider the TCP congestion algorithm and consider in particular la situation after long time when the congestion threshold has gone doen from its value at the beginning).
E T6.30;