Thesis completed since 1998 under my supervision
PhD Theses
- Khaled Ben Hafaiedh - A Scalable P2P RIA Crawling System with Fault Tolerance (co-supervisor G.V. Jourdan) - 2016 - copy
- Seyed M. Mirtaheri - Distributed Crawling of Rich Internet Applications (co-supervisor: I.V. Onut, IBM) - 2015 - copy - link
- Toqeer Israr - Modeling and Performance Analysis of Distributed Services with Collaboration Behaviour Diagram - 2014 - link
- Ying Qiao - Using a Diffusive Approach for Load Balancing in Peer-to-peer Systems - 2012 - copy
- Hassan Zeineddine - Least Constraining Time-Slot Allocation in GMPLS Optical TDM Networks and Optimization of Optical Buffering - 2009 - copy
- Fida Dankar - Approaches to Analysis and Simplification of non-Markovian System Models- 2008 - copy
- Peng He - Protection and Routing over Agile All-Photonic Networks (AAPN) - 2008 - copy
- Cheng Peng - Frame-Based Bandwidth Allocation for Agile All-Photonic Networks (co-supervisor: T. Hall) - 2006 - copy
- Khaled El-Khatib - A QoS Content Adaptation Framework for Nomadic Users - 2005 - copy
- A. Maach - Contention reduction and reliability enhancement for optical burst switching (co-supervisor: H. Mouftah) - 2005 - copy
- N. Chefai (co-supervisor: Georganas) - 2004 - topic: Multicast routing with QoS management and preemption
- Haiwei. Ye (student at the University of Montreal, principal supervisor: B.Kerhervé from UQAM) - 2003 - topic: Integrating quality of service in a distributed query processing environment
- Y. Iraqi (student at Univ. of Montreal, principal supervisor : Prof. Boutaba from Waterloo) - 2003 - topic: Quality of service management in wireless networks
- Khaled El-Fakih - Protocol Re-testing and diagnostic testing methods - 2002
- Mohamed-Vall M. Salem (student at the University of Montreal, co-supervisor J. Wong from University of Waterloo) - 2002 - topic: Quality of service management for Web server pools
- Jawad Drissi (student at the University of Montreal) - 2000 - topic: On the construction of submodule specifications for real-time systems
- Dunia Ramazani (student at the University of Montreal) - 1999 - topic: On composition in object-oriented analysis and design
- Q. Tan (student at the University of Montreal, principal supervisor: A. Petrenko) - 1998 - topic: On conformance testing of systems communicating by rendezvous
Master Theses
- Amid Zakariapour - Model-Driven Development of Distributed Systems in Umple (co-supervisor: T. Lethbridge) - 2018 - link
- Di Zou - Concurrent Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis (co-supervisor: V. Onut) - 2015 - copy
- Aliaa Alghamdi - Queued and Pooled Semantics for State Machines in the Umple Model‐Oriented Programming Language (co-supervisor: T. Lethbridge) - 2014 - copy
- Xinghao Xu - Methodology for Introducing Concurrency into Sequential Programs (co-supervisor: G.V. Jourdan) - 2014 - copy
- Suryakant.Choudhary - (co-supervisor: G.V. Jourdan) - 2012 - copy
- Bo Wan - Improved Usage Model for Web Application Reliability Testing (co-supervision with G.V. Jourdan) - copy
- Khaled Ben Hafaiedh - Studying the properties of a distributed decentralized b+ tree with weak-consistency - 2011 - copy
- Mustafa Nasser - Transformation of UML Activity Diagrams into Business Process Execution Language - 2011 - copy
- Shen Yu - Performance Evaluation of Optimized Resource Allocations in WDM Networks under Dynamic Traffic (co-supervisor: Dr. Ying Wu (CRC)) - 2010 - copy
- Kamara Benjamin - A Strategy for Efficient Crawling of Rich Internet Applications (co-supervisor G.V. Jourdan) - 2010 - copy
- Fedwa Laamarti - Derivation of component designs from global specifications - 2010 - copy
- Jun Jian - An Implementation of Resource Advertising and Discovery for Optical Research Networks - 2010 - copy
- Eric Zhang - Delivering mobile services to mobile users in open networks: Quality of service, authentication and trust-based access control- 2008 - copy
- Hui Li - A Configurable Online Reputation Aggregation System (co-supervision with M. Benyoucef, Faculty of Management) - 2007 - copy
- Yong Deng - AAPN Control Platform Design, Implementation and Cross-Layer Design of XCP on AAPN (co-supervisor: O. Yang) - 2007 - copy
- Qi Wang - An Implementation of Hierarchical Inter-domain Routing in the context of UCLPv2 - 2006 - copy
- Shahbaz Maqbool - Transfiormation of a core scenario model and Activity diagrams into Petri nets - 2005 - copy
- Jianqiang Shi - A Trust Model with Statistical Foundation (principal supervisor: C. Adams) - 2005 - copy
- Jun Chen - A Distributed Network Management Systems for User-Controlled Lightpath Provisioning and its Security Requirements - 2005 - copy
- Yongsheng Yang - Comparative study of implementation methodologies for distributed applications - 2005 - copy
- Mohamad Alassaf - Traffic Engineering for Inter-domainOptical Networks - 2004 - copy
- Mazen George Khair - An Implementation Approach for an Inter-Domain Routing Protocol for DWDM - 2004 - copy
- Ken Yat-Wan Chan - Methods for designing Internet Telephony services with fewer feature interactions - 2003 - copy
- Zhengdao Xu - Study of oscillations in admission control algorithm for web servers - 2003 - copy
- Yu Zhong - Global QoS Optimization for Teleteaching Applications - 2003 - copy
- Ziying Chen - The LSP Protection/Restoration Mechanism in GMPLS - 2002 - copy
- N. Hadibi (co-supervisor: D. Makaroff) - 2002 - copy
- D. Dutt (principal supervisor: D. Makaroff) - 2001 - copy
- Irénée Dupré la Tour - A Secure Authentication Infrastructure for Mobile Communication Services over the Internet (co-director: J.Y. Chouinard) - 2001 - copy
- Zhen Yang - Quality of Service Management for Tele-Teaching Applications Using MPEG-4/DMIF - 2000 - copy
- Radha Subrahmanyan - Performance Monitoring of the Apache Web Server - 2000 - copy
- Mekouar (student at University of Montreal) - 1999 - copy
- M. Saoudatou (student at University of Montreal) - 1998 - copy
Gregor v. Bochmann, May 2016