Read Strunk and White, Elements of Style. Again.
Give the paper to somebody else to read. If you can, find two people: one person familiar with the technical matter, another only generally familiar with the area.
Papers can be divided roughly into two categories, namely original research papers and survey papers. There are papers that combine the two elements, but most publication venues either only accept one or the other type or require the author to identify whether the paper should be evaluated as a research contribution or a survey paper. (Most research papers contain a "related work" section that can be considered a survey, but it is usually brief compared to the rest of the paper.)
A good research paper has a clear statement of the problem the paper is addressing, the proposed solution(s), and results achieved. It describes clearly what has been done before on the problem, and what is new.
The goal of a paper is to describe novel technical results. There are four types of technical results:
One goal of the paper is to ensure that the next person who designs a system like yours doesn't make the same mistakes and takes advantage of some of your best solutions. So make sure that the hard problems (and their solutions) are discussed and the non-obvious mistakes (and how to avoid them) are discussed. (Craig Partridge)
The body should contain sufficient motivation, with at least one example scenario, preferably two, with illustrating figures, followed by a crisp generic problem statement model, i.e., functionality, particularly emphasizing "new" functionality. The paper may or may not include formalisms, O(n) kinds of characterizations go here, not in evaluation.
Architecture of proposed system(s) to achieve this model should be more generic than your own peculiar implementation. Always include at least one figure.
Realization: contains actual implementation details when implementing architecture isn't totally straightforward. Mention briefly implementation language, platform, location, dependencies on other packages and minimum resource usage if pertinent.
Evaluation: How does it really work in practice? Provide real or simulated performance metrics, end-user studies, mention external technology adoptors if any, etc.
It is recommended that you write the approach and results sections first, which go together. Then problem section, if it is separate from the introduction. Then the conclusions, then the intro. Write the intro last since it glosses the conclusions in one of the last paragraphs. Finally, write the abstract. Last, give your paper a title.
Here at the institute for computer research, me and my colleagues have created the SUPERGP system and have applied it to several toy problems. We had previously fumbled with earlier versions of SUPERGPSYSTEM for a while. This system allows the programmer to easily try lots of parameters, and problems, but incorporates a special constraint system for parameter settings and LISP S-expression parenthesis counting.
The search space of GP is large and many things we are thinking about putting into the supergpsystem will make this space much more colorful.
Many new domains for genetic programming require evolved programs to be executed for longer amounts of time. For example, it is beneficial to give evolved programs direct access to low-level data arrays, as in some approaches to signal processing \cite{teller5}, and protein segment classification \cite{handley,koza6}. This type of system automatically performs more problem-specific engineering than a system that accesses highly preprocessed data. However, evolved programs may require more time to execute, since they are solving a harder task.
(PREVIOUS OR OBVIOUS APPROACH: (Note that you can also have a related work section that gives more details about previous work.)) One way to control the execution time of evolved programs is to impose an absolute time limit. However, this is too constraining if some test cases require more processing time than others. To use computation time efficiently, evolved programs must take extra time when it is necessary to perform well, but also spend less time whenever possible.
(APPROACH/SOLUTION/CONTRIBUTION. THE *FIRST* SENTENCE OF A PARAGRAPH LIKE THIS SHOULD SAY WHAT THE CONTRIBUTION IS. ALSO GLOSS THE RESULTS.) In this chapter, we introduce a method that gives evolved programs the incentive to strategically allocate computation time among fitness cases. Specifically, with an {\it aggregate computation time ceiling} imposed over a series of fitness cases, evolved programs dynamically choose when to stop processing each fitness case. We present experiments that show that programs evolved using this form of fitness take less time per test case on average, with minimal damage to domain performance. We also discuss the implications of such a time constraint, as well as its differences from other approaches to {\it multiobjective problems}. The dynamic use of resources other than computation time, e.g. memory or fuel, may also result from placing an aggregate limit over a series of fitness cases.
(OVERVIEW:) The following section surveys related work in both optimizing the execution time of evolved programs and evolution over Turing-complete representations. Next we introduce the game Tetris as a test problem. This is followed by a description of the aggregate computation time ceiling, and its application to Tetris in particular. We then present experimental results, discuss other current efforts with Tetris, and end with conclusions and future work.
verbose, weak verbs, bad | short, strong, good |
make assumption | assume |
is a function of | depends on |
is an illustration | illustrates |
is a requirement | requires, need to |
There are two service models, integrated and differentiated service. Integrated service follows the German approach that anything that isn't explicitly allowed is verboten. It strictly regulates traffic, but also makes the trains run on time. Differentiated service follows the Animal Farm appraoch, where some traffic is more equal than others. It seems simpler, until one has to worry about proletariat traffic dressing up as the aristocracy.
Etc.: Not to be used of persons. Equivalent to and the rest, and so forth, and hence not to be used if one of these would be insufficient, that is, if the reader would be left in doubt as to any important particulars. Least open to objection when it represents the last terms of a list already given in full, or immaterial words at the end of a quotation. At the end of a list introduced by such as, for example, or any similar expression, etc. is incorrect.
\usepackage{graphics} ... \begin{figure} \resizebox{!}{0.5\textheight}{\includegraphics{foo.eps}} \caption{Some figure} \label{fig:figure} \end{figure}
It is hard to generalize the review process for conferences, but most reputable conferences operate according to these basic rules:
This is an amazing little book that you can read in a few hours. Your writing style will never be the same afterwards. This $8 book is the best investment you can ever make.
This is a great book that expands on Strunk&White. It has more examples, and was written by an author who edited numerous technical publications, many of which were in computer science.
This is the bible for American academic style. It's long and heavy, but has everything you ever want to know about style. When in doubt, or if you get conflicting stylistic advice, following The Chicago Manual of Style is your best choice.
This is another useful book written for publishing (computer) scientists.
This is a useful article that teaches scientists how to write single sentences and paragraphs.
Generally useful advice that also applies to other networking conferences.