Overview of
AAPN's objectives
AAPN's technology
vision embraces all of the essential elements that are
required to realize all-photonic networks of the future.
Current telecommunication networks already exploit the power
of light for signal transmission via the movement of photons
over fibre. However, pulses of light, originating in
electrical commands by users, are currently converted back
into electrical signals at various stages in the communication
process, notably during switching and also during the
regeneration of the signals at specific points during
long-haul transmission which is necessary to maintain the
integrity of a signal. These optical-electronic conversions
add greatly to the costs of network operation, require large
amounts of power, and limit scalability - in essence, they are
bottlenecks in today's optical communications
The prospect of an all-photonic network which
limits electronics technology to network access points only is
a widely recognized and sought-after objective within the
global telecommunications industry.
Any practical
paradigm for achieving this vision contains the following key
ingredients: agility, that is, the ability to perform time
domain multiplexing to dynamically allocate bandwidth to
traffic flows as the demand varies; control and routing
functionality concentrated at the edge switches that surround
the photonic core, and; rapidly reconfigurable all-photonic
space-switching in the core. We refer to such networks as
Agile All-Photonic Networks
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