This list is partitioned into the following sections:
An associated database contains copies of those publications that are followed by "copy". In addition, for most publications, there is also a "link" which points to a location in the Internet where either information about the publication, or a copy of the document can be obtained.
1983 - Concepts for distributed systems design ( G. v. Bochmann ), Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1983 (259 pages). Note: Two chapters represent original unpublished research work (1986 translated into japanese by T.Mizuno). -- I have hard copies
1979 - The architecture of distributed computer systems ( G. v. Bochmann ), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 77, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1979 (translated into japanese, 1982). Note: Two chapters represent original unpublished research results. -- I have hard copies
1973 - Langages formels ( G. v. Bochmann ), Presses de la Librairie de l'Universite de Montreal, (1973) 131 pages. -- I have no copiy
1971 - Multi-step reactions of particles on nuclei at high energy ( G. v. Bochmann ), PhD thesis, McGill Univerity, 1971 -- copy -- link
1968 - Das g-2 Experiment des Myons ( G. v. Bochmann ), Diplom thesis (MSc), Univerity of Munich, 1968. -- I have no copiy
2000 - Testing of Communicating Systems - Tools and Techniques ( H. Ural, R. L. Probert and G. v. B. (Eds.) ), Proc. IFIP 13rd Intern. Conf. on Testing of Communicating Systems (TestCom 2000), Kluwer Academic Publ. (322 pages)
1999 - SDL'99 - The Next Millennium ( R. Dssouli, G. v. Bochmann and Y. Lahav (Eds.) ), Proc. of the Ninth SDL Forum, Montreal, June 1999, Elsevier Publ., 1999 (489 pages).
1995 - Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems and Communications Protocols ( G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli and O. Rafiq(Eds.) ), Proceedings of IFIP FORTE'95 conference, Chapman Publ., 1995
1994 - Multimedia Applications and QoS Verification ( G. v. Bochmann, J. d. Meer and A. Vogel (Eds.) ), Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimedia Applications and QoS Verification, Montreal, May 31 - June 1, 1994
1993 - Computer Aided Verification ( G. v. Bochmann and D.K. Probst (Eds.) ), Proceedings of the Fourth Int. Workshop on CAV (1992), Springer Verlag, LNCS 663 (1993), 422 pages.
1993 - Protocol Test Systems ( G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli and A. Das (Eds.) ), Proceedings of the Int. Workshop on Protocol Test Systems (IWPTS'92), North-Holland Publ., 1993
1993 - Computer Networks, Architectures and Applications ( S. V. Raghavan, G. v. Bochmann and G. Pujolle (Eds.) ), Proceedings of the IFIP Working Conference NETWORKS'92, Trivandrum, India, North-Holland Publ., 1993
1986 - Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification ( B. Sarikaya, G. v. Bochmann (editors) ), Proc. IFIP Workshop, Gray Rocks, June 1986, North Holland Publ. Comp.
1984 - Communications architectures and protocols ( M.G. Ferguson, G. v. Bochmann (editors) ), Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Symposium, June 1984, Montreal
1980 - First Montreal Workshop on Videotex Technology ( A. J. Ball, G. v. Bochmann, B. Botten, J. Coyne, J. Gecsei, J. L. Houle, D. Leahy, D. Lemoign and F. Tompa ), Document de travail P#112, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, juin 1980
2019 - Symbolic refinement of extended state machines with applications to the automatic derivation of sub-components and controllers (K. El-Fakih, G.v. Bochmann) IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2019 (13 pages). -- copy -- link
2018 - Recovering user-interactions of Rich Internet Applications through replaying of HTTP traces (S. Hooshmand, G.v.Bochmann, G.V. Jourdan, R. Couturier, and V.Onut), Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 9:9, 2018..
-- copy -- link
2014 - A model-based approach for crawling Rich Internet Applications ( E. Dincturk, G. v. Bochmann, G. V. Jourdan and V. Onut ), ACM Transactions on the Web, Volume 8 Issue 3, June 2014, pp. 19:1--19:39 -- copy -- link
2014 - Supporting decentralized SPARQL queries in an ad-hoc Semantic Web data sharing system ( J. Zhou, G. v. Bochmann and Z. Shi ), Intern. Journal of Networking and Computing, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2014, pp. 88 - 110. -- copy -- link
2013 - Model-based Rich Internet Applications crawling - Menu and Probability models ( S. Choudhary, E. Dincturk, S. Mirtaheri, G. v. Bochmann, G. V. Jourdan and V. Onut ), Journal of Web Engineering, 13(3 and 4), pp. 243 - 262, 2014. -- copy -- link
2013 - A proof of wavelength conversion not improving Lagrangian bounds of the sliding scheduled RWA problem ( J.Y.Zhang, J. Wu and G. v. Bochmann ), Computer Communications, Vol. 36 (2013), pp. 600-606. -- copy -- link
2013 - Using logic to solve the submodule construction problem ( G. v. Bochmann ), Journal on Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Vol. 23 (1), Springer, March 2013, pp. 27-59. -- copy -- link
2012 - FSM-based testing from user defined faults adapted to incremental and mutation testing ( K. El-Fakih, R. Dorofeeva, N. Yevtushenko and G. v. Bochmann ), Programming and Computer Software, 38(4), pp.201-209 (2012). -- copy -- link
2012 - Load balancing in peer-to-peer systems using a diffusive approach ( Y. Qiao and G. v. Bochmann ), Computing Journal, Springer, Vol. 94, 8 (2012), pp. 649-678 (doi:10.1007/s00607-012-0196-x) -- copy -- link
2011 - Protocol Engineering - An Historical Perspective ( G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Canadian Review (Magazine of IEEE-Canada), Oct. 2011 (invited paper), pp. -- copy
2011 - On the realizability of collaborative services ( H. N. Castejòn, G. v. Bochmann and R. Braek ), Journal of Software and Systems Modeling, Vol. 10 (12 October 2011), pp. 1-21. -- copy -- link
2011 - Forward-looking WDM network reconfiguration with per-link congestion control ( J. H. Wu, J. Y. Zhang, G. v. Bochmann and M. Savoie ), Journal of Network and Systems Management, Special Issue on "Advances in Optical Networks Control and Management" (21 Oct. 2011). -- copy -- link
2010 - Some notes on the history of protocol engineering ( G. v. Bochmann, D. Rayner and C. H. West ), Computer Networks journal, 54 (2010), pp 3197–3209. -- copy -- link
2010 - Corrections to "Lightpath (Wavelength) Routing in Large WDM Networks" and "Dynamic Routing and Assignment of Wavelength Algorithms in Multifiber Wavelength Division Multiplexing Networks" ( S. Yu, J. Wu, J. Y. Zhang and G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Tr. on Communications, Vol. 28 (9), pp. 1502-1503, 2010. -- copy -- link
2010 - Applying a diffusive load balancing schemes in clustered peer-to-peer systems ( Y. Qiao and G. v. Bochmann ), Nouvelles Technologies de la Répartitions, Ed. Hermann, Vol 8, No. 3, 2010, pp. 99 - 128. -- copy -- link
2009 - Resource criticality analysis of static resource allocations and its applications in WDM network planning ( J. Y. Zhang, J. Wu, G. v. Bochmann and M. Savoie ), Journal of Optical Communication and Networking, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 294-306, Sept. 2009. -- copy -- link
2009 - A computation method for scenario studies in WDM network planning ( J. Y. Zhang, J. Wu, G. v. Bochmann and M. Savoie ), Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 6, 2009, pp. 1632-1646. -- copy -- link
2009 - CliqueStream: Creating an efficient and resilient transport overlay for peer-to-peer live streaming using a clustered DHT ( S. Asaduzzaman, Y. Qiao and G. v. Bochmann ), Journal on Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Vol. 3, Issue 2 (2010), pp. 100-113 (published on-line, June 2009) -- copy -- link
2009 - A proof of wavelength conversion not improving the Lagrangian bound of the static RWA problem ( Y. Zhang, J. Wu, G. v. Bochmann and M. Savoie ), IEEE Communications Letters, Vol 6, No. 5 (May 2009), pp. 1-3. -- copy -- link
2008 - Grade-of-service differentiated static resource allocation schemes in WDM networks ( J. M. Zhang, J. Wu, G. v. Bochmann and M. Savoie ), Journal of Optical Switching and Networking (Elsevier), Vol. 5 (2008), pp. 107–122. -- copy -- link
2007 - Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications written as Predicate/Transition-Nets ( H. Yamaguchi, K. El-Fakih, G. v. Bochmann and T. Higashino ), Computer Networks, 2007, vol. 51, no1, pp. 258-284 -- copy -- link
2006 - Petri net protocol synthesis with minimum communication costs ( H. Yamaguchi, K. El-Fakih, G. v. Bochmann and T. Higashino ), Journal of the Franklin Institute: Engineering and applied mathematics, Elsevier, 2006, vol. 343, no 4-5 (28 ref.), pp. 501-520 -- copy -- link
2006 - Progressive solutions to a parallel automata equation ( K. El-Fakih, N. Yevtushenko, S. Buffalov and G. v. Bochmann ), Theoretical Computer Science, 2006, vol. 362, no 1-3, pp. 17-32. -- copy -- link
2005 - Customer-managed end-to-end lightpath provisioning ( J. Wu, J. M. Savoie, S. Campbell, H. Zhang, G. v. Bochmann and B. St.Arnaud ), International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 15, pp. 349-362 (2005). -- copy -- link
2004 - Congestion control and contention elimination in optical burst switching ( A. Maach, G. v. Bochmann and H. Mouftah ), Telecommunication Systems Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2 (October, 2004), pp 115-131 -- copy -- link
2004 - High-level design for user and component interfaces ( G. v. Bochmann ), Knowledge-Based Systems (Journal, Elsevier), Volume 17, Issues 7-8 (2004), pp. 303-310. -- copy -- link
2004 - QoS-based distributed query processing ( H. Ye, B. Kerhervé and G. v. Bochmann ), ISI (Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information), Special Issue on Information System Quality, VOL 9/5-6 (2004), pp. 205-234. -- copy -- link
2004 - FSM-based incremental conformance testing methods ( K. El-Fakih, N. Yevtushenko and G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Trans. on SE, Vol. 30, 7 (July 2004), pp. 425-436. -- copy -- link
2004 - Personal and service mobility in ubiquitous computing environments ( K. El-Khatib, E. Zhang, N Hadibi and G. v. Bochmann ), Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, V. 4, pp. 595-607, 2004. -- copy -- link
2003 - Scalability of Web-based electronic commerce systems ( G. v. Bochmann, J. W. Wong, T. C. Lau, D. Bourne, D. Evans, B. Kerhervé, M. V. Salem and H. Ye ), IEEE Communications Magazine, July 2003, Vol. 41, No. 7, pp. 110-115. -- copy -- link
2003 - Protocol synthesis and re-synthesis with optimal allocation of resources based on extended Petri nets ( H. Yamaguchi, K. El-Fakih, G. v. Bochmann and T. Higashino ), Distributed Computing, Vol. 16, 1 (March 2003), pp. 21-36. -- copy -- link
1999 - An approach to QoS management in distributed MM applications - Design and an implementation ( A. Hafid and G. v. Bochmann ), Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 9 (1999), pp.167-191. -- copy
1999 - A framework for alarm correlation and fault diagnosis ( M. Guiagoussou, R. Boutaba and G. v. Bochmann ), Networking and Information Systems Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4 (1999), pp. 459-482. -- link
1998 - Quality of service adaptation in distributed multimedia applications ( A. Hafid and G. v. Bochmann ), Multimedia Systems Journal, Vol. 6, No. 5 (1998), pp. 299-315. -- copy -- link
1998 - Distributed multimedia applications and quality of service - a review ( A. Hafid, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Electronic Journal on Network and Distributed Processing, No. 6 (Febr. 1998), pp. 1-50 (note, this journal is not on-line any more) -- copy
1998 - A quality of service negotiation approach with future reservations (NAFUR) - a detailed study ( A. Hafid, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, volume 30, issue 8, 1998, pp. 777-794 -- copy -- link
1998 - A pattern system for network management interfaces ( J. Tessier, R. K. Keller and G. v. Bochmann ), Communications of the ACM, 41 (9), pp. 86-93, 1998. -- copy -- link
1997 - Some principles for quality of service management ( G. v. Bochmann and A. Hafid ), Distributed Systems Engineering Journal 4 (1997), pp. 16-27. -- copy -- link
1997 - Enabling technology for distributed multimedia applications ( J. W. Wong, K. A. Lyons, D. Evans, R.J.Velthuys, G. v. Bochmann, A. Hafid and e. al. ), IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 36 No. 4 (1997), pp. 489-507. -- copy -- link
1997 - A formal method for synthesizing optimized protocol converters and its application to mobile data networks ( Z. Tao, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Mobile Networks and Applications, vol.2, no.3, 1997, pp.259-69. Publisher: Baltzer; ACM Press, Netherlands. -- copy -- link
1996 - On fault coverage of tests for finite state specifications ( A. Petrenko, G. v. Bochmann and M. Yao ), in Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, special issue on Protocol Testing, Vol. 29, 1996, pp.81-106 -- copy -- link
1996 - Testing in context - framework and test derivation ( A. Petrenko, N. Yevtushenko, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Computer Communications Journal, Special issue on Protocol engineering, Vol. 19, 1996, pp.1236-1249 -- copy -- link
1996 - Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications written in LOTOS ( C. Kant, T. Higashino and G. v. Bochmann ), Distributed Computing, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1996, pp.29-47 -- copy -- link
1995 - Distributed multimedia applications and quality of service - A survey ( A. Vogel, B. Kerherve, G. v. Bochmann and J. Gecsei ), IEEE Multimedia, Vol. 2, No. 2 (ISSN 1070-986X), Summer 1995, p.10-19. A reduced version was published in Proc. CASCON (IBM Toronto), Oct. 1994 -- copy -- link
1995 - Merging behavior specifications ( F. Khendek and G. v. Bochmann ), in Journal of Formal Methods in System Design, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 259-293, June 1995 -- copy -- link
1995 - Object-oriented design for distributed systems - The OSI directory example ( G. v. Bochmann, S. Poirier and P. Mondain-Monval ), Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27 (1995) pp 571-590 -- copy -- link
1994 - Dérivation de spécifications de protocole à partir de spécifications de service avec des contraintes temps-réel ( A. Khoumsi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Revue Réseaux et Informatique Répartie, Volume 4, No.1, 1994, pp. 7-29 -- copy
1994 - Software testing based on SDL specifications with SAVE ( G. Luo, A. Das and G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Tr. on Software Eng., Vol.20, 1 (Jan. 1994), pp. 72-78 -- copy -- link
1994 - Test selection based on communicating nondeterministic finite-state machines using a generalized Wp-method ( G. Luo, G. v. Bochmann and A. Petrenko ), IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering 20, 2 (Febr. 1994), pp. 149-162 -- copy -- link
1994 - Automatic analysis and test case derivation for a restricted class of LOTOS expressions with data parameters ( T. Higashino and G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Tr. on Software Eng., Vol 20, 1 (Jan. 1994), pp. 29-42 -- copy -- link
1993 - Diagnosing distributed systems modeled by communicating finite state machines ( A. Ghedamsi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Revue Réseaux et Informatique Répartie, Vol.3, No.4, 1993, Editions Hermes, pp.343-363 -- copy
1993 - Test generation with respect to distributed interfaces ( G. Luo, R. Dssouli, G. v. Bochmann, P. Ventakaram and A. Ghedamsi ), Computer Standards and Interfaces 16 (1994), pp.119-132 -- copy
1993 - A framework for dynamic evolution of distributed systems specifications ( M. Erradi, R. Dssouli and G. v. Bochmann ), Réseaux et Informatique Répartie, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1993), pp. 37-60 -- copy
1992 - Failure-equivalent transformation of transition systems to avoid internal actions ( G. Luo, G. v. Bochmann, A. Das and C. Wu ), Information Processing Letters, Vol.44, No.6, North-Holland, 1992, pp. 333-343 -- copy -- link
1992 - Performance simulation of communication protocols based on formal specifications ( G. v. Bochmann, D. Ouimet and J. Vaucher ), Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation, Vol.9, No.4, December 1992, pp.201-225 -- copy
1992 - Conception et spécification par objets du contrôle centralisé d'un système de transmission ( M. Barbeau, P. d. Saqui-Sannes and G. v. Bochmann ), Réseaux et informatique répartie, Vol. 2, no. 1 (1992), pp. 7-20 -- copy
1991 - Open issues in OSI protocol development ( J. P. Favreau, G. v. Bochmann and P. Mondain-Monval ), Réseaux et Informatique Répartie, Vol 1, No. 2 (1991), pp. 209-226
1991 - Le projet MMS - L'informatique intelligente appliquee à l'implantation et au test de logiciels industriels ( J. Vaucher, G. v. Bochmann, B. Lefebvre, S. Desmarais and P. Gamache ), Intelligence Artificielle et Sciences Cognitives au Québec, Vol.3, No.3, pp.45-58 -- copy
1991 - The equivalence in the DCP model ( R. Fournier and G. v. Bochmann ), Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.87, No.1, September 1991, pp.97-114 -- copy -- link
1991 - Test selection based on finite state models ( S. Fujiwara, G. v. Bochmann, F. Khendek, M. Amalou and A. Ghedamsi ), IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol.17, no.6, June 1991, pp. 591-603 -- copy -- link
1990 - Specifications of a simplified Transport protocol using different formal description techniques ( G. v. Bochmann ), Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol. 18, no.5, June 1990, pp. 335-377 -- copy -- link
1990 - Experience with Ada for the design and the implementation of interactive systems ( A. ElIraki, G. Lapalme and G. v. Bochmann ), Journal of Pascal, Ada and Modula-2, May/June 1990, pp. 24-32 -- link
1990 - Method of analysing extended finite-state machine specifications ( B. Sarikaya, V. Kouloulidis and G. v. Bochmann ), Computer Communications, vol. 13 no. 2, March 1990, pp. 83-92 -- copy -- link
1990 - Design principles for communication gateways ( G. v. Bochmann and P. Mondain-Monval ), IEEE Tr. on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol.8, 1 (Jan. 1990), pp. 12-21; russian translation: Express Information (overview of western publications), Information Transfer, 1991 -- copy -- link
1990 - Deriving protocol converters for communication gateways ( G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Trans. on Comm., Vol. 38, 9 (Sept. 1990), pp. 1298-1300 -- copy
1990 - Protocol specification for OSI ( G. v. Bochmann ), Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 18 (April 1990), pp.167-184 -- copy -- link
1990 - Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications including parameters ( R. Gotzhein and G. v. Bochmann ), ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol.8, No.4, 1990, pp.255-283 -- copy -- link
1989 - Trace analysis for conformance and arbitration testing ( G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli and J. R. Zhao ), IEEE Tr. on Soft. Eng., Vol.15, no.11, Nov. 1989, pp.1347-1356 -- copy -- link
1988 - Delay-independent design for distributed systems ( G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Tr. on Software Engineering, Vol. 14 No. 8, Aug. 1988, pp.1229-1237 -- copy
1987 - A Test Design Methodology for Protocol Testing ( B. Sarikaya, G. v. Bochmann and E. Cerny ), IEEE Trans. on Soft. Eng., Vol.13, no.5, May 1987, pp. 518-531 -- copy -- link
1987 - Some comments on Transition-Oriented vs Structured specification of distributed algorithms and protocols ( G. v. Bochmann and J. P. Verjus ), IEEE Trans. on SE Vol SE-13, No 4, April 1987, pp. 501-505 -- copy -- link
1987 - Semiautomatic implementation of communication protocols ( G. v. Bochmann, G. Gerber and J.-M. Serre ), IEEE Tr. on SE, Vol. SE-13, No. 9, September 1987, pp. 989-1000, (reprinted in "Automatic Implementation and Conformance Testing of OSI Protocols", IEEE, edited by D.P.Sidhu, 1989) -- copy -- link
1986 - Recent development in protocol specification, validation and testing ( G. v. Bochmann ), (invited paper), Journal of China Institute of Communications, Vol 7, 4 (July 1986), pp.76-88
1986 - Semi-automatic implementation of Transport and Session protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 5, no. 4, 1986, pp. 343-349 -- copy -- link
1984 - Synchronization and specification issues in protocol testing ( B. Sarikaya and G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Trans. on Comm., COM-32, No.4 (April 1984), pp. 389-395; russian translation: Express Information (overview of western publications), Information Transfer, 1985, no. 28 -- copy -- link
1983 - Formal description techniques ( C. A. Vissers, G. v. Bochmann and R. L. Tenney ), Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 71, 12, pp. 1356-1364, Dec. 1983; translated into russian -- copy -- link
1983 - An approach to testing specifications ( C. Jard and G. v. Bochmann ), Journal of Systems and Software, Vol.3, 4(Dec. 1983), pp. 315-323 -- copy -- link
1983 - Structured specification of communicating systems ( G. v. Bochmann and M. Raynal ), IEEE Trans. Computers C-32, 2(Febr. 1983), pp. 120-133 -- copy -- link
1983 - On the Construction of Submodule Specifications and Communication Protocols ( P. Merlin and G. v. Bochmann ), ACM Trans. on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Jan. 1983), pp. 1-25 -- copy -- link
1982 - Experience with Formal Specifications Using an Extended State Transition Model ( G. v. Bochmann, E. Cerny, M. Gagne, C. Jard, A. Leveille, C. Lacaille, M. Maksud, K. S. Raghunathan and B. Sarikaya ), IEEE Trans. COM-30, No.12 (Dec. l982), pp. 2506-2513 -- copy -- link
1982 - Hardware specification with temporal logic - An example ( G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Trans. Computers C-31, No.3 (March 1982), pp.223-231 -- copy -- link
1981 - Data structuring facilities for interactive videotex systems ( F. W. Tompa, J. Gecsei and G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Computer, Vol.14, No.8, August 1981, pp.72-81 -- copy
1980 - Videotex Networks ( A. Ball, G. v. Bochmann and J. Gecsei ), IEEE Computer, Vol. 13, No. 12 (December 1980), pp. 8-14 -- copy -- link
1980 - Formal methods in communication protocol design ( G. v. Bochmann and C. A. Sunshine ), (invited paper) IEEE Tr. COM-28, No. 4 (April 1980), pp. 624-631, reprinted in "Communication Protocol Modeling", edited by C. Sunshine, Artech House Publ., 1981 -- copy -- link
1980 - A General Transition Model for Protocols and Communication Services ( G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Trans. Comm., COM-28, 4 (April 1980), pp. 643-650, reprinted in "Communication Protocol Modeling", edited by C. Sunshine, Artech House Publ., 1981 -- copy -- link
1979 - Development and structure of an X.25 implementation ( G. v. Bochmann and J. Tankoano ), IEEE Tr. SE-5, No. 5 (Sept. 1979), pp. 429-439, reprinted in "Communication Protocol Modeling", edited by C. Sunshine, Artech House Publ., 1981 -- copy -- link
1979 - Distributed synchronization and regularity ( G. v. Bochmann ), Computer Networks 3 (1979), pp. 36-43 -- copy -- link
1979 - Semantic equivalence of covering attribute grammars ( G. v. Bochmann ), Int. J. Comp. Inf. Sc. 8, No. 6 (Dec. 1979), pp. 523-539 -- copy -- link
1978 - Compiler writing system for attribute grammars ( G. v. Bochmann and P. Ward ), Computer Journal 21, No.2 (1978), pp. 144-148 -- copy -- link
1978 - Compile time memory allocation for parallel processes ( G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Tr. SE-4, No. 6, (Nov. 1978), pp. 517-520 -- copy -- link
1978 - Finite State Description of Communication Protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Computer Networks, Vol. 2 (1978), pp. 361-372 -- copy
1977 - Standard issues in data communications ( G. v. Bochmann ), Telecommunications Policy 1, 5 (Dec. 1977), pp. 381-388 -- copy -- link
1976 - Comments on monitor definition and implementation ( G. v. Bochmann ), Information Processing Letters, 5, pp. 116-117, 1976 -- copy -- link
1976 - Semantic evaluation from left to right ( G. v. Bochmann ), Comm. ACM 19, pp. 55-62 (1976) -- copy -- link
1976 - A sampler of formal definitions ( M. Marcotty, H. F. Ledgard and G. v. Bochmann ), Computing Surveys, No.8, pp.191-276, 1976 -- copy -- link
1974 - Properties of Boolean functions with a tree decomposition ( W. W. Armstrong and G. v. Bochmann ), BIT, 14 (1974), pp. 1-13 -- copy -- link
1973 - Multiple exits from a loop without the goto ( G. v. Bochmann ), Comm. ACM. 16, pp. 443-444 (1973) -- copy -- link
1972 - Precise measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon ( J. Bailey et al. ), Il Nuovo Cimento 9A, pp. 369-432, (1972) -- copy -- link
1972 - Multiple-step production model for coherent reactions on nuclei ( G. v. Bochmann ), Physical Review D6, pp. 1938-1942 (1972) -- copy -- link
1972 - Photoreactions on nuclei and vector meson dominance breaking ( G. v. Bochmann ), Physical Review D5, pp. 266-268, (1972) -- copy -- link
1972 - Virtual-photon total cross sections on nuclei and the phases between two-body amplitudes ( G. v. Bochmann ), Physical Review D6, pp. 2715-2717, (1972). -- copy -- link
1970 - Photon cross sections and vector dominance ( G. v. Bochmann, B. Margolis and C. L. Tang ), Physical Review Letters 24, pp. 483-487, (1970) -- copy -- link
1970 - High energy neutron-nucleus total cross-section ( G. v. Bochmann, O. Kofoed-Hansen and B. Margolis ), Physics Letters 33B, pp. 222-224, (1970) -- copy -- link
1969 - Regge cuts and neutral pion photoproduction ( A. P. Contogouris, J. P. Lebrun and G. v. Bochmann ), Nuclear Physics B13, pp. 246-254 (1969) -- copy -- link
1969 - Incoherent Production of mensons from nuclei and vector dominance ( G. v. Bochmann and B. Margolis ), Physical Review Letters 23, pp. 939-941, (1969) -- copy -- link
1969 - Multi-step contributions to particle production in nuclei ( G. v. Bochmann and B. Margolis ), Nuclear Physics B14, pp. 609-618 (1969) -- copy -- link
1969 - Effect of correlations on coherent and incoherent processes in nuclei ( G. v. Bochmann, B. Margolis and C. L. Tang ), Physics Letters 30B, pp. 254-256 (1969) -- copy -- link
1968 - Precision measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon ( J. Bailey et al. ), Physics Letters 28B, pp. 287-290, (1968) -- copy -- link
2009 - On the use of Web Services in content adaptation ( K. El-Khatib, G. v. Bochmann and A. El-Saddik ), in Services and Business Computing Solutions with XML; Applications for Quality Management and Best Practices, P.C.K. Hung (ed.), IGI Global (formerly Idea Group), 2009, pp. 121 - 135. -- link
2009 - Peer-to-peer platforms for high-quality web services: the case for load-balanced clustered peer-to-peer systems ( Y. Qiao, S. Asaduzzaman and G. v. Bochmann ), book chapter in Developing Advanced Web Services through P2P Computing and Autonomous Agents: Trends and Innovation, K. Ragab (editor), IGI-Global , USA, 2009. -- copy -- link
2006 - Legal challenges of online reputation systems ( J. A. Chandler, K. El-Khatib, M. Benyoucef, G. v. Bochmann and C. Adams ), chapter in "Trust in E-services: Technologies, Practices and Challenges", R. Song et al. (eds), Idea Group Inc., 2006. -- link
2004 - A secure authentication infrastructure for mobile users ( G. v. Bochmann and E. Zhang ), in Advances in Security and Payment Methods for Mobile Commerce, edited by Wen-Chen Hu, Chung-wei Lee, Weidong Kou, Idea Group Publishing, 2004 -- copy -- link
1999 - Service management issues in electronic commerce applications ( G. v. Bochmann, B. Kerhervé and M. Mohamed-Salem ), in Electronic Commerce Technology Trends: Challenges and Opportunities, W.Kou and Y. Yesha (eds), IBM Press, 2000, pp. 227-238. -- copy
1992 - Protocol Engineering ( G. v. Bochmann ), contribution to Concise Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Derrick Morris and Boris Tamm eds., Pergamon Press, 1992, pp. 266-271 -- copy -- link
1985 - Specification in Distributed Systems ( G. v. Bochmann ), chap. 15 in Local Area Networks: An Advanced Course (Hutchison et al., eds), LNCS 184, Springer-Verlag, 1985, pp. 470-497; russion translation: Express Information (overview of western publications), Information Transfer, 1988, No. 33.
1981 - Alternative database strategies for videotex ( F. W. Tompa, J. Gecsei and G. v. Bochmann ), chap. 8.5 in "The Telidon book" ed. D. Godfrey and E. Chang, Press Porcepic Ltd, Toronto, 1981. Note: This represent original unpublished research results.
1980 - Specification and Verification of Computer Communication Protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), chap. 5 in "Advances in Data Communications Management", ed. T.A. Rullo, Heyden Publ., 1980
2018 - Realizability of service specifications (M.F. Al-Hammouri, G.v.Bochmann), Proc. 10th Int. Conf., SAM 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 15–16, 2018, Springer 2018, pp. 127-143. -- copy -- link
2018 - Phishing attacks modications and evolutions (Q. Cui, G.V. Jourdan, G.v.Bochmann, I.V. Onut, and J.Flood), Proc. ESORICS 2018, Barcelona, Spain, September 2018. 20 pages. -- copy -- link
2018 - Using AP-TED to detect phishing attack variations (S.LePage, Q.Cui, G.V. Jourdan, G.v. Bochmann, J.Flood, and I.V.Onu ), Proc. 16th Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST 2018), Belfast, Ireland, August 2018. 6 pages (short paper) -- copy -- link
2018 - Using URL shorteners to compare phishing and malware attacks (S.LePage, G.V. Jourdan, G.v. Bochmann, J.Flood, and I.V.Onut), in Proceedings of E-Crime 2018, San Diego, USA, May 2018. 13 pages. -- copy -- link
2017 - Tracking phishing attacks over time (Q. Cui, G.V. Jourdan, G.v.Bochmann, R. Couturier, and I.V.Onut), in 26th World Wide Web Conference (WWW'17), Perth, Australia, April 2017. 10 pages. -- copy -- link
2016 - Conformance testing with respect to partial-order specifications (G.v. Bochmann), Proc. Int. Conf. on Testing Software and Systems, Graz (Austria), Oct. 2016, Springer LNCS (15 pages). -- copy -- link
2016 - D-ForenRIA: A distributed tool to reconstruct user sessions for Rich Internet Applications (S. Hooshmand, M.Faheem, G.v. Bochmann, G.-V. Jourdan, R. Couturier, and I.V.Onut), in Proceedings of CASCON 2016, October 2016. 10 pages. -- copy -- link
2016 - Fault-tolerant P2P RIA crawling ( K.B.Hafaiedh, G.v. Bochmann, G.v., G.V.Jourdan, and I.V. Onut ), Proc. NETSYS Conference, Marrakesh, Morocco, May 2016 -- copy -- link
2016 - ForenRIA: Distributed reconstruction of user-interactions for Rich Internet Applications ( S. Hooshmand, A. Mahmud, G.v.Bochmann, M. Faheem, G.V.Jourdan, S. Mirtaheri, R. Couturier, and V.D.Onut ), Demo Track of 25th World Wide Web Conference, Montreal, Canada, April 2016, WWW’16 Companion, pp. 211-214. -- copy -- link
2016 - ForenRIA: The reconstruction of user-interactions from HTTP traces for Rich Internet Applications ( S. Baghbanzadeh, S. Hooshmand, G.v.Bochmann, G.-V. Jourdan, S. Mirtaheri, M. Faheem and V.Onut ), Proc. Twelfth Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, New Dehli, India, Jan. 2016. -- copy -- link
2015 - Synthesizing controllers for multi-lane traffic maneuvers ( G. v. Bochmann, M. Hilscher, S. Linker and E. R. Olderog ), Proc. Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications, Nanjing, China, November 4-6, 2015, Springer LNCS. -- copy -- link
2014 - Indexing Rich Internet Applications using components-based crawling ( A. Moosavi, S. Hooshmand, S. Baghbanzadeh, G.-V. Jourdan, G. v. Bochmann and I. V. Onut ), Proceedings of the ICWE 2014, Toulouse, France, July 2014. 18 pages -- copy -- link
2014 - A scalable P2P RIA crawling system with partial knowledge ( K. B. Hafaiedh, G. v. Bochmann, G. V. Jourdan and I. V. Onut ), in Proceedings of the NETYS, Marrakech, Morocco, May 2014. -- copy -- link
2014 - GDist-RIA Crawler - A greedy distributed crawler for Rich Internet Applications ( S. M. Mirtaheri, G. v. Bochmann, G. V. Jourdan and I. V. Onut ), in Proceedings of NETYS 2014, Marrakech, Morocco, May 2014. -- copy -- link
2014 - PDist-RIA Crawler - A peer-to-peer distributed crawler for Rich Internet Applications ( S. M. Mirtaheri, G. v. Bochmann, G. V. Jourdan and I. V. Onut ), in Proceedings of the WISE conference, October 2014. -- copy -- link
2014 - Associativity between weak and strict sequencing ( G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. SAM Symposium, Sept. 2014, Valencia (Spain), Springer LNCS -- copy -- link
2013 - A brief history of Web crawlers ( S.M. Mirtaheri, M.E. Dincturk, S. Hooshmand, G.v. Bochmann, G.V. Jourdan, I.V. Onut ), in Proc. of CASCON 2013, Toronto, Nov. 2013. 15 pages. -- copy -- link
2013 - Dist-RIA Crawler - A distributed crawler for Rich Internet Applications ( S.M. Mirtaheri, D. Zou, G.v. Bochmann, G.V. Jourdan, I.V. Onut ), in Proc. of 8th Intern. Conf. on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2013), Compiegne, France, October 2013. 8 pages. -- copy -- link
2013 - Stochastic performance analysis of distributed activities ( T. Israr, G.v. Bochmann ), Proc. of 5th Intern. Workshop on Non-functional Properties in Modeling: Analysis, Languages and Processes co-located with 16th Intern. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Miami, USA, September 29, 2013 (8 pages). -- copy -- link
2013 - Performance modeling of distributed collaboration services with independent inputs-outputs ( T. Israr, G.v. Bochmann ), Proc. of 5th Intern. Workshop on Non-functional Properties in Modeling: Analysis, Languages and Processes co-located with 16th Intern. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, Miami, USA, September 29, 2013 (8 pages). -- copy -- link
2013 - Distributed query processing in an ad-hoc semantic web data sharing system ( J. Zhou, G. v. Bochmann and Z. Shi ), Proc. 15th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models (in conjunction with IPDPS'13), Boston, May 2013. -- copy -- link
2013 - Distributed B-tree with weak consistency ( G. v. Bochmann and S. Asaduzzaman ), Proc. Int. Conf. on Networked Systems (NETYS'13), Marrakech, Morocco, Springer LNCS 7853, pp. 159-174. -- copy -- link
2013 - Building Rich Internet Applications models - Example of a better strategy ( S. Choudhary, M. E. Dincturk, S. M. Mirtaheri, G. V. Jourdan, G. v. Bochmann and I. V. Onut ), Proc. 13th Intern. Conf. on Web Engineering (ICWE 2013), Aalborg, North Denmark, Springer LNCS 7977, pp. 291-304. -- copy -- link
2012 - Crawling Rich Internet Applications - The state of the art ( S. Choudhary, M. E. Dincturk, S. M. Mirtaheri, A. Mousavi, G. v. Bochmann, G. V. Jourdan and I. V. Onut ), Proc. of the CASCON 2012, Toronto, Nov. 2012. 15 pages. -- copy -- link
2012 - Evaluating reliability-testing usage models ( B. Wan, G. v. Bochmann and G. V. Jourdan ), Proc. IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2012), pp. 129 – 137 -- copy -- link
2012 - A statistical approach for efficient crawling of Rich Internet Applications ( M. E. Dincturk, S. Choudhary, G. v. Bochmann, G. V. Jourdan and I. V. Onut ), in Proc.s of the 12th Intern. Conf. on Web Engineering (ICWE 2012), Berlin, Germany, July 2012. Springer LCS 7387, pp. 362-369. A longer version of the paper is also available (15 pages) -- copy -- link
2012 - Solving some modeling challenges when testing Rich Internet Aplications for security ( S. Choudhary, M. E. Dincturk, G. v. Bochmann, G. V. Jourdan, I. V. Onut and P. Ionescu ), Third Intern. Workshop on Security Testing (SECTEST, afffiliated with ICST), 2012, Montreal, Canada, Proc. ICST, pp. 850 - 857. -- copy -- link
2011 - Performance modeling of distributed collaboration services ( T. Israr and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 2nd joint WOSP/SIPEW Int. Conf. on Performance Engineering (ICPE '11), pp. 475-480 -- copy -- link
2011 - Improved usage model for Web applications reliability testing ( B. Wan, G. v. Bochmann and G. V. Jourdan ), Proc. 23th IFIP Int. Conf. on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS'11), Paris, Nov . 2011, Springer LNCS 7019, pp. 15-31. -- copy -- link
2011 - A strategy for efficient crawling of rich internet applications ( K. Benjamin, G. v. Bochmann, M. E. Dincturk, G. V. Jourdan and I. V. Onut ), Proc. 11th Intern. Conf. on Web Engineering (ICWE 2011), Paphos, Cyprus, June 2011. Springer LNCS, Vol. 6757, pp. 7489. -- copy -- link
2011 - Transforming dynamic behavior specifications from Activity Diagrams to BPEL ( M. N. M. Faleh and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IEEE 6th Intern. Symp. on Service-Oriented System Engineering, Irvine, Calif., Dec. 2011, pp. 305-311. -- copy -- link
2011 - Using diffusive load balancing to improve performance of peer-to-peer systems for hosting services ( Y. Qiao and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 5th Intern. Conf. on Automonous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2011), LNCS 6734, Springer, 2011, pp. 124 - 135. -- copy -- link
2010 - Some modeling challenges when testing Rich Internet Applications for security ( K. Benjamin, G. v. Bochmann, G.-V. Jourdan and V. Onut ), First Intern. Workshop on Modeling and Detection of Vulnerabilities (MDV 2010), Workshop at Third Intern. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation, Paris, France, April 2010. Proc. pp. 403409 (IEEE Computer Society), -- copy -- link
2009 - Using first-order logic to reason about submodule construction ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IFIP Intern. Conf. on Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2009, Springer Verlag, LNCS 5522. -- copy -- link
2009 - Towards a global online reputation ( H. Li, M. Benyoucef and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. ACM Conf. on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES'09), Lyon (France), Oct. 2009. -- copy -- link
2009 - A distributed algorithm for least constraining slot allocation in MPLS optical TDM networks ( H. Zeineddine and G. v. Bochmann ), to be presented at IEEE ICC, Dresden, Germany, 2009 -- copy -- link
2009 - On testing 1-safe Petri nets ( J. V. Jourdan and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, Tianin, China, 2009 -- copy -- link
2009 - Differentiated static resource allocation in WDM networks ( J. Y. Zhang, J. Wu, G. v. Bochmann and M. Savoie ), proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009 -- copy -- link
2009 - Resource criticality analysis of static resource allocations in WDM networks ( J. Y. Zhang, J. Wu, G. v. Bochmann and M. Savoie ), proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009 -- copy -- link
2009 - Deploying agile photonic networks over reconfigurable optical networks ( S. A. Paredes, G. v. Bochmann and T. J. Hall ), Proc. 14th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, July 5 - 8, 2009, Sousse, Tunisia. -- copy -- link
2009 - A locality preserving routing overlay using geographic coordinates ( S. Asaduzzaman and G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Intern. Conf. on Internet Multimedia Systems Architecture and Application, Bangalore, India, Dec. 2009. -- copy
2009 - Applying a diffusive load balancing in a clustered P2P system ( Y. Qiao and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 9th Intern. Conf. on New Technologies of Distributed Systems (NOTERE), Montreal, Canada, 2009, pp. 189-199. -- copy
2009 - A diffusive load balancing scheme for clustered peer-to-peer systems ( Y. Qiao and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 3rd Intern. Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Networked Virtual Environments (P2PNVE 2009), 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Shenzhen (China), pp. 842-847, Dec. 2009. -- copy -- link
2008 - Testing systems specified as partial-order inputoutput automata ( G. v. Bochmann, S. Haar, C. Jard and G. V. Jourdan ), Proc. IFIP Testcom/FATES Workshop, Tokyo, June 2008, LNCS. -- copy -- link
2008 - Deriving component designs from global requirements ( G. v. Bochmann ), In: Baelen, S.V., Graf, S., Filali, M., Weigert, T., Gerard, S. (eds.) Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems (ACES-MB 2008), Toulouse. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 503, pp. 55-69 (2008) -- copy -- link
2008 - OSN-IX - A Novel Internet eXchange (IX) architecture based on overlaid-star networks ( P. He and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 4th Euro-NGificonf. on Next Generation Networks, Krakow, April 2008. -- copy -- link
2008 - CliqueStream - An efficient and fault-resilient live streaming network on a clustered peer-to-peer overlay ( S. Asaduzzaman, Y. Qiao and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 8th IEEE Intern. Conf. on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P08), Sep 2008, Aachen, Germany -- copy -- link
2007 - An overview of content distribution and content access in peer-to-peer systems ( G. v. Bochmann and G. V. Jourdan ), (invited paper) Proc. NOTERE Conference, Marakech (Maroco), June 2007. -- copy
2007 - Design of an agile all-photonic network ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Int. Conf. on Network Architectures, Management, and Applications (SPIE), Wuhan, Nov. 2007. -- copy -- link
2007 - Realizability of Collaboration-based Service Specifications ( H. N. Castejon, G. v. Bochmann and R. Braek ), Proc. Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), Nagoya, Japan, Nov. 2007. -- copy -- link
2007 - Least constrained slot allocation in optical TDM networks ( H. Zeineddine and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (IFIP), WOCN '07, Sinagpore, July 2007, pp. 1-5. -- copy -- link
2007 - Service-oriented virtual private networks for Grid applications ( H. Zhang, M. Savoie, S. Campbell, S. Figuerola, G. v. Bochmann and B. St.Arnaud ), Proc. (IEEE) Intern. Conf. on Web Services (ICWS'07), Salt Lake City, July 2007. -- copy
2007 - A QoS-based service composition for content adaptation ( K. El-Khatib, G. v. Bochmann and A. ElSaddik ), Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Service Engineering (SEIW 2007), Istanbul, Turkey, April 2007. -- copy -- link
2007 - Inter-area shared segment protection of MPLS flows over agile all-photonic star networks ( P. He and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IEEE Globecom 2007. -- copy -- link
2006 - Fault detection and localization scheme in all-optical overlaid-star TDM networks ( J. Zheng, C. Peng and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of 2006 Intern. Conf. on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM’06), Beijing, China, Oct. 25-27, 2006. (invited) -- copy
2006 - Generalizing the Submodule Construction Techniques for Extended State Machine Models ( B. Daou and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IFIP Intern. Conf. on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2005, Springer LNCS 4229, Paris, 2006, pp. 191-195. -- copy -- link
2006 - Quick Birkhoff-von-Neumann decomposition algorithm for agile all-photonic network cores ( C. Peng, G. v. Bochmann and T. J. Hall ), accepted by 2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006). -- copy -- link
2006 - Delay performance analysis for an agile all-photonic star network ( C. Peng, P. He, G. v. Bochmann and T. J. Hall ), 2006 IFIP International Conference on Networking (IFIP Networking 2006), to be published. -- copy -- link
2006 - Delay performance analysis for an agile all-photonic star network with PONs ( C. Peng, P. He, G. v. Bochmann and T. J. Hall ), Proc. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), 2006.
2006 - Constructing service matrices for agile all-optical cores ( C. Peng, S. A. Paredes, T. J. Hall and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2006), IEEE, (Best Student Paper Award). -- copy -- link
2006 - Optimization analysis of optical time slot interchangers in all-optical networks ( H. Zeineddine, P. He and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Intern. Conf. on Optical Communication Systems and Networks (IASTED ), Banff, Canada, 2006. -- copy -- link
2006 - Blocking model for all-optical overlaid-star TDM networks ( J. Zheng, C. Peng and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IEEE Globecom’06, San Francisco, USA, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2006. -- copy -- link
2006 - Load balancing in all-optical overlaid-star TDM networks ( J. Zheng, C. Peng, G. v. Bochmann and T. J. Hall ), Proc. of IEEE SARNOFF’06 conference, Princeton, NJ, Mar. 27-28, 2006. (Page numbers unavailable) -- copy -- link
2006 - Routing of MPLS flows over an agile all-photonic star network ( P. He and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of IASTED Intern. Conf. on Communication Systems and Applications (CSA 2006), July, 2006. -- copy -- link
2005 - Retransmission schemes for optical burst switching over star networks ( A. Agusti-Torra, G. v. Bochmann and C. Cervello-Pastor ), Proc. 2nd IFIP Intern. Conf. on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN), March 2005, Dubai, United Arab Emirates -- copy
2005 - Submodule construction for extended state machine models ( B. Daou and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IFIP Intern. Conf. on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2005, Taiwan, 2005, Springer LNCS 3731, 2005, pp. 396-410. -- copy -- link
2005 - Removing Timed Delays in Stochastic Automata ( F. Dankar and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems (PMCCS), Torino, Sept. 2005. -- copy -- link
2005 - Hierarchical inter-domain management for networks with condo-switches ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. on Communication Systems and Applications, Banff, Canada, July 2005, Acta Press, pp. 190-196. -- copy -- link -- slides
2005 - Service-oriented Layer 1 virtual private networks for Grid applications ( H. Zhang, M. Savoie, J. Wu, S. Campbell, G. v. Bochmann and W. St.Arnaud ), Proc. Intern. Conf. on Grid Computing and Applications (GCA), June 20-23, 2005, Las Vegas, USA -- copy -- link
2005 - Dealing with recommendations in a statistical trust model ( J. Shi, G. v. Bochmann and C. Adams ), Proc. of AAMAS Workshop on Trust in Agent Societies, July 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands, pp. 144-155. -- copy -- link
2005 - Service discovery and component reuse with semantic interfaces ( R. T. Sanders, R. Braek, G. v. Bochmann and D. Amyot ), Proc. of the SDL Forum, Norway, July 2005, Springer Verlag, LNCS 3530, pp. 85-102. -- copy -- link
2005 - An Agile All-Photonic Network ( T. Hall, A. Paredes and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Fourth Intern. Conf. on Optical Communications and Networks, ICOCN 2005, Bangkok, Thailand; 14-16 Dec. 2005, pp. 365-368. -- copy
2004 - An incremental restoration approach in routed wavelength networks ( A. Maach, A. Hafid and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Intern. Conf. on Communication and Computer Networks (I3CN’2004), USA, 2004 -- copy -- link
2004 - An incremental restoration approach in routed wavelength networks: A detailed study ( A. Maach, A. Hamid and G. v. Bochmann ), Conf. on Communication and Computer Networks, Cambridge (MA, USA), Nov. 2004. -- link
2004 - Contention avoidance in optical burst switching ( A. Maach, G. v. Bochmann and H. Mouftah ), Proc. 3rd IEEE Intern. Conf. on Networking (ICN'04 ), February 29 - March 4, 2004 (7 pages). -- copy
2004 - Robust optical burst switching ( A. Maach, G. v. Bochmann and H. Mouftah ), in Proc. of 11th IEEE Inter. Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium, June 2004, pp. 447-452. -- copy
2004 - Shared protection for time-slotted optical networks ( A. Maach, G. v. Bochmann and H. Mouftah ), Proc. of IEEE NCA Symposium, 2004 (4 pages). -- copy -- link
2004 - A bandwidth allocation scheme in optical TDM networks ( A. Maach, H. Zeineddine and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. of IEEE/IEE Intern. Conference on High Speed Networks and Multimedia Communications (HSNMC), Toulouse, July 2004, Springer LNCS, pp. 801-812. -- copy -- link
2004 - Blocking analysis for time-space switched all-optical networks ( B. Zhou, P. He and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of 4th IASTED Intern. Multi-Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication (WOC 2004), July 8-10, 2004, Banff, Canada, pp. 756-761. -- copy
2004 - The Agile All-Photonic Network: An architectural outline ( G. v. Bochmann, M. J. Coates, T. Hall, L. Mason, R. Vickers and O. Yang ), Proc. of 22nd Biennial Symposium on Communications, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, May 2004, pp. 217-218. -- copy
2004 - A trust model with statistic foundation ( J. Shi, G. v. Bochmann and C. Adams ), Proc. IFIP Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust, Toulouse (Aug. 2004), Edited by T. Dimitrakos and F. Martinelli, Springer, 2005, pp. 145-158. -- copy -- link
2004 - A Grid oriented lightpath provisioning system ( J. Wu, H. Zhang, S. Campbell, M. Savoie, G. v. Bochmann and B. St.Arnaud ), Proc. Globecom Workshop on "High Performance Global Grid Networks", 2004. -- copy -- link
2004 - A QoS-based framework for distributed content adaptation ( K. El-Khatib, G. v. Bochmann and A. El-Saddik ), Proc. of First International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks, 2004 -- copy -- link -- ; extended version
2004 - A probabilistic approach for admission control to Web servers ( Z. Xu and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of Intern. Symp. on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, SPECTS 2004, San Jose, California, USA, July 2004, ISBN 1-56555-284-9, pp. 787 - 794. -- copy
2003 - Markovian component modeling ( F. K. Dankar and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. MATHMOD Conference, Vienna, Austria, Febr. 2003. -- copy
2003 - Some considerations on interfaces for users and system components ( G. v. Bochmann ), in New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (Proc. of 2nd Intern. Conf. on Lyee Methodology), IOS Press, 2003, pp. 167-179.
2003 - Decomposing service definitions in predicate-transition nets for designing distributed systems ( H. Yamaguchi, G. v. Bochmann and T. Higashino ), Proc. of FORTE intern. conference (IFIP), Berlin, Oct. 2003, LNCS 2767, Springer Verlag, pp. 399-414. -- copy -- link
2003 - Integrating Quality of Service into Database Systems ( H. Ye, B. Kerhervé and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. to the 14th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA2003), Prague, Czech Republic, 1-5 September 2003. -- copy -- link
2003 - Revisiting Join Site Selection in Distributed Database Systems ( H. Ye, B. Kerhervé and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 26th - 29th August 2003 in Klagenfurt, Austria -- copy -- link
2003 - Pushing Quality of Service Information and Requirements into Global Query Optimization ( H. Ye, B. Kerhervé, G. v. Bochmann and V. Oria ), Proc. Intern. Database Engineering and Applications Symposium (IDEAS), Honk Kong, July 2003. Published by IEEE -- copy -- link
2003 - User-managed end-to-end lightpath provisioning over CA*net 4 ( J. Wu, S. Campbell, J. M. Savoie, H. Zhang, G. v. Bochmann and B. St.Arnaud ), Proc. National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC), Orlando, FL, USA, Sept 7-11, 2003, pp. 275-282. -- copy -- link
2003 - Fault diagnosis in extended finite state machines ( K. El-Fakih, S. Prokopenko, N. Yevtushenko and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. TestCom 2003 - the IFIP 15th International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems, May 2003 in Sophia Antipolis, France, LNCS 2644, Springer Verlag, pp. 197-210. -- copy -- link
2003 - Agent support for context-aware services and personal mobility ( K. El-Khatib and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Int. Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications (MATA), Oct. 2003, LNCS 2881, Springer Verlag, 2003, pp. 89-98. -- copy -- link
2003 - Support for personal and service mobility in ubiquitous computing environments ( K. El-Khatib, N. Hadibi and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Euro-Par, August 2003, Klagenfurt, Austria, pp. 1046-1055. -- copy -- link
2003 - Methods for designing SIP services in SDL with fewer feature Interactions ( K. Y. Chan and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 7th Intern. Workshop on Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems, Ottawa, Canada, June, 2003. -- copy
2003 - Modeling the IETF Session Initiation Protocol and its services in SDL ( K. Y. Chan and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of SDL Forum 2003, Springer Verlag (LNCS) -- copy -- link
2003 - An experimental prototype for scalable server selection ( M. V. O. Mohamed-Salem, J. Chen, G. v. Bochmann and J. W. Wong ), Proc. EESD 2003, accepted for publication -- copy
2003 - Wide-area server selection using a multi-broker architecture ( M.-V. M. Salem, G. v. Bochmann and J. W. Wong ), Proc. International Workshop on New Advances of Web Server and Proxy Technologies, Providence, USA (May 19, 2003) -- copy
2003 - Performance Evaluation of the Preemptive Bandwidth Allocation Protocol ( N. Chefai, G. v. Bochmann and N. D. Georganas ), Proc. International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems (MIPS, formerly IDMS/PROMS), Nov. 2003, Napoli, Italy. -- copy -- link
2003 - Progressive solutions to a parallel automata equation ( S. Buffalov, K. El-Fakih, N. Yevtushenko and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. FORTE Conf. (IFIP), Sept. 2003, Berlin, LNCS 2767, Springer Verlag, pp. 367-382. -- copy -- link
2002 - Describing requirements in Lyee and in conventional methods: Towards a comparison ( G. v. Bochmann ), in New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (Proc. of 1st Intern. Conf. on Lyee Methodology), IOS Press, 2002, pp. 343 - (14 pages) -- copy.
2002 - A hybrid architecture using both optical burst switching and routed wavelength ( A. Maach and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of IASTED Conf. on Communications and Computer Networks, Cambridge, USA, Nov. 2002, pp. 263-268. -- copy -- link
2002 - Segmented burst switching: Enhancement of optical burst switching to decrease loss rate and support quality of service ( A. Maach and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of IFIP/IEEE Workshop on Next Generation Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2002), Torino, Feb. 2002, pp. 69-84. -- copy -- link
2002 - Submodule construction for specifications with input assumptions and output guarantees ( G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. FORTE'02 (22st IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems), Chapman and Hall, 2002, pp. -- copy -- link
2002 - Towards Database Scalability through Efficient Data Distribution in E-commerce Environments ( H. Ye, B. Kerhervé, G. v. Bochmann and D. Bourne ), in Proc. Third International Symposium on Electronic Commerce, Research Triangle Park, USA, October 18-19, 2002. -- copy -- link
2002 - FSM-based re-testing methods ( K. El-Fakih, N. Yevtushenko and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Int. Conf. on Testing of Communicating Systems (TESTCOM) 2002, pp. -- copy -- link
2002 - Server selection for differentiated classes of users ( M.-V. M. Salem, G. v. Bochmann and J. W. Wong ), Int. Symp. on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2002), San Diego, July 2002, pp. -- copy
2002 - Adaptacao de conteudo de mensagens HTTP baseada em perfis de dispositivo, conteudo, usuario e servico de rede ( W. L. d. Souza, G. v. Bochmann, K. El-Khatib and X. He ), (Content adaptation of HTTP messages based on device, content, user, and network service profiles) Proceedings of the 20th Brazilian Symposium of Computer Networks, Vol II, pp. 554-568, Buzios-RJ (Brazil), May 20-24, 2002. -- copy -- link
2001 - Introducing QoS to electronic commerce applications ( G. v. Bochmann, B. Kerhervé, H. Lutfiyya, M. Salem and H. Ye ), Proc. of Second International Symposium on Electronic Commerce, April 2001, Hong Kong, China, published as "Electronic Commerce Technologies", LNCS 2004, Springer Verlag, pp. 138-147. -- copy -- link
2001 - Submodule construction and supervisory control - a generalization ( G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Implementation and Applications of Automata, Aug. 2001 (invited paper), Springer LNCS 2494, pp. 27-39. -- copy -- link
2001 - Data distribution strategies for providing database scalability in e-commerce applications ( H. Ye, B. Kerhervé, G. v. Bochmann and D. Bourne ), in Proc. of the 3rd In. Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems, San Jose, USA, 21-22 June, 2001, IEEE Computer Society Press. -- copy -- link
2001 - A secure authentication infrastructure for mobile communication services over the Internet ( I. Dupré-la-Tour, G. v. Bochmann and J. Y. Chouinard ), in Communications and Multimedia Security Issues of the New Century (Proc. IFIP Working Conf. CMS'01, Darmstadt), R. Steinmetz et al. (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publ. 2001, pp. 405 - 416. -- copy -- link
2001 - Diagnosing multiple faults in communicating finite state machines ( K. El-Fakih, N. Yevtushenko and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. FORTE'01 (21st IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems), Chapman and Hall, 2001, pp. 85-100. -- copy -- link
2001 - Selecting the QoS parameters for multicast applications based on user profile and device capability ( K. El-Khatib, G. v. Bochmann and Y. Zhong ), Proc. Int. Conf. on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems (IDMS), Sept. 2001, Springer Verlag, pp. 221-232. -- copy -- link
2001 - A scalable load-sharing architecture for distributed applications ( M.-V. Mohamed-Salem, J. W. Wong and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 9th IEEE Int. Conf. on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCom 2001, October 2001, pp. 747-755.
2001 - Preemptive bandwidth allocation protocol for multicast, multi-streams environments ( N. Chefai, N. Georganas and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of the ninth ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Ottawa, pp. 528-530, 2001 -- copy -- link
2001 - Optimal wavelength allocation and flow assignment for optical networks for profit maximization ( O. Kabranov, D. Makrakis, C. Charalambous, D. Ionescu and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Intern. Conf. on Info-tech and Info-net, ICII'2001, Oct. 2001, Beijing, China -- copy -- link
2001 - Accessing traditional intelligent services from SIP networks ( W. Wang, S. Cheng and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 2001 International Conference on Info-tech and Info-net, October 2001, Beijing, China, IEEE Press, pp. 772-778. -- copy -- link
2000 - A Petri net based method for deriving distributed specifications with optimal allocation of resources ( H. Yamaguchi, K. El-Fakih, G. v. Bochmann and T. Higashino ), Proc. of Int. Conf. on Software Eng. Applied to Networking and Parallel/Distr. Computing (SNPD'00), May 2000, Reims, France, pp.19-26. -- copy -- link
2000 - Protocol re-synthesis based on extended Petri nets ( K. El-Fakih, H. Yamaguchi, G. v. Bochmann and T. Higashino ), Proc. of Workshop on Software Engineering and Petri Nets (SEPN-2000), June 2000, Aarhus, Denmark. -- copy -- link
2000 - Automatic derivation of Petri-net based distributed specification with optimal allocation of resources ( K. El-Fakih, H. Yamaguchi, G. v. Bochmann and T. Higashino ), Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on 15th IEEE Int. Conf. on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'2000), Grenoble, France, Sept. 2000, pp. -- copy -- link
2000 - On the fly re-synthesis of communications protocols ( K. El-Fakih, K. Saleh and G. v. Bochmann ), In Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. On Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS’00), Nov. 2000 (Las Vegas, USA). -- copy
1999 - Protocol synthesis for real-time applications ( A. Khoumsi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Proc. Intern. Conferences on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification (PSTV) and FORmal descriptionTechniques (FORTE), Beijing, China, October 1999. -- copy -- link
1999 - Object composition: a case study ( D. Ramazani and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IFIP Workshop on Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems (FMOODS), Italy, 1999, -- copy -- link
1999 - Quality of service management for teleteaching applications using the MPEG-4/DMIF ( G. v. Bochmann and Z. Yang ), Proc. of Intern. Workshop on Interactive Distr. Multimedia Systems and Telecom. Services, Toulouse, Oct. 1999, Springer Verlag, LNCS 1718, pp.133-146. -- copy -- link
1999 - Quality of service aware distributed query processing ( H. Ye, B. Kerhervé and G. v. Bochmann ), DEXA Workshop on Query Processing in Multimedia Information Systems (QPMIDS), 10th Intern. Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Florence, Italy, 1-3 Sept. 1999, Proc. published by IEEE Computer Society, 1999 -- copy -- link
1999 - Submodule construction tool ( J. Drissi and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, Vienne, Febr. 1999, (M. Mohammadian, Ed.), IOS Press, pp. 319-324. -- copy -- link
1999 - Locating a faulty machine in a system of communicating finite state machines ( K. El-Fakih and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of EEEL Workshop on Software for Embbed Systems and Testing (WSEST'99), Nov. 1999, Maryland. -- copy -- link
1999 - A method and a genetic algorithm for deriving protocols for distributed applications with minimum communications cost ( K. El-Fakih, H. Yamaguchi and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distr. Computing and Systems, Nov. 1999, Boston, USA . -- copy -- link
1999 - A digital libraries system based on multi-level agents ( K. Hamard, J.-Y. Nie, G. v. Bochmann, R. Godin, B. Kerherve, T. Radhakrishnan, R. Shinghal, J. Turner, F. Berouti and F. P. Ferrie ), in Proc. of Int. Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems, 1999 (accepted) -- copy -- link
1998 - Distributed objects with sense of direction ( D. Ramazani, P. Flocchini and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. First Int. Workshop on Distributed Data and Structures, Orlando (US), March 30, 1998 (publ. by Carleton Scientific, 1999), pp. 1 - 12. -- copy -- link
1998 - Meta-data modelling for quality of service management in the World Wide Web ( E. Madja, A. Hafid, R. Dssouli, G. v. Bochmann and J. Gecsei ), in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Multimedia Modeling, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1998 -- copy -- link
1997 - Approaches to the specification of object associations ( D. Ramazani and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. IFIP Workshop on Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems (FMOODS), Canterbury, UK, (H.Bowman, J. Derrick, eds.), Chapman-Hall, 1997, pp. 231-246. -- copy -- link
1997 - HTML extensions for Multimedia Documents and Quality of Service management on the Web ( E. Madja, G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli and J. Gescei ), Proc. NOTERE'97, Pau, France, Oct. 1997. -- copy -- link
1997 - Automating the process of test derivation from SDL specifications ( G. v. Bochmann, A. Petrenko, O. Bellal and S. Maguiraga ), in Proc. eighth SDL Forum, INT in Evry, Sept. 22-26, 1997 -- copy -- link
1997 - Checking experiments with labeled transition systems for trace equivalence ( Q. M. Tan, A. Petrenko and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. IFIP 10th Intern. Workshop on Testing of Communication Systems(IWTCS'97), Cheju Island, Korea, 1997 -- copy -- link
1997 - Cooperative quality of service management for multimedia applications ( S. Fischer, A. Hafid, G. v. Bochmann and H. d. Meer ), Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Ottawa, Canada, June 1997, pp. 303-310. -- copy -- link
1997 - Application design for cooperative QoS management ( S. Fischer, M.-V. Salem and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. IFIP 5th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'97), New York City, May 1997, pp. 191-194 -- copy -- link
1996 - Quality of service negotiation in News-on-Demand systems: an implementation ( A. Hafid and G. v. Bochmann ), in proceedings of PROMS96 (Protocols for Multimedioa Systems), Madrid, Spain, 1996
1996 - A quality of service negotiation procedure for distributed multimedia presentational applications ( A. Hafid, G. v. Bochmann and B. Kerhervé ), in the proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium of High Performance of Distributed Processing (HPDC-5), Syracuse, New York, 1996, pp.330-339 -- copy -- link
1996 - A quality of service negotiation approach with future reservations (NAFUR) ( A. Hafid, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), in proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS96), Paris, March 1996, pp.271-282
1996 - Testing deterministic implementations from nondeterministic FSM specifications ( A. Petrenko, N. Yevtushenko and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. of 9th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems (IWTCS'96), pp.125-140 -- copy -- link
1996 - Fault models for testing in context ( A. Petrenko, N. Yevtushenko and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. IFIP symposium FORTE-PSTV'96, Formal Description Techniques IX, R. Gotzhein and J. Bredereke, Chapman and Hall, 1996, pp. 163-178. -- link
1996 - Metadata modelling for quality of service management in distributed multimedia systems ( B. Kerhervé, A. Pons, G. v. Bochmann and A. Hafid ), in Proceedings of IEEE Metadata Conference, Silver Spring, Maryland, April 16-18, 1996 -- copy
1996 - Specification of composite objects based on the ODP reference model ( D. Ramazani and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. First IFIP Workshop on Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems (FMOODS), Paris, France, 1996, pp.207-221. -- copy
1996 - Extending OMT for the Specification of Composite Objects ( D. Ramazani and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. 20th Intern. Conf. on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS-USA'96), August 1996. -- copy
1996 - Some principles for quality of service management ( G. v. Bochmann and A. Hafid ), in proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Quality of Service (invited paper), Paris, France, March 6-8, 1996. Revised version published in the Distributed Systems Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, 1997, pp. 16-27 -- copy -- link
1996 - Architectural design of adaptive multimedia systems ( G. v. Bochmann, B. Kerherve, A. Hafid, P. Dini and A. Pons ), proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Software Development, Berlin, Germany, March 25-26, 1996 -- copy -- link
1996 - Comparaison des modèles d'automates à entrée-sortie et à rendez-vous pour le développement de systèmes distribués ( G. v. Bochmann ), Invited paper at the Colloque sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'96), Rabat, Maroc, October 14-17, 1996, p. 185.
1996 - Specifying lifecycles of object interactions for reconfiguration management in distributed systems ( P. Dini and G. v. Bochmann ), In the Second IEEE Systems Management Workshop, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 19-21, 1996, pp. 82-91
1996 - Applying parallel algorithms for managing distributed systems ( P. Dini, A. Das and G. v. Bochmann ), The 11th International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSE'96), Special Session on Networks and Distributed Systems, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 9-11 July 1996
1996 - Cost models for distributed multimedia applications ( P. Dini, A. Hafid and G. v. Bochmann ), In the International Pacific Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), June 25-28, 1996, pp. 238-245
1996 - Performance evaluation for distributed system components ( P. Dini, G. v. Bochmann and R. Boutaba ), in Proc. Second IEEE Systems Management Workshop, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 19-21, 1996, pp.20-29 -- copy -- link
1996 - Human and automatic policies in concert: a policy-driven approach to manage distributed systems ( P. Dini, R. Boutaba and G. v. Bochmann ), In the IEEE-SMC IMACS Conference on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications, Lille, France, July 9-12, 1996
1996 - A test generation tool for specifications in the form of state machines ( Q. M. Tan, A. Petrenko and G. v. Bochmann ), in proceedings of the International Communications Conference (ICC) 96, session on advanced tools and technologies for developing high integrity software systems, Dallas, Texas, June 23-27, 1996, pp.225-229 -- copy -- link
1996 - A framework for conformance testing of systems communicating through rendezvous ( Q. M. Tan, A. Petrenko and G. v. Bochmann ), in proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, Sendai, Japan, June 25-27, 1996, pp.230-238 -- copy -- link
1995 - An approach to quality of service management for distributed multimedia applications ( A. Hafid and G. v. Bochmann ), in proceedings of 3rd Intl Conference on Open Distributed Processing (ICODP95), Brisbane Australia
1995 - Models for quality of service negotiation in distributed multimedia applications ( A. Hafid, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), proceedings of the Second Workshop on Protocols for Multimedia Systems (PROMS95), Salzburg, Austria, 1995
1995 - Protocol synthesis using basic LOTOS and global variables ( A. Khoumsi and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. of Intern. Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 1995 -- copy -- link
1995 - Automatic reconfiguration for runtime feature-interaction resolution in an object-oriented environment ( P. Dini and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. Third Intl Workshop on Feature Interactions in Telecommunications Software Systems, Kyoto, Japan, October,1995, pp.115-126 -- link
1995 - Formal and informal in balanced system specifications ( P. Dini, D. Ramazani and G. v. Bochmann ), Proceedings of the IEE/ECLA/IFIP Intl Conference on Architecture and Design Methods for Balanced Automation Systems (BASYS 95), July 1995, Victoria, ES, Brazil, pp. 339-348
1995 - Sur la voie de l'intégration dans la gestion des systèmes ouverts distributés ( P. Dini, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Proc. Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'95), Rennes, France, 1995, pp. 19-49
1995 - Validation of distributed algorithms and protocols ( Q. Gao, R. Groz, G. v. Bochmann, J. Dargham and E. H. Htite ), Proceedings of the1995 International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 95), pp.110-117 -- copy -- link
1995 - Modeling Basic LOTOS by FSMs for Conformance Testing ( Q. M. Tan, A. Petrenko and G. v. Bochmann ), Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification (PSTV 15), Poland, June 95, pp.137-152 -- copy -- link
1995 - An Automatic Trace Analysis Tool Generator for Estelle Specifications ( S. A. Ezust and G. v. Bochmann ), Computer Communication review Volume 25 Number 4, October 1995, Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 95 Conference, Cambridge, MA, pp. 175-184 -- copy -- link
1995 - Object-oriented design of a message handling system protocol ( S. Erradey, M. Kadoch and G. v. Bochmann ), in proceedings of 1995 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montreal -- copy -- link
1995 - A top down method of synthesizing optimized protocol converters ( Z. P. Tao, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), In Proceedings for the 14th IEEE Int. Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, March 1995 -- copy
1995 - Verification and diagnosis of testing equivalence and reduction relation ( Z. P. Tao, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Networks and Protocols, Tokyo, Japan, pp.14-21 -- copy -- link
1995 - An efficient method for protocol conversion ( Z. P. Tao, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Proceedings of the Fourth Intl Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (IC3N 95), Las Vegas, USA, September 1995, p.40-47 -- copy -- link
1995 - A model and an algorithm of subsystem construction ( Z. P. Tao, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), in proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on parallel and distributed computing systems, Sept. 21-23, 1995 Orlando, Florida, USA, pp.619-622
1994 - On specifying services and synthesising protocols for real-time applications ( A. Khoumsi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), IFIP Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Vancouver, 1994. pp 177-192. -- link -- longer version (Technical Report)
1994 - Prise en compte de la commandabilité et de l'observabilité pour le contrôle et l'extension des systèmes à événements discrets totalement ou partiellement observables ( A. Khoumsi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Proc. Third Maghrevian Conf. on Software Eng. and Art. Intelligence, Rabat, April 1994, pp. 461-470 -- copy
1994 - A quality-of-service driven approach to architecture and components for distributed multimedia presentational applications ( A. Vogel, B. Kerhervé and G. v. Bochmann ), Proceedings of Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems and Applications, International Society for Mini and Microcomputers, Honolulu, Aug. 1994, pp. 101-104
1994 - Configuration in the framework of open distributed processing ( A. Vogel, G. v. Bochmann, P. Dini and A. Polze ), Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Configurable Distributed Systems, Pittsburgh, IEEE Computer Society Press, March 1994, pp. 106-111 -- copy
1994 - Functional requirements for a generic distributed multimedia presentational application ( B. Kerhervé, A. Vogel, G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli, J. Gecsei and A. Hafid ), in Proceedings of ICCCN 94, San Francisco, September, 1994, pp.242-247 -- copy
1994 - On distributed multimedia presentational applications - functional and computational architecture and QoS negotiation ( B. Kerhervé, A. Vogel, G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli, J. Gecsei and A. Hafid ), in G. Neufeld, R.Ito (eds.), Proceedings of the International IFIP Workshop on Protocols for High-Speed Networking, Vancouver, Aug. 1994. A preliminary version of this paper also appeared in the Workshop on Multimedia Applications and QoS verification, G.v. Bochmann, J. de Meer, and A. Vogel (eds.) Montreal, May 1994 -- copy -- link
1994 - Selecting test sequences for partially-specified nondeterministic finite state machines ( G. Luo, A. Petrenko and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of the International Workshop on Protocol Test Systems (IWPTS'94), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 1994, pp.95-110 -- copy -- link
1994 - Protocol testing - Review of methods and relevance for software testing ( G. v. Bochmann and A. Petrenko ), ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA'94) - inivited paper, Seattle, USA, 1994, pp 109-124 -- copy -- link
1994 - Fault coverage of tests based on finite state models ( G. v. Bochmann, A. Petrenko and M. Yao ), (invited paper) IFIP Intl Workshop on Protocol Test Systems (IWPTS'94), Tokyo 1994, Chapman and Hall, pp.55-76 -- copy -- link
1994 - Object-oriented modelling and development for distributed systems ( G. v. Bochmann ), (invited paper), Proc. Third Maghrebian Conf. on Software Eng. and Art. Intelligence, Rabat, April 1994, pp. 11-24; also presented as an invited paper at ACFAS workshop on "Object Orientation in Databases and Software Engineering", Montreal, May 1994, pp. 139-155. Reprinted in book "Object-Oriented Technology for Database and Software Systems", editors V.S. Alagar and R. Missaoui, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1995, pp. 90-113 -- copy
1994 - Fault coverage analysis in respect to an FSM specification ( M. Yao, A. Petrenko and G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE INFOCOM'94, Toronto, Canada, June 1994, pp.768-775 -- copy -- link
1994 - A structural analysis approach to evaluating fault coverage of software testing ( M. Yao, A. Petrenko and G. v. Bochmann ), In Proceedings of the 7th IFIP WG6.1 International Conference on Formal Description Techniques (FORTE 94), Berne, Switzerland, pp. 399-414. -- copy
1994 - Specialization in Estelle ( R. Gotzhein and G. v. Bochmann ), IFIP Symp. on Protocol Spec., Testing and Verification, Vancouver, 1994, pp.17-32 -- copy -- link
1993 - Diagnosis for single transition faults in communicating finite state machines ( A. Ghedamsi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'93), Pittsburgh, USA, May 1993; a shorter version is also included in the proceedings of IEEE Int. Phoenix Conf. on Computer Communications, March 93 -- copy -- link
1993 - Multiple fault diagnostics for finite state machines ( A. Ghedamsi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Proc. IEEE INFOCOM'93, San Francisco, USA, March 93 -- copy -- link
1993 - Dérivation de spécifications de protocoles à partir de spécifications de services avec contraintes de temps ( A. Khoumsi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), in Proc. Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie de Protocoles (CFIP'93), Montréal, Canada, 1993, pp.493-507 -- copy
1993 - Conformance relations and test derivation ( A. Petrenko, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), (invited paper), Proc. Int. Workshop on Protocol Test Systems (IFIP), O. Rafiq (ed.), North Holland Publ. 1993, pp.157-178 -- copy -- link
1993 - Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications written in LOTOS ( C. Kant, T. Higashino and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc.12th IEEE Int. Phoenix Conf. on Computer Communications, Scottsdale, USA, March 93
1993 - Fairness of N-party synchronization and its implementation in a distributed environment ( C. Wu, G. v. Bochmann and M. Yao ), Proc. Int. Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (WDAG'93), LNCS 725, Springer Verlag, 1993, pp. 279-293 -- copy -- link
1993 - Modeling and formal specification of the personal communication service ( D. Desbiens, G. v. Bochmann, A. Das and J. Dargham ), Proc. IEEE INFOCOM'93, San Francisco, CA, March 1993 -- copy
1993 - Sélection des tests à partir de spécifications orientées objets ( E. Htite, R. Dssouli and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Third Maghrevian Conf. on Software Eng. and Art. Intelligence, Rabat, April 1994, pp. 525-534 -- copy
1993 - Formal specifications design, evolution and reuse ( F. Khendek and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of CASCON'93, Toronto, Canada, October 1993, pp. 184-193
1993 - Incremental construction approach for distributed system specifications ( F. Khendek and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of the sixth Int. Conf. on Formal Description Techniques (FORTE'93), Boston, Massachussets, October 1993, pp.89-104 -- copy -- link
1993 - Generating tests for control portion of SDL specifications ( G. Luo, A. Das and G. v. Bochmann ), IFIP sixth International Workshop on Protocol Test Systems, Pau, France, September 1993, pp. 51-66 -- copy
1993 - Generating synchronizable test sequences based on finite state machines with distributed ports ( G. Luo, R. Dssouli, G. v. Bochmann, P. Ventakaram and A. Ghedamsi ), Proceedings of the IFIP Sixth International Workshop on Protocol Test Systems, Pau, France, September 1993, pp. 53-68 -- copy -- link
1993 - Test generation for the distributed test architecture ( G. Luo, R. Dssouli, G. v. Bochmann, P. Ventakaram and A. Ghedamsi ), Singapore International Conference on Networks, Singapore, September 1993, pp. 670-674 -- copy
1993 - Specification languages for communication protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of CHDL-93 (Computer Hardware Description Languages and Their Applications, eds. D. Agnew et al.), invited paper, Ottawa, April 1993, North Holland Publ., IFIP Transactions A-32, 1993, pp. 379-396 -- copy
1993 - A subset of Lotos with the computational power of place-transition nets ( M. Barbeau and G. v. Bochmann ), 14th Int. Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, Chicago, June 1993 -- copy -- link
1993 - An Overview of Fault Management in Telecommunication Networks ( M. Guiagoussou, A. Das and G. v. Bochmann ), Advanced Information Processing Techniques for LAN and MAN Management (C-17) page 59-85, April 1993
1993 - Testing for a conformance relation based on acceptance ( M. Yao and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development, TAPSOFT'93, Orsay, France, April 1993, pp.519-528 -- copy -- link
1993 - Conformance testing of protocol machines without reset ( M. Yao, A. Petrenko and G. v. Bochmann ), IFIP 13th Int. Conference on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verfication, Liege, Belgium, May 1993, pp.241-253 -- copy
1993 - The Macrotec toolset for CASE-based business modelling ( R. K. Keller, R. Lajoie, M. Ozkan, F. Saba, X.Shen, T. Tao and G. v. Bochmann ), CASE'93, Singapore, July, 1993 -- copy
1992 - Test result analysis and diagnostics for finite state machines ( A. Ghedamsi and G. v. Bochmann ), 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Yokohama, Japan, June 1992, pp.244-251 -- copy -- link
1992 - Diagnostic tests for single transition faults in non-deterministic finite state machines ( A. Ghedamsi, R. Dssouli and G. v. Bochmann ), 5th Int. Workshop on Protocol Test Systems, Montréal, Canada, September 1992, pp.77-88 -- copy -- link
1992 - Formalization of the CORDS process model using Mondel ( F. Khendek and G. v. Bochmann ), IBM Center for Advanced Studies Conference (CasCon'92), Toronto, Canada, November 1992, pp.351-360
1992 - Control-flow based testing for Prolog programs ( G. Luo, G. v. Bochmann, B. Sarikaya and M. Boyer ), Third International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Oct. 92, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.104-113 -- copy
1992 - Object-oriented design for distributed systems and OSI standards ( G. v. Bochmann, S. Poirier and P. Mondain-Monval ), Proc. of IFIP Int. Conf. on Upper Layer Protocols, Architectures and Applications, Vancouver, May 1992, G. Neufeld and B. Plattner (Eds.), North-Holland Pub., pp. 265-280. A shorter version is also included in the proceedings of the Int. Workshop on ODP, Berlin, Oct. 1991 -- copy -- link
1992 - Prolog for industrial software development ( J. Vaucher, G. Bochmann, B. Lefebvre, S. Vella, M. Wu and K. Lee ), Proc. of The Practical Application of Prolog, Volume one, London, April 1992. -- copy
1992 - TESTL: A tool for the analysis of test sequences based on finite-state model ( M. Dubuc, R. Dssouli and G. v. Bochmann ), IWPTS'92, IFIP Transactions, Protocol Test Systems IV, North Holland Publ., pp.195-206
1992 - Dynamic extension of object-oriented distributed system specifications ( M. Erradi, F. Khendek, R. Dssouli and G. v. Bochmann ), International Workshop on Feature Interactions in Telecommunications Software Systems, St. Petersburg, Florida, Dec. 3-4, 1992, pp 116-132 -- copy
1992 - Dynamic modifications of object-oriented specifications ( M. Erradi, G. v. Bochmann and I. Hamid ), Proc. CompEuro'92 (IEEE), May 4-8, Netherlands, pp.654-659 -- copy
1992 - A framework for dynamic evolution of object-oriented specifications ( M. Erradi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Maintenance, Orlando, Nov.1992 -- copy
1992 - Model-checking for real-time systems specified in LOTOS ( N. Rico, G. v. Bochmann and O. Cherkaoui ), Proc. Computer Aided Verification, 1992, pp.277-288 -- copy -- link
1992 - Test system for a restricted class of LOTOS expressions with data parameters ( T. Higashino, G. v. Bochmann, X. Li, K. Yasumoto and K. Taniguchi ), Proceedings of the Fifth IFIP Workshop on Protocol Test Systems (IWPTS '92), G.v. Bochmann et al. (eds.), North Holland Publ. 1993, pp.205-216 -- copy
1991 - Fairness in LOTOS ( C. Wu and G. v. Bochmann ), in the proceedings of the International Conference on Formal Description Techniques (FORTE'91), K.R. Parker and G.A. Rose eds, North-Holland, Sydney, Australia, 1991, pp.543-558 -- copy -- link
1991 - Test selection based on SDL specifications with SAVE ( G. Luo, A. Das and G. v. Bochmann ), SDL'91: Evolving methods, Ove Færgrmand, Rick Reed editors, Noth-Holland Publ., pp.313-324, (5th SDL Forum (CCITT), September 1991, Glasgow, UK) -- copy
1991 - OSI specifications using ASN.1 and other formal description techniques ( G. v. Bochmann and D. Ouimet ), Proc . 9-th Brasilian Symposium on Computer Networks, Florianopolis, May 1991, Bresil (invited paper) -- copy
1991 - Fault models in testing ( G. v. Bochmann, A. Das, R. Dssouli, M. Dubuc, A. Ghedamsi and G. Luo ), Proc. IFIP Intern. Workshop on Protocol Test Systems, Netherlands, Oct. 1991 (invited paper), pp. (II-17)-(II-32) -- link
1991 - Formal description of network management issues ( G. v. Bochmann, L. Lecomte and P. Mondain-Monval ), Proc. Int. Symp. on Integrated Network Management (IFIP), Arlington, US, April 1991, North Holland Publ., pp. 77-94 -- copy
1991 - Object-oriented design for ODP ( G. v. Bochmann, S. Poirier and P. Mondain-Monval ), Proc. IFIP Workshop on Open Distributed Processing, Berlin, Oct. 1991 (position paper), North Holland Publ., pp. 435-439 -- link
1991 - Open issues in OSI protocol development and conformance testing ( J. P. Favreau, G. v. Bochmann and P. Mondain-Monval ), Proc. COMPUTER NETWORKS '91, Wroclow, Poland (June 1991), (invited paper)
1991 - The Lotos model of a fault protected system and its verification using a Petri Net based approach ( M. Barbeau and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Workshop on Computer Aided Verification, Aalborg, Danemark, July 1991 -- copy -- link
1991 - Design, formal specification and validation of centralized and distributed control in a transmission system ( M. Barbeau, P. d. Saqui-Sannes and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Workshop on Software Quality Engineering '91, Bell Canada, Oct. 91
1991 - Performance description and analysis for distributed systems using a variant of LOTOS ( N. Rico and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IFIP Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Stockholm, June 1991, pp.199-213 -- link
1991 - Testing non-deterministic state machines with fault coverage ( S. Fujiwara and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IFIP Int. Workshop on Protocol Test Systems, Netherlands, October 1991, pp. (III-257)-(III-275) -- copy -- link
1990 - Extension of the Karp and Miller procedure to Lotos specifications ( M. Barbeau and G. v. Bochmann ), Computer Aided Verification '90, ACM/AMS DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 3, 1991 pp. 103-119 -- copy -- link
1990 - An execution model for LOTOS specifications ( C. Wu and G. v. Bochmann ), IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (Globecom), December 1990 -- copy -- link
1990 - Test result analysis and validation of test verdicts ( G. v. Bochmann, D. Desbiens, M. Dubuc, D. Ouimet and F. Saba ), Proc. Workshop on Protocol Test Systems (IFIP),1990, North-Holland -- copy -- link
1990 - ASN.1 and Estelle implementation support tools ( G. v. Bochmann, D. Ouimet and G. Neufeld ), Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Formal Description Techniques, IFIP (FORTE'90), Nov. 1990, Madrid, pp.531-534 -- copy
1990 - Formal specifications for protocols - issues and experiences ( G. v. Bochmann, L. Logrippo and B. Sarikaya ), in Proc. IFIP Conf. on Computer Networking COMNET '90, Budapest, L.Scaba et al. (eds.), North Holland Publ. (1990), pp. 3-21 (invited paper) -- copy
1990 - Verification of LOTOS specifications - a Petri net based approach ( M. Barbeau and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ottawa, Sept. 1990, pp. 43.1.1 - 43.1.4
1990 - Translation from TTCN to LOTOS and the validation of test cases ( M. Dubuc, G. v. Bochmann, O. B. Bellal and F. Saba ), Proc. of the Third International Conference on Formal Description Techniques (FORTE'90), Madrid, Nov. 1990, pp.139-152 -- copy -- link
1990 - RMondel - A Reflective Object-Oriented Specification Language ( M. Erradi and G. v. Bochmann ), Proceeding of the ECOOP/OOPSLA'90 First Workshop on: Reflection and Metalevel Architectures in Object-Oriented Programming, Ottawa 1990 -- copy
1990 - Distributed observation and FIFO queues ( R. Dssouli, R. Fournier and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of the Third International Conference on Formal Description Techniques (FORTE'90), Madrid, Nov. 1990, J. Quemada et al. (eds), North Holland, pp.303-310 -- link
1989 - New results on deriving protocol specifications from services specifications ( F. Khendek, G. v. Bochmann and C. Kant ), Proc. SIGCOMM'89, July 1989, in Computer Communications Review Vol.19 no.4, pp. 136-145 -- copy -- link
1989 - Combining ASN1 support with the LOTOS language ( G. v. Bochmann and M. Deslauriers ), Proc. IFIP Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification IX, June 1989, North Holland Publ., pp.175-186 -- link
1989 - Test result analysis with respect to formal specifications ( G. v. Bochmann and O. B. Bellal ), Proc. 2-nd Int. Workshop on Protocol Test Systems, Berlin, Oct. 1989, pp.272-294 -- copy -- link
1989 - Protocol testing using automatic trace analysis ( G. v. Bochmann, C. He and D. Ouimet ), Canadian Conf. on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montréal, Sept. 1989, pp. 814-820
1989 - On the distributed implementation of LOTOS ( G. v. Bochmann, Q. Gao and C. Wu ), FORTE'89 (IFIP), Vancouver, in "Formal Descriptions Techniques II", North-Holland, S.T.Vuong editor,1989, pp.133-146 -- copy -- link
1989 - Formal methods for describing distributed systems - A discussion of the experience in OSI standardization ( G. v. Bochmann ), Decentralized Systems (Proc. IFIP WG 10.3 Working Conf. , Lyon, Dec. 1989), M.Cosnard, C.Girault (eds.), North Holland Publ., 1990, pp. 29-39 (invited paper) -- copy -- link
1989 - Experience with automated verification tools: Application to discrete event systems ( M. Barbeau and G. v. Bochmann ), Prel. Proc. of Workshop on Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems, Grenoble, June 1989 (due to an error, the paper is not included in the final proceedings published in Springer LNCS)
1988 - Using ADA as a Specification and an Implementation Language for Interactive Systems ( A. ElIraki, G. Lapalme and G. v. Bochmann ), International Computer Symposium ICS'88, Tamkang University, Taipei, China, Dec. 1988
1988 - Impact of Queued Interaction on Protocol Specification and Verification ( G. v. Bochmann and A. Finkel ), Proc. Intern. Symp. Interoperable Inf. Systems (ISIIS), Nov. 1988, Tokyo, pp. 371-382 - copy
1988 - Ferry Approaches to Protocol Testing and Service Interfaces ( G. v. Bochmann and C. S. He ), Proc. Intern. Symp. Interoperable Inf. Systems (ISIIS), Nov. 1988, Tokyo, pp. 303-309
1988 - Adding Performance Aspects to Specification Languages ( G. v. Bochmann and J. Vaucher ), IFIP Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Atlantic City, June 1988, pp.19-31 -- copy
1988 - Méthodes de test de protocoles: Architectures et sélection de tests ( G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli and B. Sarikaya ), (invited paper), Proc. Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingenierie des Protocoles (AFCET), Bordeaux, Sept. 1988, pp. 337-363
1988 - Automatic Test Result Analysis and Impact of Testing Architecture ( G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli and J. R. Zhao ), First Intern. Workshop on Protocol Test Systems, Vancouver, Oct. 1988 (invited paper)
1987 - Hierarchical Multi-Network Interconnection Using Public Data Networks ( C. Kawa and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IEEE INFOCOM '87 Conference, San Francisco, 1987, pp. 426-435. Reprinted in Network Interconnection and Protocol Conversion, P.E.Green (ed.), IEEE Press, 1988, pp. 284-293
1987 - Gateways for the OSI Transport Service ( G. v. Bochmann and A. Jacques ), Proc. IEEE INFOCOM'87 Conference, San Francisco, 1987
1987 - Methods and tools for the design and validation of protocol specifications and implementations ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. CIPS Edmonton '87 Conference (invited paper), pp. 185-199 (1987) (translated into chinese by Yi Lee, Research Institute of Data Comm. Beijing, China)
1987 - Usage of protocol development tools: the results of a survey ( G. v. Bochmann ), (invited paper), Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification VII, H. Rudin and C. West (eds.), North Holland Publ. (1987), pp.139-161 -- link
1986 - Formal specification based conformance testing ( B. Sarikaya, G. v. Bochmann, M. Maksud and J. M. Serre ), Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Symposium, Aug. 1986, pp. 236-240 -- copy -- link
1986 - Computer networks interconnection at the Network and Transport layers ( C. Kawa, A. Jacques and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Symposium on Communications, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., June 1986, pp. C.3.1-C.3.4
1986 - Deriving protocol specifications from service specifications ( G. v. Bochmann and R. Gotzhein ), Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Symposium, 1986, pp. 148-156 -- copy -- link
1986 - Application Layer Protocol Testing and ASN1 Support Tools ( G. v. Bochmann, M. Deslauriers and S. Bessette ), Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM Conf., Houston, Dec. 1986, pp. 767-771
1986 - Recent Developments in Protocol Specification, Validation and Testing ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Computer Communications Conf., Recife, Brazil, 1986, pp. 354-368
1986 - A Methodology for Implementing High-Level Communication Protocols ( J. M. Serre, E. Cerny and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 19-th Hawaii Int. Conf. on Systems Sciences, Jan. 1986, pp. 710-721
1986 - Reduced reachability analysis of communication protocols: A new approach ( J. R. Zhao and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IFIP Workshop on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, North-Holland Publ., 1986, pp. 234-254
1986 - Conformance testing with multiple observers ( R. Dssouli and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IFIP Workshop on Prot. Specification, Testing and Validation, 1986, North-Holland Publ., pp. 217-229
1986 - Implementation issues for the OSI file transfer, access and management protocol ( S. Bessette and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. Symposium on Communications, Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., June 1986, pp. C.4.16-C.4.18
1985 - A specification method for interactive system design ( A. ElIraki, G. Lapalme and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. COMPINT'85, IEEE, Montreal, Sept. 1985, pp. 760-764
1985 - Ada as a specification language for interactive systems ( A. ElIraki, G. Lapalme and G. v. Bochmann ), in Proc. Convention Informatique SICOB, Paris (Sept. 1985), Tome B, pp. 157-162
1985 - Obtaining normal form specifications for protocols ( B. Sarikaya and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. COMNET'85, IFIP, Computer Network Usage: Recent Experiences, North Holland, 1985, pp. 601-613
1985 - A Test Design Methodology for Protocol Testing ( B. Sarikaya, G. v. Bochmann and E. Cerny ), Proc. 18-th Hawai Int. Conf. on Systems Sciences, Jan. 1985, 710-721
1985 - Testing Implementations of an Application-Level Communication Protocol: Inter-Library Loan ( E. Cerny and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. FTCS '85, IEEE
1985 - Obtaining protocol implementations from formal specifications ( G. v. Bochmann, J. M. Serre and G. Gerber ), Proc. CIPS Congress '85, pp.187-193
1985 - Use of Prolog for Building Protocol Design Tools ( G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli, W. L. d. Souza, B. Sarikaya and H. Ural ), Proc. 5th IFIP Workshop on Protocol Specification, Verification and Testing, Toulouse, June 1985, North-Holland Publ., pp. 131-147
1985 - Accessing videotex through the ISO File Access protocol ( J. Barchanski, G. v. Bochmann, J. Gecsei and P. Desjardins ), Proc. IFIP Conference COMNET'85, Budapest, Oct. 1985
1985 - Error detection with multiple observers ( R. Dssouli and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IFIP Workshop on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification,Toulouse, France, June 1985, M. Diaz ed., North Holland, pp.483-494
1985 - Ambiante de teste para protocolos de comunicacio ( W. L. d. Souza, R. Dssouli and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 3 Simposio Brasileiro sobre Redes de Computadores, Rio de Janeiro, April 1985, pp. 24.2 - 24.12
1984 - Experiments in testing communication protocol implementations ( E. Cerny, G. v. Bochmann, M. Maksud, A. Leveille and J. M. Serre ), Proc. Fault-Tolerant Comp. Sym. '84, IEEE, pp. 204-209
1984 - Use of formal specifications for protocol design, implementation and testing ( G. v. Bochmann, E. Cerny, G. Gerber, R. Dssouli, M. Maksud, B. H. Phan, B. Sarikaya and J. M. Serre ), Proc. IFIP Workshop on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Sky Top, NY, USA, 1984, Y. Yemini et al. eds., North Holland, pp.137-146
1984 - Formal Description Techniques for OSI: An Example ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. of INFOCOM '84, San Francisco, April 1984, pp. 312-317; also publ. in Proc. Second Int. conf. on Introduction of Open Systems Interconnection Standards, DOC, Ottawa, 1984
1983 - Synchronization issues in protocol testing ( B. Sarikaya and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Symposium, Austin, 1983, pp.121-128 -- copy -- link
1983 - An approach to testing specifications ( C. Jard and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. ACM Software Engineering Symposium on High-Level Debugging, March 1983, pp. 53-59 -- copy
1983 - Testing of Transport Protocol Implementations ( G. v. Bochmann, E. Cerny, M. Maksud and B. Sarikaya ), Proc. CIPS Conference, Ottawa, 1983, pp.123-129
1983 - Relationship between performance parameters for Transport and Netwook services ( K. S. Raghunathan, J. A. Barchanski and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. ACM SIGCOMM Symposium, Austin, 1983, pp.129-135 -- copy -- link
1982 - Some experience with test sequence generation for protocols ( B. Sarikaya and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 2-nd Int. Workshop on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, North Holland, 1982, pp. 555-567 -- link
1982 - Experience with formal specifications ( G. v. Bochmann, E. Cerny, M. Gagne, C. Jard, A. Leveille, C. Lacaille, M. Maksud, K. S. Raghunathan and B. Sarikaya ), Proc. 2-nd Int. Workshop on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification (IFIP WG6.1), North Holland
1982 - Keyword access in Telidon: An experiment ( G. v. Bochmann, J. Gecsei and E. Lin ), Proc. Videotex 82, New York, June 1982
1981 - A methodology for the specification of a message transport system ( G. v. Bochmann and J. Pickens ), Proc. Int. Symp. on Computer Message Systems (IFIP TC-6), North Holland, (1981), pp. 221-232
1981 - The use of formal description techniques for OSI protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. National Telecom. Conf., New Orleans, (1981), pp. F8.6.1 to F8.6.6
1980 - Towards Videotex Standards ( G. v. Bochmann and J. Gecsei ), Viewdata 80, London, mars 1980, pp. 420-427
1980 - On the construction of communication protocols ( G. v. Bochmann and P. M. Merlin ), ICCC, 1980, pp.371-378, reprinted in "Communication Protocol Modeling", edited by C. Sunshine, Artech House Publ., 1981; russian translation: Problems of Intern. Center for Science and Techn. Information, Moscow, 1981, no. 2, pp. 146-155
1979 - A Framework for Developing Distributed Computer Systems ( G. v. Bochmann, P. Desjardins, J. Gecsei, J. L. Landry and A. Perras ), CIPS Congress 1979, Québec, pp. 73-78
1978 - Combining assertions and states for the validation of process commmunication ( G. v. Bochmann ), IFIP Working Conference on Constructing Quality Software, Proc. ed. by P.G. Hibbard and S.A. Shuman, North Holland, 1978. Translated into russian
1978 - Finite State Description of Communication Protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Computer Network Protocols Symposium (Université de Liège), Febr. 1978, pp. F3-1 to F3-11 -- copy
1978 - Synchronization in Distributed System Modules ( G. v. Bochmann ), 3rd Berkeley Workshop (LBL and DOE of U.S.), Aug. 1978, Proc. pp. 332-339
1977 - A unified method for the specification and verification of protocols ( G. v. Bochmann and J. Gecsei ), Proc. IFIP Congress 1977, pp. 229-234 -- copy -- link
1977 - A Formalized Specification of HDLC Classes of Procedures ( G. v. Bochmann and R. J. Chung ), (invited paper) National Telecomm. Conf., Dec. 1977, proc. pp. 03A..2-1 to 2-11. Reprinted in Advances in Computer Comm. and Networking, ed. W. Chu, Artech, 79
1977 - Operating system design with computer network communication protocols ( W. Probst and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 5th Data Comm. Symposium (ACM SIGCOMM/IEEE), Sept. 1977, pp. 4-19 to 4-25. Reprinted in Distributed System Design, eds M.P. Mariani and D.F. Palmer, 1979 -- copy -- link
1976 - Storage allocation for parallel processes in minicomputers ( G. v. Bochmann ),
1975 - An experience with individualized instruction and learning objectives ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proceedings of the Canadian Mathematical Congress Meeting on Curriculum Alternatives, Regina, June 1975
1975 - Communication protocols and error recovery procedures ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proceedings ACM Symposium on Interprocess Communication, SIGOPS Review, 9, No.3, 45-50 (1975) -- copy -- link
1975 - Logical verification and implementation of protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 4th Data Communication Symposium (ACM-IEEE), pp. 7-15 to 7-20, Oct. 1975, reprinted in "Communication Protocol Modeling", edited by C. Sunshine, Artech House Publ., 1981 -- copy
1974 - A (truly) usable and portable compiler writing system ( O. Lecarme and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. IFIP Congress 1974, Stockholm, 1974, pp. 218-221 -- link
1973 - Hierarchical language definition ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. ACM SIGPLAN-SIGOPS Interface Meeting, Savannah, SIGPLAN Notices, 8, no.9, 50-51, (1973) -- copy -- link
2006 - A Novel Framework for Inter-area MPLS Optimal Routing ( P. He and G. v. Bochmann ), IETF, Internet Draft -- copy
1994 - Finite state description of communication protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Computer Networks, Vol. 2 (1978), pp. 361-372, to be reprinted in "Conformance Testing Methodologies and Architectures for OSI Protocols", edited by R.J. Linn and M.U. Uyar, IEEE Computer Soc. Press, 1994.
1989 - Formal methods for protocol specification and validation ( G. v. Bochmann and C. Sunshine ), chapt. 17 in Computer Network Architectures and Protocols, 2-nd edition (C.Sunshine, ed.), Plenum Press, 1989. Original title: 1980 - Formal methods in communication protocol design
1982 - A survey of formal methods ( G. v. Bochmann and C. Sunshine ), and "A hybrid model and the representation of communication services", chap. 20 and 23 in "Computer Network Architectures and Protocols" ed. P. Green, Plenum Press, N.Y., 1982. Original titles: 1980 - Formal methods in communication protocol design, and 1980 - A General Transition Model for Protocols and Communication Services
1977 - Operating system design with computer network communication protocols ( W. Probst and G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 5th Data Comm. Symposium (ACM SIGCOMM/IEEE), Sept. 1977, pp. 4-19 to 4-25. Reprinted in Distributed System Design, eds M.P. Mariani and D.F. Palmer, 1979 -- copy -- link
1980 - On the construction of communication protocols ( G. v. Bochmann and P. M. Merlin ), ICCC, 1980, pp.371-378, reprinted in "Communication Protocol Modeling", edited by C. Sunshine, Artech House Publ., 1981; russian translation: Problems of Intern. Center for Science and Techn. Information, Moscow, 1981, no. 2, pp. 146-155
1991 - Object-oriented methods in communication standards ( E. Cusack and G. v. Bochmann ), ACM OOPS Messenger, Vol.3, No.2, April 1992, pp.7-8
1986 - Télétex fait une entrée réussie à l'Université de Montréal ( G. v. Bochmann and D. Ouimet ), Recherche à L'Université de Montréal, Oct. 1986
1979 - Message Link Protocol ( G. v. Bochmann and F. H. Vogt ), Computer Comm. Review (ACM) 9, No.2 (April 1979), pp.7-39 -- copy -- link
1977 - Notes on the X.25 Procedures for Virtual Call Establishment and Clearing ( G. v. Bochmann ), (invited paper), ACM Computer Comm. Review Vol.7, No.4, Oct. 1977, pp.53-60 -- copy -- link
1975 - Expérience d'enseignement individualisé ( G. v. Bochmann ), Document 2/2 (Febr. 1975), le Bulletin du Service Pédagogique, Université de Montréal
2015 - Testing software systems – a perspective, invited talk at the Intern. Conf. on Testing Software and Systems (CTSS) in Sharjah and Dubai (UAE). -- slides
2013 - Some Important Concepts Related to State Machine Modeling, invited talk at the SDL Forum conference, Montreal. -- slides
2012 - Distributed System Design from Global Requirements, invited talk at the IEEE Canadian Conf. on Elect. and Comp. Eng. (CCECE), Montreal. -- slides
2011 - Luncheon speech on protocol engineering, invited talk at the IEEE Canadian Conf. on Elect. and Comp. Eng. (CCECE), Niagara Falls. -- slides
2010 - The early times of protocol engineering - an historical perspective, invited talk at the FMOODS-FORTE conference (IFIP), Amsterdam (30th anniversary of the PSTV conference). -- slides
2010 - Service composition: Deriving Component Designs from Global Requirements, invited presentation at the Third Edition of the International Spring School on Distributed Systems, Fez (Marocco). -- slides
2009 - Compositional Development of Distributed Applications, invited talk at the Int. Conf. on Information and Communication Systems, Amman, Jordan. -- slides
2007 - Agile All-Photonic Networks, invited presentation at the Fourth Workshop on Optimization of Optical Networks, Concordia University, Montreal. -- slides
2006 - An overview of User-Controlled Lightpath Provisioning (UCLP), invited talk at the UCLP workshop organized by the ESLEA project and UKERNA at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.-- slides
2006 - Home Broadband Access - looking at future networking technologies ( G.v. Bochmann ), invited talk at the 4th Intern. Workshop on Internet Performance, Simulation, Monitoring and Measurement (IPS-MoMe), Salzburg, Austria, February 2006 -- slides
2005 - Different notations for describing use case scenarios, invited talk at the Workshop on "A Formal Semantics for UML" in Nuremberg, in association with the European Conference on Model Driven Architecture (ECMDA-05).
2005 - Applicative & Technical Challenges of the Future Internet, invited presentation at the Doctoral Seminar, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). -- related slides
2005 - Sharing bandwidth of a wavelength: Burst switching with and without reservation, invited talk at the Second Workshop on Optimization of Optical Networks, University of Montreal. -- slides
2004 - Customer-Management End-to-End Lightpath Provisioning, invited presentation at the 13th OPRA Workshop, Ottawa Photonics Research Alliance.-- slides
2004 - Comparison of methods for supervisory control and submodule construction (G.v. Bochmann and B. Daou ), 4th Intern. Conf. on Application of Concurrency to System Design, Hamilton (Ontario, Canada), June 2004. -- abstract -- slides
2003 - Agile All-Photonic Networks, invited talk at the OPRA Workshop "Optical Communications - Can we tame the light?" at CRC, Ottawa. -- slides
2002 - Quality of service issues for world-wide mobile telephony ( G.v. Bochmann ), invited presentation at the ITU Seminar on IMT-2000 and systems beyond, Ottawa, May 2002. -- slides
2001 - Web server performance, invited talk at a workshop of the IBM CASCON Conference, Toronto.
2000 - E-commerce technologies, invited talk at a workshop of the IBM CASCON Conference, Toronto.
1998 - La gestion de la qualité de service au niveau applicatif, invited presentation at Intern. NOTERE conference, Montreal, 1998. -- copy
1997 - Tutorial on protocol testing, invited presentation at the 15th Braz. Computer Networks Symposium in San Carlos, Brazil.
1997 - Tutorial on protocol testing, invited presentation at the SDL Forum conference, Evry, France.
1994 - L’importance de la recherche et du dévelopement pour l’évolution de l’industrie des télécommunications, presentation given at "Telecommunications" conference organized by the International Research Institute, Montreal, March 1994
1993 - invited presentation at Beijing Intern. Advanced Seminar on Computer Technology, organized by China Academy of Electronics Industry Development.
1992 - Tutorial on Object-Oriented Modelling of OSI and Distr. Processing Applications, invited presentation at the Intern. Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications.
1991 - Nouveaux développements en télécommunications et la modélisation de nouveaux services, Presentation at Salon de l'informatique et de la bureautique, Trois-Rivières, Febr. 1991 (invited)
1990 - invited talk at the OSI Roundtable Discussion, organized by GMD, Darmstadt, Germany (see article Online ADI Nachrichten, Dec. 1990, pp. 16)
1986 - invited talk at the NATO workshop on interworking between OSI and DARPA protocols, organized by STC, Den Hague, Netherlands.
1985 - invited talk at the International Military Protocol Testing Workshop, organized by CRC, Ottawa.
1984 - Microelectronics and computer applications in the area of signalling and control, (36 pages), invited paper at Symposium on Application of Microelectronics to Transportation, NSERC/Transport Canada, Oct. 1984, Ottawa
1983 - invited 3-hour lecture in the context of the summer course onLocal Area Networks, Strathclyde Univerity, Glasgow, UK.
1983 - invited presentation at the Ecole d'été d'informatique, organized at the Université Laval, Québec City.
1979 - invited talk at a two-day seminar on "Systèmes d'informatique répartis" organized by CIPS/DPMA/FIQ in Quebec.
1978 - invited talk at the FIQ congress, Quebec City (see report in Info-Québec, Vol. 3, No. 3).
1978 - invited speaker at the workshop "From Computer Systems to Networks" organized by IBM Research, Zurich, Switzerland.
2005 - Sharing the bandwidth of a wavelength - Burst switching with and without reservation ( G.v. Bochmann ), Second Workshop on Optimization of Optical Networks, Centre de recherche sur les transport (CRT), Université de Montréal, April 14-15, 2005.
2002 - Synthesis of communication systems ( G.v. Bochmann ), tutorial at Concordia Summer School on Communication Software Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, August 2002.
2001 - Multiplexing scheme for RTP flows between access routers ( K. El-Khatib, G. Luo and G. v. Bochmann ), Proceedings of the 45-th Internet Engineering Task Force, Oslo, Norway, 2001 (an "Internet Draft")
2000 - Quality of service management for distributed multi-media applications ( G.v. Bochmann ), Dagstuhl Seminar 00191 on Quality of Service in Networks and Distributed Systems, May 2000, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
1997 - New models for applying automatic reconfiguration in networks and distributed systems ( P. Dini, G. v. Bochmann and R. Boutaba ), in the First European Conference on Intelligent Management Systems in Operations, 1997, pp. 163-170 -- copy
1994 - Quality of service verification experiments ( A. Hafid, J. D. Meer, A. Rennoch, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Applications and Quality of Service Verification, Montreal, June 1994
1994 - On controlling distributed communiation systems ( A. Khoumsi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), Proc. ACFAS workshop on "Méthodes mathématiques pour la synthèse des systèmes informatiques", Montreal, May 1994, pp. 29-44 -- copy
1994 - Sommes-nous prets pour l'orientation objet ? ( G. v. Bochmann ), Panel presentation at the workshop "L'approche orientee objet: mode d'informaticiens ou necessite organisationnelle?", GIRICO, Montreal, May 1994
1991 - Le projet MMS: l'informatique artificielle appliquée à l'implantation et au test de logiciels industriels ( J. Vaucher, G. v. Bochmann, B. Levebvre, S. Desmarais and P. Gamache ), présenté au Congrès de l'ACFAS, May 1991, Sherbrooke, Québec
1991 - An experience with an object-oriented methodology to design a network element controller ( M. Barbeau, P. d. Saqui-Sannes and G. v. Bochmann ), Position Paper for OOPSLA'91 Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems, 1991
1989 - La dérivation de spécifications de protocoles à partir de spécifications de services de communication ( G. v. Bochmann ), Colloque des Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier "Les Systèmes parallèles et distribués", Lyon, Dec. 1989
1989 - Research projects in the area of conformance testing ( G. v. Bochmann ), presented at the 2-nd Annual Conference of CIGOS (Can. Interest Group on OSI), Quebec City, Oct. 1989
1988 - Formal models of protocols - limitations and future ( G. v. Bochmann ), panel presentation at IFIP Symp. on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, Atlantic City, USA, June 1988
1988 - Test coordination procedures for ferry architectures ( G. v. Bochmann ), First Intern. Workshop on Protocol Test Systems, Vancouver, Oct. 1988.
1987 - Scénario pour un système en éducation ( G. v. Bochmann and C. Frasson et al. ), 55-th ACFAS Congress, Ottawa, May 1987
1986 - Interconnection des réseaux et relais de transport ( C. Kawa, A. Jacques and G. v. Bochmann ), 54e Congrès de l'ACFAS, May 1986, Montréal
1985 - Semi-automatic implementation of Transport and Session protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Proc. 3-rd Int. Conf. on Introduction of OSI Standards (Depart. Trade and Ind., UK), Cambridge, Sept. 1985
1984 - National Library of Canada interligrary loan (ILL) protocol and ILL workstation ( G. v. Bochmann and L. Swain ), Proc. of Conf. on Introduction of High Level Protocol Standards for OSI, Department of Communications, Ottawa, 1984, pp. 599-600
1984 - Formal description techniques ( G. v. Bochmann ), Second International Conference on Introduction of Open Systems Interconnection Standards, Ottawa, May 1984
1984 - Protocol validation and testing ( G. v. Bochmann ), Second International Conference on Introduction of Open Systems Interconnection Standards, Ottawa, May 1984
1983 - Un logiciel de banque de données pour l'enseignement assisté par ordinateur ( D. Berger and G. v. Bochmann ), Congrès ACFAS, 1983
1983 - Higher-level protocols are not necessarily end-to-end ( G. v. Bochmann ), panel presentation at ACM SIGCOMM Symposium, Austin, 1983, Proc. pp... This article was reviewed in Infocom Standards, McGraw Hill, Vol.2, No.4 (April 1983), pp.66-67
1983 - Testing of Transport Protocol Implementations ( G. v. Bochmann ), presentation at the Intern. Workshop on OSI Protocol Testing, Paris, June 1983
1982 - Database structures and query methods for videotex systems ( G. v. Bochmann, J. Gecsei, F. Tompa and A. J. S. Ball ), 11th Biennial Symp. on Communications, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. (May 1982), Proc. pp. B-2.9
1982 - Videotex database structures ( G. v. Bochmann ), Implementing Telidon conference (Socioscope Inc.), Ottawa, May 1982
1981 - Un modèle de transition pour la spécification formelle de protocoles de communication ( G. v. Bochmann and A. Leveille ), Actes des journées d'études sur les protocoles..., juin 1981, Paris, AFCET, 1981
1981 - On the theoretical power of some testing methods ( G. v. Bochmann ), INWG/NPL Workshop (First conference of the PSTV series), May 1981, London, (1981), National Phys. Lab., Proc. Vol. II, pp. l5-23
1981 - Videotex and Teletex ( G. v. Bochmann ), First Latin American Symposium on Computer Networks (OAS/NSTC), Mexico, 1981
1980 - On the contruction of submodule specifications ( G. v. Bochmann ), Verification Workshop, SRI International, Calif. USA, April 1980, ACM SE Notes 5, No. 3 (July 1980), pp. 36
1980 - Summary of current research ( G. v. Bochmann ), Workshop on Fundamental Issues in Distributed Computing (ACM), Dec. 1980, Calif. USA
1979 - Videotex and libraries ( A. J. S. Ball, J. Gecsei and G. v. Bochmann ), WCC ASIS Annual Conf., 1979, Regina
1979 - Low-cost Educational Micro-computer Network ( G. v. Bochmann, E. Cerny, J. Gecsei and B. Sauvageau ), MIMI conference, Montréal, 1979
1979 - Combining assertions and states for the validation of process communication ( G. v. Bochmann ), Protocol Verification Workshop (DARPA/NBS), Washington, USA, March 1979
1977 - Panel presentation on computer communication protocol verification ( G. v. Bochmann ), IFIP Congress 1977, Toronto
1977 - Use of formal specifications in protocol validation ( G. v. Bochmann ), 16-th Annual Lake Arrowhead Workshop on Current Issues in Computer Networking and Distributed Databases, Aug. 1977, Calif. USA
1974 - Un générateur de compilateurs pour l'analyse syntaxique descendante ( P. Ward and G. v. Bochmann ), Congrès de l'ACFAS, Québec, 1974, Proc. p.131
1973 - Compiler Generation for Attribute Grammars ( G.v. Bochmann ), project description published in the proceedings of some ACM workshop -- copy
1972 - Une définition syntactico-sémantique des langages pour un système d'écriture de compilateurs ( G. v. Bochmann ), Congrès de l'ACFAS, Ottawa, 1972
1971 - Un programme général pour les réactions à hautes énergies sur les noyaux ( G. v. Bochmann ), Congrès de l'ACFAS, Sherbrooke, 1971
2019 - Muller transition automata for describing infinite execution sequences and their determination (G.v. Bochmann and M. Fränzle), unpublished report -- copy
2009 - Direct Realizability ( H.N. Castejón, G.v. Bochmann, Rolv Bræk ), unpublished report -- copy
2009 - GeoP2P - An Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Overlay for Efficient Search and Update of Spatial Information ( S. Asaduzzaman, G.v. Bochmann ), unpublised manuscript -- copy
2008 - Deriving component designs from global service and workflow specifications (G.v. Bochmann ), unpublised manuscript -- copy
2004 - Performance evaluation of the preemtpive bandwidth allocation multicast protocol ( N. Chefai, G. v. Bochmann and N. D. Georganas ), submitted for publication
2002 - Performance measurements of load sharing algorithms for distributed Web servers ( M.-V. M. Salem, J. Chen and G. v. Bochmann ), unpublised manuscript
2001 - Device selection by a personal proxy in a PAN, based on the user profile and device capabilities ( N. Hadibi, K. El-Khatib, G.v. Bochmann ), submitted to MATA conference on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 2001.
2000 - Activity Nets - A UML profile for modeling workflow and business processes ( G.v. Bochmann ), Report prepared for DMR, Montreal -- copy
2000 - Quality of service negotiation based on device capabilities and user preferences ( K. El-Khatib, X. He and G. v. Bochmann ), unpublished manuscript -- copy
2000 - Modeling and analysis of cooperative QoS management ( L. Mekouar, S. Fischer, A. Hafid and G. v. Bochmann ), Interoperable Communication Networks, Special Issue on Interop. Multimedia Networks, to be published in 2000. APPEARENTLY NEVER PUBLISHED
2000 - A Communication Services Infrastructure Including Home Directory Agents ( X. He, K. El-Khatib and G. b. Bochmann ), unpublised manuscript
1999 - Submodule construction for systems of I-O automata ( J. Drissi and G. v. Bochmann ), unpublished manuscript, Publication départementale P#1133, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal -- copy
1999 - Submodule construction for systems of timed I-O automata ( J. Drissi and G. v. Bochmann ), unpublished manuscript -- copy
1999 - A Scalable architecture for QoS provision in electronic commerce application ( M. Mohamed-Salem, G. v. Bochmann and J. Wong ), unpublised manuscript
1998 - Object Naming and Object Composition ( D. Ramazani, G. v. Bochmann and P. Flocchini ), -- copy
1998 - Dénombrement des régions d'horloges pour les automates temproisés ( A. Elqortobi, A. Ennouary and G.v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#1116, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1998 -- copy
1998 - On the design of a submodule based on the input-output FSM model ( J.Drissi, N. Yevtushenko, A. Petrenko and G.v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#1120, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1998 -- copy
1997 - Deriving tests with fault coverage for specifications in the form of labeled transition systems ( Q. M. Tan, A. Petrenko and G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#1073, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1997 -- copy
1996 - Dynamic constraints specification of object interactions within distributed systems ( P. Dini, G. v. Bochmann and I. Hamid ), Technical report in Dynamic Modification of Distributed Systems Specification Using Object-Oriented techniques, Project 06044195, the Ministry of Science, Culture, and Education of Japan, Japan, March 1996
1996 - Agent based management of distributed systems with variable polling frequency policies ( P. Dini, G. v. Bochmann, T. Koch and B. Kraemer ), unpublised manuscript
1996 - A case study of conformance and interoperability testing: AAL 3/4 layer implementations ( Y. Benkhellat, R.Dssouli and G. v. Bochmann ), unpublised manuscript -- copy
1995 - On quality of service negotiation for distributed multimedia applications ( A. Hafid, G. v. Bochmann, B. Kerhervé, R. Dssouli and J. Gescei ), publication départementale P#977, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1995
1995 - A framework for configuration management: architectural considerations and issues ( P. Dini and G. v. Bochmann ), IGLOO Deliverable, Technical Report
1995 - Modelling QoS multimedia costs in distributed systems ( P. Dini and G. v. Bochmann ), accepted, but not presented in IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Pittsburg USA, April 1995
1994 - On news-on-demand service implementation ( A. Hafid, A. Bibal, G. v. Bochmann, T. Burdin, R. Dssouli, J. Gecsei, B. Kerherve and Q. Vu ), publication départementale P#928, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal,1994
1994 - A systematic and optimized method for designing protocols for real-time applications ( A. Khoumsi, G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli and A. Ghedamsi ), Publication départementale P#900, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, avril 1994 -- copy
1994 - Experiments on nondeterministic systems for the reduction relation ( A. Petrenko, N. Yevtushenko and G. v. Bochmann ), Technical report 932. -- copy
1994 - A Conceptual Framework for Object Composition and Behavior Description ( D. Ramazani and G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#949, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, novembre 1994 -- copy
1994 - Common concepts for object-oriented analysis and design ( G. v. Bochmann and P. Dini et al. ), Deliverable M.a.2, IGLOO project, Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montreal, Jan. 1994.
1994 - A metric approach to measuring fault coverage of software testing in respect to the FSM model ( M. Yao, A. Petrenko and G. v. Bochmann ), -- copy
1993 - Diagnosing multiple faults in finite state machines ( A. Ghedamsi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), publication départementale P#859, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, janvier 1993 -- copy
1993 - On QoS negotiation in distributed multimedia applications ( A. Vogel, G. v. Bochmann, R. Dssouli, J. Gecsei, A. Hafid and B. Kerhervé ), publication départementale P#891, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1993, publication version of [Kerh 94b]
1993 - Object-oriented testing - Aspects to test ( E. H. Htite, R. Dssouli, G. v. Bochmann and A. Ghedamsi ), -- copy
1993 - Specialization of object behaviors and requirement specifications ( G. v. Bochmann and R. Gotzhein ), publication départementale P#853, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, janvier 1993 -- copy
1993 - Abstract dynamic modelling of complex systems ( G. v. Bochmann ), Techn. Report P#863, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, Febr. 1993. -- copy
1993 - Validation of distributed rendezvous algorithms through simulation ( Q. Gao, R. Groz, G. v. Bochmann, E.-H. Htite and J. Dargham ), publication départementale P#854, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, janvier 1993
1993 - A solution for a special case of the submodule construction problem and its application to protocol conversion ( Z. P. Tao, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ),
1993 - Formal methods for protocol conversion: principles, current practice and future directions ( Z. P. Tao, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ),
1992 - Diagnostic tests for finite state machines ( A. Ghedamsi and G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#807, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1992
1992 - Multiple inheritance in the form of reduction ( F. Khendek, G. v. Bochmann and R. Gotzhein ), unpublished document -- copy
1992 - Generating tests for communication software modeled by partially-specified finite state machines ( G. Luo, A. Petrenko and G. v. Bochmann ), -- copy
1992 - Test generation for concurrent programs modeled by communicating nondeterministic finite state machines ( G. Luo, G. v. Bochmann and A. Das ), publication départementale P#823, Dépt. IRO, université de Montréal, 1992 -- copy
1992 - Testing concurrent programs specified in SDL ( G. Luo, G. v. Bochmann, A. Das and A. Ghedamsi ), unpublished document
1992 - Décomposition et simulation d'architectures distribuées: Phase I ( G. v. Bochmann, A. Debaque, R. Dssouli, A. Jaoua, R. Keller, N. Rico and F. Saba ), Technical Report, CRIM/DMR Macroscope, Volet Architecture Plus
1992 - Décomposition et simulation d'architectures distribuées: Phase II ( G. v. Bochmann, A. Debaque, R. Dssouli, A. Jaoua, R. Keller, N. Rico and F. Saba ), Technical Report, CRIM/DMR Macroscope, Volet Architecture Plus
1992 - Décomposition et simulation d'architectures distribuées: Phase III ( G. v. Bochmann, A. Debaque, R. Dssouli, A. Jaoua, R. Keller, N. Rico and F. Saba ), Technical Report, CRIM/DMR Macroscope, Volet Architecture Plus
1992 - A new method for architectural modelling and dynamic analysis of information systems and business processes ( G. v. Bochmann, A. Debaque, R. Dssouli, A. Jaoua, R. Keller, N. Rico and F. Saba ), Publication du CRIM P#CRIM-92/12-07
1992 - Type evolution in a reflective object-oriented language ( M. Erradi, G. v. Bochmann and I. A. Hamid ), publication départementale P#827, Dépt. IRO, université de Montréal, 1992 -- copy
1992 - Semantics and implementation of type dynamic modifications ( M. Erradi, G. v. Bochmann and R. Dssouli ), publication départementale P#813, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1992 -- copy
1992 - Automatic test result analysis for high-level specifications ( O. B. Bellal, G. v. Bochmann, M. Dubuc and F. Saba ), publication départementale P#800, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1992 -- copy
1991 - Execution of LOTOS specifications in a distributed environment ( C. Wu, G. v. Bochmann, O. B. Bellal and Q. Gao ), publication départementale P#792, Dépt. IRO, université de Montréal, 1991 -- copy
1991 - The description of the specification language Mondel V1 ( G. v. Bochmann and e. al. ), Technical Report, CRIM/BNR Project, Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montreal, April 1991
1991 - On the specialization of object behaviors ( G. v. Bochmann ), révision de la publication départementale P#687
1991 - Test suite design for the ISDN D-Channel Q.931 signaling protocol from an Estelle specification ( M. Amalou and G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#759, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1991 -- copy
1991 - Formal semantics and formal verification of object-oriented specifications based on the colored Petri Net model ( M. Barbeau and G. v. Bochmann ), Technical Report P#784, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1991
1991 - Object-oriented specifications in OSI and distributed processing ( M. Barbeau, G. v. Bochmann and J. M. Serre ), publication départementale P#798, Dépt. IRO, université de Montréal, 1991 -- copy
1991 - Testing non-deterministic finite state machines ( S. Fujiwara and G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#758, Dépt. IRO, université de Montréal, 1991
1991 - Error recovery with Yacc ( Louis Lecompte, G.v. Bochmann ), unpublished document -- outline
1990 - Implementation support tools for OSI Application layer protocols ( G. v. Bochmann, D. Ouimet and G. Neufeld ), publication départementale P#720, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1990 -- copy
1990 - Mondel - An object-oriented specification language ( G. v. Bochmann, M. Barbeau, M. Erradi, L. Lecomte, P. Mondain-Monval and N. Williams ), Techn. Report P#748, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1990 -- copy
1990 - Simulation and testing tools for the MAP MMS protocol ( G. v. Bochmann, S. Desmarais, P. Gamache, B. Lefebvre and J. Vaucher ), Deliverable D5, CRIM-IBM research project "Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS)", August 1990
1990 - Un modèle orienté-objet pour le système de transmission NT FD-565 ( L. Lecomte, P. Mondain-Monval and G. v. Bochmann ), Progress Report Document no. 8 for CRIM/BNR project, June 1990
1990 - Deriving analysable Petri Nets from LOTOS specifications ( M. Barbeau and G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#707, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, jan. 1990 -- copy
1990 - Formal verification of object-oriented specifications in Mondel using a coloured Petrinet-based technique ( M. Barbeau and G. v. Bochmann ), unpublished document
1990 - Object-oriented model for the OSI reference model ( P. Mondain-Monval and G. v. Bochmann ), Technical Report P#736, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1990.
1989 - An Interactive System for the Specification of ADA-Based Design and Implementation Interactive Systems ( A. ElIraki, G. Lapalme and G. v. Bochmann ), unpublished document
1989 - Object-oriented databases: Modelling and specification of applications in the field of network management ( G. v. Bochmann and e. al. ), Report for research contract CRIM/BNR, April 1989
1989 - Prospects for the use of formal and knowledge methods in the development and documentation of OSI protocols ( G. v. Bochmann, P. Gamache and B. Lefebvre ), deliverable D1 for Research Project IBM-CRIM, Oct. 1989 (89 pages)
1989 - Inheritance for objects with concurrency ( G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#687, Dépt. IRO, université de Montréal, 1989
1989 - A virtual ring algorithm for the distributed implementation of multi-rendezvous ( Q. Gao and G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#675, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, 1989
1988 - Application Examples for Lupin ( A. Bean, G. Bochmann, M. Barbeau, A. Finkel, M. Erradi and L. Lecomte ), BNR-CRIM Project, Progress Report Document no. 3, nov.1988
1988 - Experience with Semiautomatic Protocol Implementations ( G. v. Bochmann, J.-L. Landry, D. Ouimet and J.-M. Serre ), Publication départementale P#665, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, avril 1988
1988 - Impact of queued interactions on protocol specification and verification ( G.v. Bochmann and A. Finkel ), Publication départementale P#650, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal,1988 -- copy
1987 - Comparison of SDL and Estelle in view of finding a usable language subset and compatible tools ( G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for Siemens, München, June 1987 (26 pages)
1987 - Principles of Protocol Conversion and Communication Gateways ( G. v. Bochmann ), Publication départementale P#624, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal,1987
1987 - Formale Beschreibungsmethoden: Eine Einfuehrung und ihre Anwendung auf ein Fallbeispiel ( K. Petz and G. v. Bochmann ), (in german) prepared for Siemens, München, 1987
1986 - Formal specification of Transport protocol test cases ( B. Sarikaya, J. M. Serre, M. Maksud and G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for DOC (4ER.36100-5-0149), April 1986
1986 - Evaluation of Transport protocols ( G. v. Bochmann and C. Tropper ), Final report, prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for DOC Canada, 200 pages, Oct. 1986
1986 - Transport Relays ( G. v. Bochmann, A. Jacques and C. Kawa ), Publication départementale P#556, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal,1986
1986 - A system for testing Transport protocol implementations ( G. v. Bochmann, M. Maksud, B. Sarikaya and J. M. Serre ), Document de travail D#179, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, prepared under contract for DOC (4ER.36100-5-0149), April 1986
1986 - Formal description techniques: Considerations for their use ( G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for Siemens AG, Muenchen, Dec. 1986
1986 - Methods and Tools for the Design and Validation of Protocol Specifications and Implementations ( G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#596, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, CERBO Informatique Inc., prepared for DOC Canada, 1986
1986 - Protocol implementation and testing ( G. v. Bochmann ), Final Report, prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for DOC (4ER.36100-5-0149), April 1986
1986 - A parameterized specification of the OSI Transport protocol class 4 ( J. M. Serre, G. v. Bochmann, M. Maksud and B. Sarikaya ), University of Montreal, prepared under contract for DOC (4ER.36100-5-0149), April 1986
1986 - A Parametrized Implementation of the Class 4 Transport Protocol ( J. M. Serre, M. Maksud, G. v. Bochmann and B. Sarikaya ), Document de travail P#178, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, avril 1986
1986 - Tests for the class 4 Transport protocol ( M. Maksud, B. Sarikaya, J. M. Serre and G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for CERBO Informaique Inc. under contract for DOC (4ER.36100-5-0149), April 1986
1985 - Test derivation for the class 4 Transport protocol ( B. Sarikaya, E. Cerny and G. v. Bochmann ), CERBO Informatique Inc. prepared for DOC contract OST84-00362, July 1985 (49 pages)
1985 - Operations Manual for the ILL Testing Facility ( G. v. Bochmann, A. Carriere and E. Cerny ), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for the National Library of Canada, April 1985
1985 - Formal Description Techniques for Protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Final Report, DOC University research contract, March 1985
1985 - Protocol Implementation and Testing ( G. v. Bochmann ), Final Report, prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for DOC (OST84-00362), July 1985
1985 - Study on the use of the ASN1 notation and coding scheme for library application protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for the National Library of Canada, Sept. 1985
1985 - Testing of protocol implementations for library applications ( G. v. Bochmann ), prepared under contract for the National Library of Canada, April 1985
1984 - Bibliographic File Transfer Protocol Specifications ( D. A. MacKinnon and G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for Computer Gateways Inc. under contract for the National Library of Canada, March 1984
1984 - ILL testing facility: Design Specification ( D. Berger, G. v. Bochmann and E. Cerny ), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for the National Library of Canada, Febr. 1984 (26 pages)
1984 - ILL test sequences ( E. Cerny and G. V. Bochmann ), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for the National Library of Canada, 1984
1984 - Final Report for contract OST83-00082 ( G. v. Bochmann and e. al. ), CERBO Informatique Inc. prepared for DOC, March 1984
1984 - Study of performance parameters for the Network service ( G. v. Bochmann and J. Vaucher ), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract OST83-00311 for the Department of Communications, Canada, 1984
1984 - Assessment of high-level protocol standards ( G. v. Bochmann, R. Chung and D. Mackinnon ), (294 pages), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for the World Bank, 1984
1984 - Comparison of DOD and ISO/CCITT Transport layers ( G. V. Bochmann ), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for the Department of Communications, Dec. 1984
1984 - Example of a Network service specification ( G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract OST83-00311 for the Department of Communications, Canada, 1984
1984 - Formal Description Techniques for Protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Final report for DOC contract, Universite de Montreal, 1984
1984 - Formal descriptions of Transport protocols and performance parameters ( G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for the Department of Communications, Dec. 1984
1984 - Performance statements in Subgroup B specifications ( G. v. Bochmann ), Report for DOC research contract oST83-00082, CERBO Informatique Inc., Feb. 1984
1984 - Access protocol to external Videotex database ( J. Barchanski, G. v. Bochmann, P. Desjardins, J. Gecsei and J.-L. Landry ), Publication départementale P#500, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, février 1984
1984 - A simulation tool for formal specifications ( J. Vaucher and G. v. Bochmann ), (27pages + annexes), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for the Department of Communications Canada, 1984
1984 - Evolving towards OSI in banking ( R. J. A. Buhr, D. A. Mackinnon, A. R. Kaye and G. v. Bochmann ), (87 pages), prepared for Computer Gateways Inc., under contract to DOC, Canada, 1984
1983 - Bibliographic file transfer service specification ( D. A. MacKinnon and G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for Computer Gateways Inc. under contract for the National Library of Canada, 1983
1983 - ILL service specification ( D. A. MacKinnon, R. J. A. Buhr and G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for Computer Gateways Inc. under contract for the National Library of Canada, 1983
1983 - An experimenal protocol implementation testing system ( E. Cerny and G. v. Bochmann ), (32 pages), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for DOC Canada, Jan. 1983
1983 - A parser for an FDT language ( G. Gerber and G. v. Bochmann ), document de travail P#139, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, avril 1983
1983 - ILL Testing Facility, Work Plan ( G. v. Bochmann and E. Cerny ), (31 pages), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for the National Library of Canada, 1983
1983 - Implementation test plan for the BIG File Transfer Protocol ( G. V. Bochmann and E. Cerny ), (138 pages), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for the Nat. Library of Canada, Febr. 1983
1983 - Example of a Transport protocol specification (revised) ( G. v. Bochmann ), Annex 1, Final Report, DOC research contract OST82-0092, March 1983. Also Doc. de travail #146, Dépt. d'IRO, Univ. de Montréal
1983 - Examples of Transport Service Specifications ( G. v. Bochmann ), Document de travail P#145, Dépt IRO, Université de Montréal. Also submitted to ISO and CCITT working groups on FDT
1983 - Examples of Transport Protocol Specifications ( G. v. Bochmann ), Document de travail #146, Dept. IRO, Université de Montréal. Also submitted to ISO and CCITT working groups on FDT
1983 - Formal description techniques for protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Final report, DOC research contract OSU82-00218 (160 pages), 1983
1982 - Experimental implementation of the class 0 Transport protocol ( A. Leveille and G. v. Bochmann ), (28 pages), prepared for Dendronic Decisions Ltd under contract for DOC Canada, Febr. 1982
1982 - Protocol assessment ( G. v. Bochmann and E. Cerny ), (40 pages), prepared under contract for Department of Communications Canada, Febr. 1982
1982 - Formalized specification and analysis of a Virtual File system ( G. v. Bochmann, L. Henckel and R. P. -Zeletin ), Report HMI-B367 (1982), Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin
1982 - Example of a Transport protocol specification ( G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for CERBO Informatique Inc. under contract for Department of Communications Canada, Oct. 1982
1982 - Example of Transport protocol specifications ( G. v. Bochmann ), contribution to ISO TC97/SC16/WG1ad hoc group on FDT, Twente-3, 1982. Originally prepared under contract for COST 11 bis (CEE)
1982 - Formal description techniques for protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), Final Report, DOC research contract CR-CS-1982-0033 (165 pages), 1982
1982 - A file transfer service for the Bibliographic Interest Group ( R. J. A. Buhr, D. A. MakKinnon and G. v. Bochmann ), prepared for Computer Gateways Inc. under contract for the National Library of Canada, April 1982 (180 pages)
1982 - Implementation guidelines for the BCIG File Transfer Protocol ( R. J. H. Buhr, D. A. MacKinnon and G. V. Bochmann ), (207 pages), prepared for Computer Gateways Inc. under contract for the Nat. Library of Canada, 1982
1982 - Memory structures for videotex systems ( R. N. Horspool and G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#454 (91 pages), Dépt. IRO.,Université de Montréal, 1982
1981 - Analysis and evaluation of two formal description techniques for specifying high-level computer network protocols ( G. v. Bochmann ), and "Proposed revisions...", prepared for SRI International under contract for the US Nat. Bur. of Standards, 1981
1981 - The application of current database technology to videotex ( F. W. Tompa, J. Gecsei and G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#414, (49 pages), Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, prepared for the DOC of the Government of Canada, June 1981.
1981 - A study of formal description techniques ( G. v. Bochmann ), (63 pages), March 1981, Final Report, research contract for Department of Communications Canada.
1981 - Overview of Protocols in Distributed Videotex Systems ( G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#413 (46 pages), Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, prepared for the DOC of the Government of Canada, May 1981
1980 - Open systems interworking: Specification of protocols and interfaces ( G. v. Bochmann ), (30 pages), Final Report, research contract for Department of Communications, Canada, 1980
1980 - High-level modular hardware design and interface ( G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#393, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, décembre 1980
1980 - On the construction of communication protocols and module specifications ( P. Merlin and G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#352, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, janvier 1980
1979 - Database structures for videotex applications ( J. Gecsei and G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#348, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, novembre 1979
1979 - Formalized methods for protocol and interface descriptions ( G. v. Bochmann ), (40 pages), Final Report, research contract for DOC Canada, 1979
1979 - Possible database structures for future applications of videotex terminals ( G. v. Bochmann ), (40 pages), prepared under contract for DOC Canada, 1979
1979 - Towards an understanding of distributed and parallel systems ( G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#317, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, mars 1979
1978 - Message Link Protocol: functional specification ( G. V. Bochmann and F. H. Vogt ), (39 pages), prepared for Hahn-Meitner-Institut (Report HMI-B 284), Berlin, 1978
1977 - Datagrams as a public packet-switched data transmission service ( G. v. Bochmann and P. Goyer ), (53 pages), prepared under contract for DOC Canada, 1977
1977 - Study of standard issues for access protocols of public data networks ( G. v. Bochmann ), (77 pages), prepared under contract for DOC Canada, 1977
1977 - The Frame Mode DTE interface ( G. v. Bochmann ), (47 pages), prepared under contract for DOC Canada, 1977
1977 - Synchronization in distributed systems ( G. v. Bochmann ), publication départementale P#259, Dépt. IRO, Université de Montréal, juillet 1977
1976 - Compatibility study of packet-switched data networks ( G. v. Bochmann ), (65 pages), prepared under contract for DOC Canada, 1976